Biology Extended Essay Topics
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The International Baccalaureate Extended Essay is an in-depth research paper completed by students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. Students are tasked with writing a 4,000-word research paper on a topic related to a subject within the IB curriculum. A successful Extended Essay requires a lot of hard work and dedication.
When choosing a topic for their Extended Essay, students must be sure to select topics that relate to one of the six supervisory subject areas. One of these supervisory subject areas is Biology. Topics within Biology can range from the effects of a changing environment on species, to how certain lifestyle choices affect particular diseases.
In order to ensure that their Extended Essay is successful, students should recognize the importance of thoroughly researching any potential topic ideas and adhering to the IB’s guidelines. Improper research or referencing, lack of clarity, or an unfocused topic could result in an unsuccessful essay that fails to meet the expectations of the IB.
Overview of the Research Process
Writing an International Baccalaureate Extended Essay requires research and planning. To ensure your EE is successful and meets all requirements, it’s important to think about your approach to the research process. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you create an outstanding IB EE.
Step One: Brainstorm and Select a Topic
Start by brainstorming potential topics related to the subject you are exploring. Choose something that interests you and will make for a compelling essay. Once you have narrowed down your list, do some preliminary research to make sure there is enough information available to support your choice. Keep in mind that any topic you select must have a clear research question.
Step Two: Determine Your Resources
Identify reliable sources of information you can use to support your argument. Consider academic journals, books, online databases, and interviews with experts. Depending on your topic, primary sources may be available, including scientific studies and surveys.
Step Three: Write a Proposal
Before you begin writing your EE, develop a detailed proposal. This should include the research question, hypothesis if applicable, proposed methods and analysis, and a timeline for completion. Once you have written your proposal, it should be reviewed and approved by your teacher or supervisor.
Step Four: Do the Research
After you have chosen your topic and outlined a research plan, it’s time to begin researching. Make sure you keep track of your sources so you can cite them in the essay. Also use this time to take notes and organize your data. Take advantage of databases, software programs, and any other tools available to help you collect and analyze information.
Step Five: Write Your Paper
Now it’s time to begin writing your Biology EE. Think carefully about how you want to structure your essay and what information you want to include. Be sure to provide evidence to support your arguments and cite your sources throughout. As you are writing, review your work and make sure you are on the right track.
Step Six: Edit & Revise
Once you have finished writing, take some time to review your essay. Read through it several times, looking for any mistakes or inconsistencies. Make sure your essay is clear, concise, and logically structured. Finally, check all citations and references to make sure they are accurate.
Follow this Guide for Successful Research and Writing
Writing a successful IB EE requires careful research and thoughtful writing. Follow these steps to ensure your essay meets all IB requirements and that your research is thorough and effective. Good luck!
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Advice for Selecting Biology Extended Essay Topics
When it comes to selecting topics for your biology extended essays, it can be difficult to know where to start. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some general topics and ideas that you can use as inspiration to get started.
Animals are a great starting point for biology research. You could look into the behavior and biology of particular species, the effects of human actions on them, and more. Some topic ideas may include:
- Effects of diet on the behavior of cats
- The effects of deforestation on wild bird populations
- The impact of invasive species on local ecosystems
- A study of the reproductive habits of elephants
Just like animals, plants can provide an amazing source of research material. You could look at the biology of a particular species, the effects of the environment on growth, and much more. Here are some topic ideas:
- Crop diversification and its effect on yield
- The effects of air pollution on plant growth
- The use of chemicals in agriculture and their impact
- A study of the evolution of particular plant species
Genetics and Evolution
Genetics and evolution are incredibly fascinating and important fields of study. You could research the genetics of particular species, their evolutionary history, and more. Some topic ideas include:
- The evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria
- The genetic basis of human diseases
- Adaptation strategies in plants
- The role of genetic mutations in evolution
As you can see, there is no shortage of exciting and interesting topics to choose from when it comes to biology extended essays. So pick your favorite and get researching!
Cognition and Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease is a common, incurable brain disorder that causes problems with memory and thinking. It gradually worsens over time, and can affect multiple areas of the brain. Understanding cognition, or the processes involved in learning and information processing, is important for researching and understanding the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.
The cognitive processes affected by Alzheimer’s are varied and complex. Some of the changes include difficulty with memory, language, reasoning, decision-making, and problem solving. People with Alzheimer’s also experience changes in their sense of time and space, and have difficulty recognizing familiar faces and places.
Because of the complex nature of Alzheimer’s, there are many interesting potential topics for an IB extended essay in biology. For example, students may wish to explore various treatment options for Alzheimer’s, such as medications, therapies, and lifestyle changes. Additionally, students could research methods for preventing cognitive decline and the development of Alzheimer’s, including diet and exercise, sleep, and stress management. Other possible topics could include exploring how Alzheimer’s affects the family, the economic impact of the disease, and the effects of different types of care on quality of life.
When writing an IB extended essay about Alzheimer’s disease, it is important to research the topic thoroughly, as there is a lot of information available about this complex disorder. Students should review the neurological basics of Alzheimer’s, and think carefully about what aspect of it they would like to research further. With the right research, students can write an informative and well-researched IB extended essay on cognition and Alzheimer’s disease.
Cancer: Its Causes and Treatment
Cancer is a serious disease with many possible causes. Knowing the basics of cancer can help us answer important research questions about it. Let’s explore the biology behind this condition and the possible research questions that could be asked.
Cancer is caused by abnormal cells in the body. These cells grow and divide at an abnormally high rate, often invading surrounding tissue and spreading to different parts of the body. The exact cause of cancer is still unknown, but it is thought to be caused by a combination of various factors such as genetics, lifestyle, diet, and environmental exposure.
One of the most important aspects of researching cancer is understanding the treatment options that are available. In general, there are three main treatment methods: surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Surgery involves removing the tumor or affected area of the body; radiation therapy uses high-energy x-rays or other forms of radiation to kill cancer cells; and chemotherapy involves using drugs to destroy cancer cells. Depending on the type and stage of cancer, one or more of these treatments may be used.
Now that we’ve explored the biology behind cancer and looked at the treatment options, let’s look at some of the research questions that could be asked in an IB Extended Essay on this topic. Here are just a few examples:
- What role does environment play in the development of cancer?
- How does chemotherapy work and what are its side effects?
- What are the most effective treatments for different types of cancer?
- What are the long-term impacts of radiation therapy?
These are only a few of the potential research questions that could be asked about cancer. With the right topic and research plan, an IB Extended Essay on this subject can make an interesting and informative paper.
The Human Genome Project: An Overview
The Human Genome Project (HGP) was a worldwide project initiated in the early 1990’s to map and sequence the entire human genome. It was the largest and most complex biological project ever attempted.
The HGP was important for many reasons, especially for the advancement of medical science. By having the full sequence of the human genome, scientists are able to research and understand genetic disorders, develop gene-based treatments for diseases, and even look for ways to prevent them.
For those writing an IB Extended Essay in Biology, there are a variety of interesting topics related to the HGP that could offer great potential for in-depth research. Some topics to consider include:
- The evolution of gene sequencing technology as it relates to the HGP
- The impact of the HGP on modern medicine
- The relationship between the HGP and ethical concerns
- The application of the HGP in developing new treatments or cures for genetic disorders
- The current and future implications of the HGP
Including the HGP in your IB EE provides an opportunity to explore some amazing advances in both biology and technology. You can review the basics of the project, research the latest developments, and form your own opinion on the current and future implications of this remarkable venture.
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What is Genetic Engineering?
Genetic engineering uses techniques such as gene splicing, gene cloning and gene editing to alter an organism’s genetic material. It is a powerful tool that enables scientists to modify existing genes in an organism, or to introduce new genes from another organism. This means that the behavior, characteristics and physical appearance of organisms can be altered.
Potential PItfalls of Genetic Engineering
Despite the potential benefits of genetic engineering, there are also some potential risks and dangers involved. One of the main concerns is that, if not properly regulated, genetically modified organisms could pose a threat to the environment. For example, GM crops could cross-breed with wild plants, potentially creating organisms that are resistant to certain herbicides or pesticides, which could disrupt the natural balance of a given ecosystem.
In addition, there is the potential for unintended consequences, such as increased susceptibility to disease, new allergies, and production of toxins by organisms that were not intended to do so. There is also the concern that genetic engineering could be used to create biological weapons, or to manipulate the human genome.
Benefits of Genetic Engineering
Despite the potential risks, there are many potential benefits of genetic engineering. For instance, it can be used to develop plants and animals that are more resilient and produce higher yields, allowing us to make more efficient use of our land and resources. It can also be used to develop treatments and cures for diseases, or to improve the quality and quantity of food available to people.
Finally, genetic engineering can be used to develop new methods of energy production, and to create more environmentally friendly ways of producing energy. For these reasons, it is important to consider all aspects of genetic engineering before implementing it for real-world applications.
Environmental Health: How the Environment Impacts Our Health
As humans, our health is impacted by the environment we live in. What we eat, how much exercise we get, the air we breathe, and the places we live all have an effect on our physical and mental well-being. When it comes to environmental health, there are a variety of topics you can research and write about for your IB Extended Essay.
In general, environmental health studies the ways that humans interact with the environment and how that affects us both positively and negatively. Specifically, this field of study examines how air pollution, water pollution, poor sanitation, climate change, and other issues affect human health. It also looks at how human behaviors, such as burning fossil fuels and changing land use, contribute to environmental degradation.
When researching environmental health, you might focus on one particular issue or look at the interaction between multiple environmental factors and their effects on human health. A few possible areas of research are:
- Air pollution and its effects on respiratory health
- Water contamination and its impact on health
- The effect of climate change on human health
- The relationship between food production and nutrition
- Impact of deforestation on human health
- Environmental toxins and their effect on human health
Researching and writing about environmental health for your IB Extended Essay can be a great way to learn more about this important topic and offer practical solutions to improve human wellbeing. To ensure your essay is successful, make sure to research your topic thoroughly, provide evidence to support your claims, and use the correct format for your essay. Good luck!
Pollution and Climate Change
Pollution is all around us and can be very dangerous to human health. It is important for us to understand what pollution is and how it affects our environment. Pollution is when something is released into the air, water, or land that isn’t naturally found in those places. Pollution can come from things like factories, car exhaust, and burning wood. Pollution not only affects the environment, but it also can cause health problems for humans. For example, breathing in polluted air can cause asthma and other respiratory problems.
Climate change is another environmental issue that we are facing and it is mainly caused by excessive amounts of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a gas that traps heat and makes the earth warmer. This is known as the “greenhouse effect” and it is leading to an overall average rise in global temperature. This means that weather patterns are becoming less predictable, snow and ice are melting at an unprecedented rate, and sea levels are rising due to increased melting of polar ice caps.
These issues can make great topics for an IB Extended Essay (EE). When researching these topics, you could look into the way that pollution affects animals, the economic effects of climate change, or the public policy surrounding these issues. You could also explore the ways that governments, corporations, and citizens can work together to reduce their carbon footprint and lessen the impact of climate change.
In researching and writing an EE topic related to pollution and climate change, it is important to focus on one particular aspect of the issue and look at it in detail. Make sure that you provide enough evidence to support your claims and cite relevant sources. Above all, remember that these are important global issues that deserve thoughtful research and consideration.
Immunology and Vaccines
Immunology is the study of how our bodies protect us from foreign invaders. Vaccines are one way that our bodies are able to build up a resistance to certain diseases. When our body comes in contact with an invader, such as a virus, our immune system works hard to fight it off. Vaccines are a way to give our body a head start, so that if we do come into contact with a virus, our bodies will already have some of the tools needed to fight it off quickly.
Vaccines work by introducing a weak form of the virus into our body so that our immune system can build up a resistance to it. When we are exposed to the same virus in our daily lives, our immune system is ready to defend us. Vaccine research is an important part of immunology and is often used to test out new vaccines or find ways to make existing ones more effective.
When it comes to choosing a topic for an IB Extended Essay in biology, considering the research around vaccines is a great place to start. There are several different interesting topics to explore when it comes to the science behind vaccines, such as how they work, their effectiveness, and how different populations respond to them. Additionally, looking into potential risks associated with vaccines, or looking at how different countries approach vaccine research and development, can all be good ideas for an EE in biology.
By doing research on immunology and vaccines, students can gain a better understanding of how our bodies protect us from disease, as well as the current state of vaccine research. With this knowledge, students can develop a better understanding of the importance of vaccines and the need for continued research into making them even more effective.
Example Biology EE Topics and Rubrics
When it comes to writing an IB Extended Essay (EE) in the field of Biology, there is no shortage of topics. It’s important to find a topic that you are interested in and can explore thoroughly. To get you started, we have put together a few example topics and rubrics to help guide you.
Genetics and Heredity
This topic could cover anything from the history of genetics to researching certain diseases that are inherited. You could look at the differences between monozygotic and dizygotic twins and the impact of heredity on the development of certain behavioral traits. You could also look into the role of genetic fundamentalism in modern society and its effects on public policy.
Human Evolution
A great topic to explore is the evolution of humans and how that has impacted biological diversity on our planet. You could look into the development of bipedalism and its influence on the human anatomy. You could also investigate the development and spread of Homo sapiens over the last 200,000 years and how it has impacted the environment.
Drugs and Medicine
The impact of drugs and medicines on the human body is a fascinating topic to explore. You could look into the development of antibiotics and the ways in which they have changed the landscape of modern medicine. You could also examine the effects of various prescription and recreational drugs on the human body and mind.
Once you have identified a suitable topic for research, it’s important to develop the right rubric. Rubrics are the criteria by which an EE will be judged and graded. Generally, they include elements such as the introduction, body, conclusion, research methodology, and references. Make sure you have all the necessary parts included, and that you are following the assessment guidelines of your school or university.
An IB Extended Essay in Biology can be a rewarding and challenging experience. With the right topic and rubric, you can make a lasting impression and gain valuable insights into the world of biology. Good luck!
The IB Extended Essay (EE) is an important part of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. To write a successful EE, students must select an appropriate topic, develop a research question, and use proper research methods. In this guide, we reviewed the requirements for IB Biology Extended Essays and provided prompts, advice, and examples to help jumpstart your research process.
It is critical that you thoroughly research any potential EE topic before committing to writing an essay. Consider the subject’s relevance, potential research resources, and available data. Additionally, take time to familiarize yourself with the structure and formatting criteria for the Biology EE.
If you need additional help, there are resources available through the school various or the International Baccalaureate Organization. Be sure to talk to your teachers, librarians, and other experts for further guidance. By dedicating time and effort to your research, you can create an engaging, informative extended essay on a biology-related topic.
Valerie Green
Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.
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