Please note, that this page contains a list of recommendations and definitions our company operates while processing your request. Failure to follow or improper following of these recommendations may directly affect your refund request.

For the convenience of our customers, we have also made a list of valid reasons for a refund.

Please, carefully study the following before you make any purchase:

#1. Definitions and Recommendations

  • • Initial Instructions
  • • Quality Paper
  • • Low Quality Paper
  • • Required Time
  • • Extremely Urgent Order
  • • Complicated Order

#2. Requesting Refund

#3. Procedure and Terms of Request Processing

#4. Reasons for Refund

  • • Low Quality of Work
  • • Writer Late with the Order
  • • Identical Orders
  • • Charged Twice
  • • Order Cancelation
  • • Work Not Done

#1. Definitions and Recommendations

Initial Instructions is information that you specify in the application form and submit to our database after completing a purchase. To see the application form, go to

If there are any file(s) to be attached to the order, you must attach them while filling the order or within shortest time (10-20 minutes) in your account right after the payment.

Files, uploaded after the specified time, will not be considered as initial instructions, unless it has been previously agreed with our Support Service via Live Chat or\and via email.

If your order falls into category of Extremely Urgent and\or Complicated Order, we strongly suggest to upload all the necessary materials within 10 minutes. Otherwise the writer may not meet your quality expectations due to the lack of time for completing the work.

We strongly recommend you to provide detailed instructions on your paper, including features (if any) specific precisely for your paper, like:

  • • Unique structure of a paper
  • • Specific sources
  • • Specific terminology
  • • Specific clichés and speech patterns
  • • Other specific information

If for certain papers your institution/instructor has a unique established writing form, specific and/or uncommon, you will have to provide us with all significant information, the lack of which may prevent us from completing your order fully or partially.

In case your type of paper requires specific sources you are incapable to provide, you must inform our managers about this via Live Chat or email.

In case you don’t provide us with all the necessary information, we reserve the right to:

  • • decline your order and return 70% of the price
  • • use the alternative information sources, the list of which shall be sent to the email, specified in your application form

Quality Paper is a plagiarism free paper completed in compliance with the Initial Instructions by an expert writer from scratch, experienced and\or with a Degree in the subject field you chose.

Low Quality Paper is a paper that fails to comply with the Initial Instructions or completed by a non-expert writer in the chosen subject field and/or that has received a negative review (point/mark). The paper is also considered to be of a low quality if the percentage of plagiarism exceeds an accessible amount.

Required Time – to complete one page of a text successfully, writers usually need approximately one hour.

Time is allocated to:

  • • order details redirection to the writer – 10 minutes
  • • order details analysis – 10 minutes
  • • information research – 10 minutes
  • • writing 250-275 words – 20 minutes
  • • plagiarism and grammar check – 10 minutes

Extremely Urgent Order is an order which is expected to be completed within amount of time less than it’s critical to write a high quality paper.

Complicated Order – there are types of papers that require more than just required time to be completed. This includes calculations, graph plotting, tests conduct, graphics application, special software use, deep analysis conduct (for more than three extra sources and/or more than three sources and/or extensive sources (books)).

Please note, that if your order falls into category of Extremely Urgent and/or Complicated Order, the writer will have to partially/completely exclude one/several paragraphs required for a successful paper completion, thereby the paper may not meet high standards of quality and your expectations.

#2. Requesting Refund

To request refund, you need to do as follows:

Send an email to titled “Refund Request | Order “your order number” attaching all the necessary items to process your request as follows:

  • list of reasons for declining Free Revision
  • list of inaccuracies supported by your arguments in this regard
  • your paper graded by your instructor/tutor/professor or with your personal remarks and marked out controversial passages
  • print screens of you and your instructor discussing your paper
  • print screen of your personal student account confirming your grade for the paper
  • plagiarism report from a reliable source (Turnitin, PlagScan, CopyScape)
  • Confirmation from your instructor\authorized official that plagiarism percentage exceeds an acceptable level and that the information has indeed been plagiarized and and not quoted, cited or used as a reference.

If you are incapable or there is no need to provide all of the above, our company is ready to consider your request if you can provide a detailed description of the problem, point at the exact inaccuracies, support your reasons with references to the reliable sources.

#3. Procedure and Terms Of Request Processing

After receiving and confirming your request, it will take us from 5 to 20 business days to process it.

If necessary, our manager will contact you through the contacts specified in your application form.

As soon as the processing of your request is complete, you will be sent an email with the conclusion on its follow-up.

#4. Refund Reasons

a) Low Quality of Work

In case our company has delivered a Low Quality Paper, you can ask for a Free Revision, full (100%) or partial refund (30%-50%-70%) within 14 days after your paper has been uploaded to our system by the writer and sent to your email, stated in the application form.

In case order falls into category of Extremely Urgent and\or Complicated Order, only partial refund is possible (30% / 50%), if your paper has been graded E/F or has received less than 50 points, depending on your grading system.

b) Writer Late with the Order

In case for any reason our company misses your paper delivery deadline, you can request for a partial refund of 20% of the price, unless it has been previously agreed with our Support Service and the acceptable time limit has been exceeded as follows:

  • • no more than 20 min for 5 hours orders
  • • no more than 40 min for 8 hours orders
  • • no more than 60 min for 16 hours orders
  • • no more than 2 hours for 24 hours orders
  • • no more than 4 hours for 48 hours orders
  • • no more than 8 hours for 5 days orders
  • • no more than 18 hours for 10 days orders
  • • no more than 28 hours for 30 days orders

In this case, you can ask for a full refund only before the final paper has been sent to you via email, chat etc.

c) Identical Orders

If for any reason you have placed two identical orders, you can request a full refund for one of them at any time.

d) Charged Twice

If for any reason you have been charged twice for the same order, you can request a full refund for one of the orders at any time by providing a Transaction ID.

e) Order Cancelation

In this regard, you can ask for a refund only before the paper has been sent to you.

If a chosen term falls into category of Extremely Urgent Orders (5 hours | 8 hours | 16 hours | 24 hours | 48 hours), you can get a full refund if a request for cancelling an order has been sent via Live Chat or email within 10 minutes after the payment have been completed.

As for the 5-14 days urgency orders, you can get a full refund if a request for cancelling an order has been sent via Live Chat or email within 3 hours after the payment have been completed.

In case your request was sent after the above stated period, you can still get 20%-50% refund depending on your time and the urgency period.

f) Work Not Done

If for any reason our company is incapable to complete your order, you will get a 100% refund.

Our company is always ready to meet wishes and demands of our customers, and is willing to contribute towards resolving conflict situations.