Business Management Extended Essay Topics

Business Management Extended Essay Topics

Business Management Extended Essay Topics

Introduction to Extended Essays

Writing an extended essay is a great opportunity for students to further explore a subject that interests them. It provides an opportunity for independent and in-depth research, allowing students to develop their research skills, creativity, and planning abilities. In business management, the extended essay can provide useful knowledge and insights the student can use to pursue their future academic and professional goals.

Completing an extended essay on a business management subject can be very rewarding. The essay gives students the opportunity to explore a topic in more depth than they would in a traditional classroom setting. Doing so can help them become better critical thinkers and prepare them for the rigorous thinking and research that often comes along with business management studies.

Additionally, writing a business management extended essay gives students an opportunity to develop better communication and writing skills. This can include researching, taking notes, citing sources, outlining, writing, and editing. Through this process, students gain valuable experience in the entire writing process.

The importance and potential of writing a business management extended essay cannot be underestimated. Not only does it provide students with the opportunity to hone their research and writing skills, it also gives them a chance to demonstrate their capacity for deep, meaningful analysis of a business or management concept. This can open up new opportunities for them in their chosen field of study and beyond.

What is an International Baccalaureate Extended Essay?

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Extended Essay is a 4,000-word research piece written during your last two years of high school. This essay is intended to demonstrate your ability to analyze and synthesize information related to a specific topic, while expressing your thoughts and opinions in a clear and organized manner.

The goal of the IB Extended Essay is to challenge students to go beyond the realms of basic coursework and learn how to conduct independent research. The essay requires you to present your own views on the chosen subject, which can range from various areas such as language, philosophy, history, or business management.

The IB Extended Essay is specifically designed for those who are seeking admission into a college or university. It provides universities with a snapshot of your academic potential, as well as a means of gauging your research capabilities. The successful completion of an Extended Essay often serves as a deciding factor when applying for admission into a university program.

The purpose of the IB Extended Essay is to help students gain skills and experiences that can help them prepare for their careers. Through this assignment, students can develop critical thinking and research skills, as well as hone their writing and communication skills.

The IB Extended Essay is aimed at high school students who are looking to enter college or university. It is an opportunity to show off your knowledge, skills, and abilities, as well as demonstrate your commitment to serious study. The successful completion of an Extended Essay can help open doors to top universities around the world, and can provide a strong foundation for future academic success.

List of posible BM EE Topics

  • he impact of corporate social responsibility on brand reputation: A case study of Unilever
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies in the retail industry: A study of Amazon
  • The role of leadership styles in employee motivation and performance: A comparative analysis of Google and Apple
  • The influence of organizational culture on business performance: A case study of Zappos
  • Examining the effects of mergers and acquisitions on company performance: A study of Disney’s acquisition of Pixar
  • The impact of supply chain management on operational efficiency: A case study of Walmart
  • The role of innovation in gaining a competitive advantage: An analysis of Tesla’s business strategy
  • The effects of globalization on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): A study of local businesses in Singapore
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of brand loyalty programs: A case study of Starbucks
  • The influence of corporate governance on financial performance: A comparative study of family-owned vs publicly traded companies
  • The impact of e-commerce on traditional brick-and-mortar stores: A study of the retail industry in the UK
  • The role of human resource management in achieving organizational objectives: A case study of Google
  • The effects of pricing strategies on consumer behavior: An analysis of the airline industry
  • Analyzing the impact of ethical business practices on consumer trust: A case study of Patagonia
  • The influence of social media marketing on brand awareness: A study of the fashion industry
  • Examining the relationship between corporate culture and employee retention: A case study of Netflix
  • The impact of financial management practices on business sustainability: A study of small businesses in Kenya
  • The role of strategic alliances in business growth: An analysis of the pharmaceutical industry
  • The effects of technological advancements on business operations: A case study of the automotive industry
  • Analyzing the impact of marketing segmentation on product positioning: A study of the smartphone industry
  • The influence of consumer behavior on product development: A case study of the food and beverage industry
  • The role of entrepreneurship in economic development: An analysis of start-ups in Silicon Valley
  • The impact of international trade policies on business expansion: A case study of the textile industry in Bangladesh
  • Examining the effectiveness of crisis management strategies: A case study of BP’s response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
  • The influence of employee training and development on organizational performance: A case study of IBM
  • The role of corporate ethics in building consumer trust: An analysis of the financial services industry
  • The impact of environmental sustainability practices on business performance: A case study of IKEA
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of promotional strategies in driving sales: A study of the cosmetics industry
  • The influence of globalization on marketing strategies: A case study of Coca-Cola
  • Examining the role of financial planning in business growth: A study of SMEs in South Africa

Examples of Successful Business Management Extended Essay Topics

Writing an extended essay on a business management topic can be a challenging proposition. To assist you, here are some successful business management extended essay topics to get you started.

Business Strategies

  • An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Mergers and Acquisitions for Enhancing Corporate Performance.
  • The Impact of Political Factors on Business Strategies.
  • An Evaluation of E-commerce Adoption Strategies in Small Businesses.
  • Exploring the Link between Leadership Styles and Corporate Structure.
  • Effectiveness of Corporate Operations Outsourcing Strategies in Developed Nations.


  • Examining the Effects of Online Advertising on Consumer Shopping Habits.
  • The Role of Branding in Sustaining Market Competition.
  • Understanding Customer Loyalty through Market Segmentation.
  • Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Consumer Buying Behavior.
  • An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Online Ads on Local Businesses.

Human Resources

  • A Study of the Impact of Reward Systems on Employee Performance.
  • The Role of Leadership in Building an Effective Team.
  • The Need for Diversity Management in Increasing Employee Retention Rates.
  • The Relationship between Training Practices and Job Satisfaction.
  • An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal Systems.

As you can see, the possibilities for extended essay topics within the field of business management are virtually endless. Before embarking on your extended essay, it is important that you spend some time exploring the various fields and topics discussed above. Doing so will help you choose the most interesting and relevant topic for your essay, as well as providing you with useful background information for further research. Good luck!

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Researching, Writing and Editing a Business Management Extended Essay

Completing an extended essay on a business management subject can be a daunting task. There are many steps involved in the process, as it requires in-depth research and careful planning before writing a single word. It is recommended to break down the process of researching, writing and editing into manageable sections, as this will make the task more attainable.

Step One: Research

The first step of the process should be conducting thorough research on the topic. Finding appropriate sources of information is key for any project and this is especially true for extended essays. Aim for sources such as books, journals, websites and interviews that are relevant to the topic. When researching, identify the main points you want to make and how they are supported by the sources you find.

Step Two: Writing

Next, it is time to start writing. Start by outlining the structure of the essay, which should include an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. Once that is done, craft the opening paragraph which should set the tone for the entire essay. Next, work through each body paragraph, making sure that each one includes a clear thesis statement and ample evidence to support the points being made. Finish it off with a strong conclusion that ties the whole essay together.

Step Three: Editing and Proofreading

Once the body of the essay is complete, it is time to check for any errors. This includes spelling and grammar mistakes, as well as any factual inaccuracies. Ensure that all sources used in the essay are correctly cited as per the chosen style guide. It is also important to read through the essay as a whole, ensuring that there are no logical inconsistencies or repetitions.

Following these steps enables a student to create a well-rounded and accurate extended essay on business management. A strong understanding of the subject matter and the requirements of the extended essay format is essential to successfully completing this task.

Outlining the Benefits of Writing a Business Management Extended Essay

Writing an extended essay on a business management topic can be a rewarding experience. Not only will students gain valuable research and writing skills, but they will also get to explore a subject that interests them personally or professionally. There are many potential benefits associated with successfully completing a business management extended essay.

Improve Research and Writing Skills

One of the primary benefits of writing a business management extended essay is the opportunity to improve research and writing skills. Writing an extended essay requires a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, deep research into the chosen topic, and the ability to effectively communicate one’s findings. This can be a great way to become more confident in researching and writing complex topics.

Gain Valuable Insight

Another benefit is the insight gained into the field of business management. While completing the essay, students will gain valuable knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. This impactful learning experience can make a significant difference in how well a student performs in future studies and career development.

Earn College Credit

Successfully completing an extended essay on a business management topic can also earn college credits. Depending on the school, these credits may be applied towards a college degree, making the essay a valuable time investment for students.

Receive Recognition

Finally, successfully completing an extended essay can result in recognition from faculty or peers. It may also increase the chances of securing a scholarship for college. This can be a great way for students to stand out in their academic pursuits.

In conclusion, there are many potential benefits of writing an extended essay on a business management topic. From improving valuable research and writing skills, to gaining insightful knowledge of the subject, to earning college credits and recognition, this type of essay can be a rewarding endeavor for any student interested in business management.

Impact of an Extended Essay on Academic and Professional Prospects

Completing an extended essay is a must for students looking to gain a solid academic foundation that could benefit them in their future academic and professional endeavors. An extended essay provides the student with an opportunity to develop their research skills, critical and analytical thinking, writing, and communication skills.

Writing an extended essay can be challenging, but it comes with great rewards. Successfully completing an extended essay will be a rewarding experience and will demonstrate to universities and other potential employers that they are capable of independent work, thorough research, and in-depth analysis.

Completing an extended essay can open many doors. It might allow students to gain admission into the university of their choice, or perhaps even secure part-time work, internships, or apprenticeships. As an extended essay can provide proof of student’s academic capabilities, it is an invaluable asset when it comes to pursuing further study and professional opportunities.

An extended essay may have a positive impact not only on academic prospects, but also on a student’s future professional prospects. Even if students don’t go on to higher education, having completed an extended essay still proves invaluable in the job market. Employers are always seeking applicants who can show initiative, and the ability to research, write and analyze information.

Completing an extended essay related to business management can give the student a strong sense of personal achievement, and can open up opportunities to further explore their interest in the topic. It is also a great way to build upon their knowledge base, and may offer the student valuable life lessons in the process.

In conclusion, an extended essay in business management can be a powerful tool that allows students to demonstrate their skills and understanding of the subject matter. It can shape the academic and professional prospects of the student, create new opportunities, and equip them with the skills needed to succeed.

Selecting and Developing Your Topic for a Business Management Extended Essay

Choosing an interesting yet manageable topic for your International Baccalaureate (IB) extended essay on business management is crucial to the success of your paper. An appropriate topic will stimulate your intellectual curiosity, challenge your existing preconceptions while engaging you in meaningful research. While it may seem daunting at first, selecting and developing your topic doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some helpful tips that may make this process a little easier.

Step 1: Brainstorm

First and foremost, you need to come up with interesting ideas related to the subject of business management. The best way to do this is to brainstorm. Think widely, not narrowly. Generate ideas around topics and issues that interest you personally, or that could be of practical value to the broader business world. Consider the latest research, corporate trends, technological breakthroughs, industry challenges, and global developments that could form the basis of your paper.

Step 2: Research

Once you have some ideas, you will need to explore them in more detail. It is important to begin researching each potential topic so that you can narrow down your options and select the one that will best suit your needs. Locate reliable sources of information such as books, journal articles, websites, government reports, and other materials related to your topic. Take notes as you read and synthesize the information that you find into a few key points.

Step 3: Refine your Topic

After researching your possible topics, you should have a better idea of which one will work best for your extended essay. At this point, it’s important to refine your topic in order to make sure it is specific enough to allow you to focus your research and fully develop it within the confines of the essay. Ask yourself questions such as: What gap in the existing literature does my study fill? Is my topic too broad or too narrow?

Step 4: Create a Plan

Once you have finalized your topic, it’s time to create a plan for writing your essay. Outline your argument, decide what type of data you need to support it, and map out your research process. Make sure that this plan outlines each step of the process, from finding sources to creating an argument structure, so that you don’t leave any part of your project incomplete.


Selecting and developing an appropriate topic for your business management extended essay can seem like a difficult task, but it doesn’t have to be! With a little bit of brainstorming, research, and planning, you will be well on your way to writing a rewarding paper. Good luck!

Exploring the Strengths and Weaknesses of Researching and Writing a Business Management Extended Essay

When writing an extended essay related to business management, it is important to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of your work. Knowing both of these will help you to craft a better, more structured essay that meets both academic and professional standards.

One of the main strengths of researching and writing a business management extended essay is that it allows you to explore a subject in much greater depth than regular coursework or essays. You can focus in on a specific theme or component of business management and explore it in detail, going beyond what many other students will achieve with their understanding of the material. It gives you an opportunity to demonstrate a greater level of understanding and analysis that goes above and beyond what is expected in a regular classroom setting.

Another strength is that writing a business management extended essay gives you the chance to flex your creative muscles. You have the freedom to explore and come up with your own ideas and solutions for problems related to the subject. This kind of exploration is essential for problem solving in the business world and can give you an edge over the competition.

On the other hand, there are some weaknesses to consider when researching and writing an extended essay about business management. One of the biggest weaknesses is time management; it’s easy to underestimate the amount of time that a project of this size requires. The key is to break the essay down into manageable chunks and to plan ahead so that you are able to meet deadlines. Another weakness is the research aspect; you need to be sure that you are able to find the right sources of information that are both reliable and relevant to your topic.

When researching and writing a business management extended essay, it’s important to weigh the strengths against the weaknesses in order to create a project that is both high quality and achievable within the given timeframe. With careful planning and research, you can create an extended essay that will set you apart from the rest.

Summarizing the Key Points

Writing an International Baccalaureate Extended Essay on a business management subject can be a challenge, but it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences of your academic life. This essay encourages you to explore a particular topic in-depth and to express your ideas and opinions on the matter.

The research process for your extended essay is incredibly important. You must make sure that you are gathering information from reliable and credible sources. In addition, it’s important to choose a topic that interests you and allows you to demonstrate your writing skills.

As you read through your research, pay close attention to the main ideas and arguments presented by the authors. You should identify and review the evidence used to support these claims. In the end, it’s important to draw your own conclusions based on what you’ve discovered.

When writing your extended essay, you should use proper formatting and structure to make sure that your essay is well organized and readable. Most importantly, make sure to proofread and edit your work for mistakes before submitting it for assessment.

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Taking the Next Step with a Business Management Extended Essay

Writing an International Baccalaureate Extended Essay on a subject related to business management is an excellent way to explore different career opportunities and develop key skills needed in the world of work. By researching, planning and writing an effective extended essay, you can gain the knowledge and confidence necessary to find a job related to your interests.

It is also a great way to learn more about yourself and assess your individual strengths and weaknesses, as well as discover new ideas, methods, and ways of thinking that are applicable in the business world. Once your extended essay is completed, you will have developed a much better understanding of how to apply these ideas and concepts in real-world situations.

The next step towards achieving a career in business management is to make sure you have a clear understanding of the job market. Research potential positions and roles that would be suitable for you and which could leverage the skills you have acquired from your extended essay. Take the time to network with professionals and build relationships within the industry to help increase your opportunities.

It is important to always be learning, so make sure you continue to read and keep up to date on topics such as marketing, finance, economics, and other subjects related to business management. Additionally, try to stay ahead of the curve by attending workshops and seminars or taking classes to deepen your knowledge.

Finally, take the time to craft a resume and cover letter that highlight your extended essay experience. You can also include any additional activities you have done to further your knowledge in the field, such as internships, volunteer experience, and trainings. By highlighting these experiences, you can demonstrate your commitment and dedication to pursuing a career in business management.

Resources and Further Reading Materials for Business Management Extended Essay Topics

When researching business management extended essay topics, there are a number of resources and further reading materials that can provide helpful information and tools. Some of these are provided by educational bodies, while others are available from external organizations and professionals.

One of the first places to start is the International Baccalaureate (IB) website or its online platform, MyIB. MyIB provides official resources such as an instructor’s manual, student’s workbook, and assessment criteria guides. Other resources on the IB website include a library of extended essay exemplars, marking guidance, and a list of suggested websites for further research.

Additionally, universities often provide excellent resources for researching business management extended essays. Many universities offer free lectures, papers, and tutorials related to various topics in business management. The university library can also provide access to countless valuable books and journals.

The internet is an indispensable tool for finding other resources and information related to business management extended essays. There are numerous websites and blogs dedicated to business topics, as well as forums and discussion boards where students can connect with industry experts and post their questions.

Finally, professors in the field of business management are great sources of information. They normally have a wide range of experience in the subject matter, and they can provide valuable advice to students working on their extended essay.

By utilizing all these resources, students will be well-equipped to begin researching and writing their business management extended essay. With the right approach and dedication, their extended essay can become an invaluable learning experience that can benefit them throughout their future academic and professional career.

The Value of Business Management Extended Essays

Writing an extended essay on a business management topic can provide invaluable insight into the world of commerce and industry. It is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their research and writing skills, as well as an outlet for exploring their interests in the business field. A successful extended essay will demonstrate a student’s ability to identify and analyse potential problems, design solutions, and effectively communicate those solutions.

By completing an extended essay on a business management topic, students can gain valuable experience in researching, analysing, and communicating complex ideas. This experience can help them build upon their knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of the business world. The essays can also help them to develop their critical thinking, which is an important skill when it comes to making decisions related to business and finance.

Completing a business management extended essay can also give students the chance to enhance their resume and apply the skills they have learned to future academic and professional opportunities. It is an excellent way to demonstrate their commitment to developing their professional growth and knowledge.

Overall, the value of researching and writing a business management extended essay cannot be overstated. Not only does it provide essential learning experiences, but it also offers the opportunity to stand out from the crowd and demonstrate skills that can help one’s future academic and professional ambitions.

FAQs About Business Management and International Baccalaureate Extended Essay Topics

  • Q: What is the purpose of an extended essay on business management topics?
    A: The purpose of an extended essay on business management topics is to develop research and writing skills in addition to acquiring knowledge and understanding within a specific subject.
  • Q: Who is an International Baccalaureate Extended Essay meant for?
    A: International Baccalaureate Extended Essays are high-level researched essays written by students who are looking to pursue higher education at the International Baccalaureate level.
  • Q: What are some successful topics related to business management?
    A: Some successful topics related to business management include the changing economic trends in the global market, new innovative strategies for business growth, financial management of small to medium-sized enterprises and current challenges and opportunities in corporate governance.
  • Q: What steps should be taken when researching and writing a business management extended essay?
    A: When researching and writing a business management extended essay, steps such as researching your topic, formulating a thesis statement, creating an outline of your main points, drafting the essay, revising and editing the essay, and referencing sources should all be taken.
  • Q: What are the potential rewards of completing a business management extended essay?
    A: Completing a business management extended essay has its potential rewards, such as enhancing research and writing skills, developing knowledge in the chosen area of study, preparing for highlighted career prospects, as well as personal satisfaction from completing the essay.
  • Q: What kind of impact does a successful extended essay have on future academic and professional prospects?
    A: A successful extended essay can have a positive impact on future academic and professional prospects, such as an increased chance at admission into high-level universities and increased job prospects due to the acquisition of research and writing skills.
  • Q: How can I choose and develop an appropriate topic for a business management extended essay?
    A: Choosing and developing an appropriate topic for a business management extended essay involves doing research and having a clear understanding of the broad area of study in order to narrow down possible topics. It also involves considering if there is enough material to properly research and discuss and analyzing the impact that the topic has on work and career prospects.
  • Q: What are the strengths and weaknesses associated with researching and writing a business management extended essay?
    A: Strengths associated with researching and writing a business management extended essay include enhancing research and writing skills, developing knowledge in the chosen area of study, and gaining personal satisfaction from completing the essay. Weaknesses could include difficulty in researching or finding content, lack of interest or enthusiasm for the subject matter, and difficulty in meeting the set deadlines.
  • Q: What steps should I take next once I complete an extended essay on a business management topic?
    A: Once you complete an extended essay on a business management topic, you can take the next step by actively pursuing a career related to the subject, such as attending a higher education institution to receive a degree in business management.
  • Q: Where can I find resources and reading materials related to the two target search terms?
    A: Resources and reading materials related to the two target search terms can be found through online searches, library databases, scholarly journals, university websites and other relevant sources.
Picture of Valerie Green

Valerie Green

Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.

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