What to Do if You Fail Your Extended Essay?

What to Do if You Fail Your Extended Essay?

Introduction – What is an Extended Essay and Its Importance

An extended essay is a type of written assignment that students are required to complete for their high school diploma. It can be written on any subject and is typically 4000 words or more in length. An EE must contain a research question as well as evidence that supports the student’s argument.

This type of essay is an important part of the high school education process, as it requires students to demonstrate their understanding of the material they have learned throughout their studies. It also helps students build important analytical, researching, writing and problem-solving skills. These skills will benefit them in their future academic and professional careers.

Given the importance of passing an EE successfully, it is essential for students to understand how to write an effective one. This guide will provide students with a step-by-step plan to prepare for and write an EE, and offer useful tips on how to make sure their paper is properly structured and formatted.

What to do if you fail your extended essay?

Setting up a Plan

Writing an extended essay can be a daunting task, so it’s important to have a plan for tackling it. An effective plan consists of setting realistic goals and deadlines, as it will help you organize your thoughts and write the essay without feeling overwhelmed. Here are some steps to create your own effective plan:

  • Estimate the time needed to complete the essay.
  • Brainstorm what topics you would like to cover in the essay.
  • Organize your ideas and research material.
  • Set achievable goals and deadlines.
  • Allocate enough time for editing and proofreading.

Having a plan for tackling the essay is a great way to stay organized and ensure that you can finish it on time. It also helps to prevent moments of panic and disorganization. Set specific goals such as completing your first draft of the essay in two weeks and the final version in four weeks. It is essential to set realistic deadlines as it will help you make good progress and stop procrastinating.

Sticking to a plan will not only help you effectively write the essay, but also build self-discipline. So make sure to create an achievable plan with realistic goals and deadlines while writing your extended essay.

Gather Research Material

When writing your extended essay, it is essential to research the topic thoroughly. This means gathering relevant material from various sources like books, online articles, magazines, blogs etc to support your arguments and thesis.

When looking for information, make sure you are finding credible sources of knowledge. It’s advisable to consult experts in the field for advice, or even check out the library for relevant material. Additionally, always be on the lookout for current trends or developments related to your topic.

If you’re using electronic sources such as websites, search engines or blogs, take into consideration their credibility as well. Stick to sources with a proven track record and always look out for updated information to ensure your work is up-to-date.

Additionally, don’t forget that you can also use non-electronic sources like interviews, journals, newspapers and personal contacts to gather information. These sources offer more reliable material than the internet, however they do take up more time and effort.

Finally, it’s important to cross-check your sources to ensure accuracy and relevance. Make sure all the material you use is backed up by reliable sources to get the best results from your extended essay.

Formulating an Outline for Your Extended Essay

Creating an outline is one of the most important steps for successfully writing an extended essay. An outline helps you to plan the logical flow of your argument by listing down all the key points. It ensures that you stay on track and don’t miss out any important details.

Steps for Formulating an Outline

  • Brainstorm: Take some time to brainstorm ideas and jot down any idea related to the topic you have chosen for your extended essay. This will help you come up with the main idea of your paper and the arguments you want to make.
  • Organize: Once you have a list of ideas, begin to organize them into different categories. Make sure that the categories are related to each other and connected logically.
  • Research: Research is necessary when writing your extended essay. Conduct thorough research and make sure that your data is valid, reliable, and up to date.
  • Create a Thesis: Creating a thesis statement is important as it helps in keeping your essay focused. A thesis statement helps explain your point of view and should be no more than two sentences.
  • Add Sub-points: After you have created the main idea and organized your ideas into categories, you need to add sub-points to each of these categories. This will form the basis of the body of your essay.
  • Lay Down a Structure: Finally, create a structure for your essay. Arrange the points and sub-points in a logical order. This will help you determine the flow of your arguments and ensure that it makes sense.

Writing the Essay

Now that you’ve gathered all your research material, planned and structured your essay, it’s time to put it all down in words. Writing an extended essay is like putting down your thoughts and ideas in a organized way and turning it into a compelling piece of writing.

The process of writing involves taking all the knowledge acquired from the resources, forming your own conclusion and fitting it into the outline created earlier. During the process, it’s important to be concise and straight to the point as your word limit might come up quickly. Your sentences must flow smoothly from one another and you must create logical connections between different passages.

In order to make sure your essay is easy to understand and follows an effective structure, you must use good transitions. This will help maintain the flow of your essay and create an effective argument. Additionally, you can check out some examples of extended essays to get an idea about the structure and formatting. The examples will also help you learn what kind of language and tone you should use.

Once your essay is complete, you’ll have to go through it multiple times to make sure there are no errors or mistakes. Consider getting your essay reviewed by a friend or mentor who can help you identify any possible areas of improvement.

Writing your extended essay can be a daunting task, however, with adequate planning and effort you are sure to succeed. Put in all your hard work, stay focused and you’ll produce something extraordinary.

Structuring and formatting is an important step in writing an extended essay. It is used to make the essay look more pleasing and organized. Aesthetics play an important role in making sure the essay reads well and is easy on the eyes.

The first step in structuring and formatting your extended essay is proper organization of ideas. You should divide your essay into sections with each section addressing a particular point in your argument or explanation. This will create a clear and logical flow throughout your essay.

The next step is to use the right font size and type for your essay. Using a slightly larger font size for headings and section titles will help make the essay easier to read. Make sure to also choose a font type that is readable and professional.

Your extended essay should also have proper indentation and spacing. Leaving a 1-inch margin all around your pages will make it easier for the reader to follow your thoughts. Indenting the beginning of paragraphs and sentences will also help differentiate one thought from the other.

Finally, you need to ensure that the structure and format of your essay satisfy the instructions and guidelines provided by your examiner. Be sure to include formatting styles such as bold, italics and underline where necessary, and present the essay in a legible and organized manner.

Overall, structuring and formatting your extended essay is essential to ensuring that you present a professional, well-organized and legible essay. Following the tips mentioned above will help ensure that not only is your essay aesthetically pleasing but also that it follows the guidelines and instructions provided by the examiner.

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Editing & Proofreading

After you have written the extended essay, it is important to check it for grammar and other errors before submitting it. Editing and proofreading are essential components of any writing process as they help your work look neat and professional.

Checking for Grammar Errors

Grammar errors are the most common mistakes students make while writing an extended essay. It is important to use correct grammar as it makes your essay look more organized and concise. Read through your essay carefully and pay attention to the structure of your sentences, punctuation marks, verb tenses, and proper nouns. Pay special attention to any tricky words and phrases that may not be grammatically correct.

Proofreading for Other Types of Errors

In addition to checking for grammar errors, you should also proofread your essay for any typos, misspellings, and factual inaccuracies. Make sure that what you’ve written is factually correct and in line with the guidelines mentioned by your institution. Additionally, check for any redundancies or unnecessary information so you can cut them out.

Getting Professional Help with Editing & Proofreading

If you’re having difficulty identifying and correcting your mistakes, consider hiring a professional editor or proofreader. They have the expertise to help you polish your essay into the best version of itself.

Overall, editing and proofreading are key to writing an effective extended essay. Taking the time to read and edit your work will help you produce the best version of your essay and improve your chances of passing the exam.

Preparing Your Conclusion

Writing a conclusion for your extended essay is an important step in the process. It should provide a summary of your research and arguments, leaving the readers with a sense of closure.

When preparing your conclusion, you should begin by going through the main points made throughout your essay. Here, you will outline the key arguments and findings of your essay.

When summarizing your points, it can be helpful to ask yourself questions such as: What have I argued? What evidence have I used to support my argument? What are the implications of the conclusion I have reached? This can help you to construct a thorough conclusion.

You should also strive to make your conclusion engaging and thought-provoking. Your conclusion should restate the thesis statement from your introduction, as well as hinting at potential new research or topics related to the subject matter. This can help to draw the reader in and further reinforce your arguments.

Finally, you should aim to make your conclusion concise. You should avoid introducing new information or overcomplicating the summary of your essay. Instead, you should strive to keep your conclusion brief and clear.

In conclusion, writing a good conclusion for your extended essay is essential for ensuring that your work doesn’t fall flat. It is an opportunity to sum up your main points, while also adding a touch of flair. To this end, you should be sure to include a concise summary of your essay as well as a thought-provoking final statement.

Have a Peer Review

It’s important to have a second pair of eyes review your work. Inviting someone else to proofread your extended essay and provide feedback can be invaluable in improving the quality of your work. This person should be someone that you trust will provide honest and constructive criticism.

When selecting someone to review your paper, make sure that they have the necessary expertise and knowledge to provide meaningful feedback. Such a person could be a professor, a tutor, a mentor, or even a trusted peer. Having someone with a good understanding of the subject matter is crucial to producing a well-written extended essay.

The person reviewing your work should go through the essay carefully, paying attention to the arguments, reasoning, evidence, structure and the overall readability. You should also ask them to offer suggestions on any improvements that could be made. Their comments should be taken into account as you revise and refine your extended essay.

Having a peer review your work is an important part of the essay writing process. It helps to ensure that your work has been properly researched, structured and written. Ultimately, it can help you get a better grade when submitting your extended essay.

Put in Extra Effort

If you fail your extended essay, the best way to approach it is to put in extra effort. This means you should use any mistakes or errors in your work as a learning opportunity. You can do this by looking over any feedback you were given or mistakes you may have identified and doing further research to make sure your argument is bulletproof.

You can start by researching any of the topics or arguments that you had included in your essay and making sure they are up-to-date and accurate. Additionally, make sure you are including only reliable sources and citing any facts or figures correctly. This will help you to strengthen the credibility of your essay and make it more convincing.

When you think you are ready, it is important to edit and proofread your extended essay again. This step is crucial to ensure that the language used throughout your essay meets the required standard and the structure of your arguments flows logically. Fixing these mistakes and ensuring all the information included is accurate will help improve the overall quality of your essay.

Finally, once you have completed the necessary changes, it is important to make sure that your essay is formatted correctly and adheres to the required guidelines set by your institution. This is also where you may want to check your work with a peer or even seek professional help if needed.

By putting in extra effort and addressing any mistakes or issues you had in your previous essay, you can give yourself another chance to succeed. Not only that, but you will also have gained valuable knowledge in improving your essay writing skills.

Seeking Help from Experts

If you’re having difficulty with your extended essay, it might be time to reach out for help. One of the best sources of assistance is your institution. Teachers and supervisors there have years of experience in helping students through their extended essays, so they are an excellent resource.

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Whether you need guidance on a particular aspect of the assignment or just want to ask questions, getting in touch with your institution is the right approach. They can provide you with expert advice, as well as tips and tricks to help you as you work through your essay.

Your institution may even offer one-on-one sessions with a supervisor to help you through your essay. This is especially useful if you find yourself stuck on a certain part. Supervisors will be able to talk you through your thoughts and suggest areas where you can make improvements. They can also offer tips and tricks on how to stay organized and motivated throughout the writing process.

Don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Supervisors are there for exactly this reason. Remember, your extended essay doesn’t have to be perfect, but it does need to be good enough to pass, and experts can help make sure that you get there.

Re-submitting Your Extended Essay

If you fail your extended essay, don’t despair! You can always re-submit it after making necessary amendments. Re-submission is the key to success if you want to achieve a good grade.

To get started, first review the feedback from the examination board. If you find that there are things that need to be amended, then it is time to take action. Make sure to revise the paper and make all the required changes.

It is also important to make sure that your corrections are accurate. The exam board will not accept sloppy changes so double check for any mistakes you have made. This can be done by asking someone else to read the revised essay. A different set of eyes may be able to spot something that you have missed.

Once the revision process is complete, you should be ready to re-submit your extended essay to the examination board. Before doing this you should make sure to double check that your re-submission follows all the guidelines and is formatted correctly. This includes making sure it is within the prescribed word limit, has been properly proofread and is presented in an orderly manner.

The last step is to submit your extended essay to the examination board. This can be done by either mailing it to the board or by using an online submission system. Make sure to keep a backup of your work in case something goes wrong with the submission.

Following these steps will help to make sure that your re-submitted extended essay is up to scratch and has a good chance of success. Good luck!

Picture of Valerie Green

Valerie Green

Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.

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