Philosophy Extended Essay Topics

Philosophy Extended Essay Topics

Welcome to the world of philosophy extended essay topics! The study of philosophy allows us to dive deep into questions about the nature of existence, reality, knowledge, morality, and much more. In this guide, we will explore how to choose a meaningful topic for your philosophy extended essay that aligns with your interests and sparks your intellectual curiosity.

Choosing the right topic is crucial because it sets the foundation for your essay. A meaningful philosophy topic not only captivates your readers but also allows you to engage in a thoughtful exploration and analysis of philosophical concepts. It gives you the opportunity to take a stance, develop a convincing argument, and showcase your understanding of complex philosophical ideas.

So, how do you come up with such a topic? One effective way is by brainstorming and generating ideas. Reflect on your interests, the philosophical questions that pique your curiosity, and the issues you find intellectually stimulating. Consider the branches of philosophy, such as metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, logic, aesthetics, and political philosophy, to see if any specific area catches your attention.

Within each of these branches, there are numerous potential essay topics waiting to be explored. For instance, in metaphysics, you could delve into the nature of consciousness or the problem of free will. In ethics, you might examine the concept of moral relativism or analyze ethical theories like utilitarianism or deontology. The possibilities are endless!

As you develop your essay topic, make sure to utilize philosophical theories and concepts. Analyze key philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, and Nietzsche, among others, and incorporate their thoughts and ideas into your examination. This not only adds depth to your essay but also showcases your ability to apply philosophical principles in a meaningful way.

Throughout this guide, we will provide in-depth analyses of popular philosophy extended essay topics, exploring their key arguments and insights. Additionally, we will discuss how to conduct thorough research and find reliable sources to support your ideas. Remember, academia values well-supported arguments.

Finally, we will offer guidance on the structure and organization of your philosophy extended essay, including crafting a compelling thesis statement and research question. We will explore how to develop a coherent argument and use logical reasoning to present your ideas effectively. Lastly, we’ll cover the vital aspects of revising, editing, and ensuring academic integrity in your final essay.

Now that you have a basic understanding of what’s ahead, let’s delve into the fascinating world of philosophy extended essay topics and see what intriguing questions await your exploration!

Philosophy Extended Essay Topics
  1. Exploring the concept of personal identity: A philosophical analysis
  2. The nature of knowledge: Rationalism versus empiricism
  3. The ethical implications of artificial intelligence and automation
  4. An examination of free will and determinism in human behavior
  5. Exploring the philosophy of mind-body dualism
  6. The concept of morality in relation to cultural relativism
  7. An investigation into the nature of consciousness
  8. Exploring the concept of time: A philosophical perspective
  9. An analysis of moral responsibility in a technologically advanced society
  10. The philosophy of language: Meaning, reference, and communication
  11. An examination of existentialism and its impact on personal freedom
  12. The ethical implications of genetic engineering and biotechnology
  13. An analysis of ethical theories: Utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics
  14. The philosophy of aesthetics: Beauty, art, and perception
  15. An investigation into the nature of consciousness and artificial intelligence
  16. Theories of justice: Rawlsian versus libertarian perspectives
  17. The metaphysics of reality: Idealism, materialism, and dualism
  18. An examination of the philosophy of science: Induction, deduction, and falsification
  19. The concept of identity in a globalized world
  20. An analysis of the ethical implications of climate change

Importance and Relevance of Choosing a Meaningful Philosophy Topic

When it comes to writing your philosophy extended essay, the topic you choose plays a crucial role in determining the success and significance of your work. Selecting a meaningful philosophy topic offers several advantages and ensures that your essay is engaging, well-researched, and intellectually stimulating.

1. Personal Interest: Choosing a topic that resonates with your personal interests allows you to stay motivated throughout the writing process. When you are genuinely interested in the subject matter, you are more likely to invest time and effort into conducting thorough research and developing compelling arguments. This passion will shine through in your essay, making it a more enjoyable read for both you and your readers.

2. Intellectual Curiosity: Philosophy centers around questioning the fundamental aspects of existence, ethics, knowledge, and understanding. By selecting a topic that aligns with your intellectual curiosity, you get the opportunity to delve deep into the intricate details and complex theories, expanding your understanding of philosophical concepts.

3. Unique Perspective: Choosing a meaningful philosophy topic gives you the chance to present a unique perspective or argument on an issue. The field of philosophy encourages independent thinking and critical analysis. By selecting a distinctive topic, you can offer fresh insights and contribute to the existing discourse, enriching the broader philosophical community.

4. Relevance and Significance: When choosing a philosophy topic, it is essential to consider its relevance and significance in today’s world. Opting for a topic that addresses current social, ethical, or political dilemmas allows you to explore how philosophical ideas can be applied in practical contexts. Such essays not only demonstrate the timeless nature of philosophical theories but also highlight their real-world implications.

5. Engagement with Branches of Philosophy: Philosophy encompasses various branches, such as metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, and logic. Choosing a topic that corresponds to one of these branches allows you to interact with specific philosophical ideas and theories deeply. This engagement enables you to analyze arguments from different perspectives, enhancing your critical thinking abilities.

By recognizing the importance and relevance of choosing a meaningful philosophy topic, you lay the foundation for a compelling and intellectually satisfying extended essay. Carefully consider your interests, curiosity, and the practical application of your chosen topic while ensuring it aligns with current philosophical scholarship. When you find a topic that ignites your passion and captures the essence of your intellectual pursuits, you set yourself up for a successful and enriching philosophical exploration.

How to brainstorm and generate ideas for your philosophy extended essay

Embarking on your philosophy extended essay journey begins with brainstorming and generating unique ideas, strategies paramount for developing an engaging and exciting essay. Whether you are a novice philosopher or an avid thinker, the following steps will assist you in this crucial initial phase of your philosophical exploration.

  • Start by immersing yourself in the world of philosophy. Dive into thought-provoking literature, engage in meaningful discussions, and attend philosophical events or lectures. This exposure will help immerse you in examining life’s fundamental questions, essentials for generating inspiring essay topics.
  • Consider everyday phenomena that pique your curiosity. Think about the perplexing questions that arise in your daily life, such as ethics of artificial intelligence, the meaning of morality, or the concept of beauty. Reflecting upon these experiences can lead you to exceptional philosophical inquiries.
  • Consult renowned philosophical texts and influential philosophers to gain insights and inspire topic creation. These works can spark your imagination and open doors to unexplored realms of philosophical thought.
  • Engage in dialogue with your peers, teachers, and mentors. Conversations with others interested in philosophy can stimulate contemplation and supplement your own ideas. Sharing perspectives and debating differing opinions can lead to refining your thoughts, ultimately helping you conceive unique essay topics.
  • Consider real-world issues and burning debates, both historical and contemporary. Contemporary topics such as environmental ethics, global justice, or the ethics of biotechnology present opportunities to analyze real-time ethical dilemmas through a philosophic lens.
  • Allow your thoughts to wander freely. Dabble in unconventional and audacious ideas. Exploring abstract concepts or challenging traditional wisdom might uncover intriguing angles for your essay.
  • Think about areas of philosophy that genuinely fascinate you. Consider metaphysics, ethics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, or philosophy of science. Take time to explore these fields deeper and examine potential subtopics that align with your interests.
  • Keep a philosophy journal. Jot down fascinating quotes, observations, and original ideas that strike you. Documenting your ongoing philosophical ponderings ensures that no idea disappears into the realm of forgetfulness and serves as a valuable brainstorming resource.

In the process of brainstorming and generating ideas, remember you are not seeking a definitive solution, but rather, exploring complexities and nuances that arouse curiosity and intellectual stimulation. By combing personal reflection, exposure to philosophical works, engaging conversations, and embracing imaginative thinking, you can unlock a plethora of original and profound themes for your philosophy extended essay.

Exploring different branches of philosophy and their potential essay topics

In the extensive world of philosophy, there are various branches that delve into distinct aspects of human existence and knowledge. Exploring these branches allows you to uncover fascinating philosophical concepts and themes that can serve as potential essay topics for your extended essay.

One prominent branch is Metaphysics, which seeks to understand the fundamental nature of reality and existence. Within this branch, potential essay topics could range from exploring the nature of consciousness and its relationship to the material world, to discussing the existence of free will within a deterministic universe.

Epistemology, another integral branch of philosophy, focuses on the theory of knowledge. Essay topics in this field may include investigating the distinction between justified true belief and knowledge, analyzing the limits of human perception, or examining the role of language and interpretation in our understanding of reality.

Moral philosophy, or Ethics, explores ethical theories and principles that guide human behavior. Essay topics within ethics can involve exploring the relationship between cultural relativism and moral objectivity, debating the concepts of right and wrong in relation to utilitarianism or discussing the consistency of ethical egoism.

The branch of Aesthetics delves into the philosophy of art and beauty. Potential essay topics within aesthetics can include exploring the nature and definitions of art, analyzing the role of emotions in aesthetic experiences, or discussing the extent to which objective judgments can be made about beauty.

Logic is yet another widely studied branch, focusing on reasoning and argumentation. Within logic, potential essay topics may involve discussing the limits and strengths of deductive and inductive reasoning, exploring the concept of logical fallacies, or studying the philosophy of mathematics and its relation to logic.

These are just some examples of the various branches of philosophy and their potential essay topics. Exploring these branches allows you to broaden your knowledge and find a topic that resonates with you. Remember, whatever branch of philosophy you choose to explore, it is essential to dive deep into understanding the concepts and theories that underpin the topic, as this will strengthen the analysis in your extended essay.

Utilizing Philosophical Theories and Concepts in Crafting Your Extended Essay

Welcome to the section that explores how to incorporate philosophical theories and concepts in crafting your philosophy extended essay. In this section, we will discuss the importance of understanding and applying these theories and concepts, and provide practical tips on how to do so effectively.

When writing your extended essay in philosophy, it is vital to showcase your understanding of philosophical theories and concepts. This not only demonstrates your knowledge and engagement with the subject but also enriches the depth and complexity of your essay.

Why is it important?

By utilizing philosophical theories and concepts, you can deepen your analysis and exploration of your chosen topic. These theories often provide frameworks and perspectives through which you can critically examine the key issues and arguments, contributing to a more robust and compelling essay.

Incorporating philosophical theories and concepts also enables you to engage in philosophical debates and conversations, demonstrating your ability to think critically and apply philosophical concepts to real-world problems.

Effective Incorporation of Philosophical Theories and Concepts

To effectively incorporate philosophical theories and concepts in your extended essay, follow these steps:

  • Gather a comprehensive understanding of the chosen theory or concept: Read relevant philosophical texts, analyze case studies, and engage in discussions to grasp the core principles and applications.
  • Identify relevant connections: Link the theory or concept to your chosen topic, highlighting how it offers insights or solutions to the issues at hand.
  • Showcase comprehension and critical analysis: Apply the theory or concept to specific examples or arguments in your essay, carefully analyzing and evaluating their implications.
  • Address potential objections or counterarguments: Consider alternative viewpoints and anticipate potential criticisms, responding to them in a thoughtful and persuasive manner.
  • Explore the broader implications: Reflect on the wider implications of the theory or concept, considering its relevance to other philosophical ideas or contemporary issues.

By following these steps, you will integrate philosophical theories and concepts seamlessly into your extended essay, adding depth and sophistication to your arguments.

Remember, it is essential to use the theories and concepts as tools to enhance your analysis and argumentation. The goal is not to simply regurgitate information but to demonstrate your understanding of their applications in relation to your topic.

In the next section, we will analyze popular philosophy extended essay topics and examine their key arguments, further inspiring and guiding your own exploration of philosophical ideas.

In-depth analysis of popular philosophy extended essay topics and their key arguments

Now that you have a general understanding of what a philosophy extended essay entails, it’s time to delve into some popular topics and the key arguments associated with them. By exploring these topics in-depth, you can gain a deeper understanding of their complexities and develop stronger arguments for your own essay.


  • Exploring ethical theories such as utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics and analyzing their application in various real-life scenarios
  • Examining ethical dilemmas such as abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment and evaluating competing moral justifications
  • Considering the concept of moral responsibility and discussing its implications in areas like criminal justice and climate change


  • Investigating the nature of reality and exploring topics such as the mind-body problem, free will vs determinism, and the existence of God
  • Discussing different interpretations of time, space, and causality and questioning the underlying assumptions that shape our understanding of the world
  • Considering the relationship between language and reality and exploring metaphysical questions surrounding concepts like truth, identity, and consciousness


  • Examining the nature of knowledge and exploring theories of justification, perception, and belief
  • Exploring philosophical skepticism and the challenges it poses to our claims of knowledge
  • Investigating the nature and limits of scientific knowledge and interrogating the role of evidence and reasoning in different fields

Social and Political Philosophy

  • Investigating different theories of justice, such as egalitarianism, communitarianism, and libertarianism
  • Discussing moral and political obligations, including questions related to human rights, social contract theory, and global justice
  • Evaluating the role of power, privilege, and oppression in society and exploring strategies for promoting social change and equality

These are just a few examples of popular philosophy topics that can inspire and guide your extended essay. By analyzing the key arguments within each topic, you can develop a deeper understanding of the complexities involved and contribute meaningful insights and perspectives to the philosophical discourse.

Selecting a Topic that Aligns with Your Personal Interests and Intellectual Curiosity

When it comes to choosing a topic for your philosophy extended essay, one of the most important factors to consider is selecting a subject that aligns with your personal interests and sparks your intellectual curiosity. Crafting an essay on a topic that you find intriguing not only makes the entire process more enjoyable but also allows you to fully engage with the subject matter.

Start by reflecting on your own interests and passions. Ask yourself what topics or ideas within philosophy captivate you the most. Are you fascinated by questions about the nature of reality? Do ethical questions about right and wrong peak your interest? Are you intrigued by the concept of consciousness and the mind-body problem? Use these initial prompts to begin brainstorming and generating ideas for your essay.

You can also refer back to any philosophy courses or readings that you found particularly intriguing. Think about any discussions or debates that stood out to you or any philosophers whose ideas resonated with you on a deeper level. These can serve as starting points for developing your own unique research question or thesis statement.

Consider exploring topics that are currently debated or controversial within the field of philosophy. These can provide fresh insights and give you the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions with other scholars. Engaging with current debates will also demonstrate that you are aware of the ongoing discourse in your chosen area of philosophy.

Remember that the purpose of the extended essay is not only to showcase your research skills and knowledge but also to develop your ability to think critically and analytically about philosophical ideas. By selecting a topic that aligns with your personal interests and intellectual curiosity, you are more likely to be invested in the research process and the overall development of your argument.

Ultimately, choosing a topic that you are passionate about will make the writing process more enjoyable and fruitful. When you are genuinely interested in the subject matter, it will naturally shine through in your work, creating a stronger and more persuasive essay. So take the time to explore different areas of philosophy, reflect on what truly resonates with you, and never hesitate to pursue a topic that genuinely sparks your curiosity.

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Conducting research and finding reliable sources to support your essay

Once you have chosen your philosophy extended essay topic, the next step is to conduct thorough research and find reliable sources to support your essay. Proper research is essential for developing a well-informed and credible essay.

Start by brainstorming keywords related to your topic and using them in search engines or databases to find relevant resources. Make sure to consider different types of sources such as books, academic articles, philosophical journals, and reputable websites. Remember, reliable sources are those that have been peer-reviewed and written by experts in the field.

To ensure the credibility of your sources, focus on materials published by reputable publishers and academic institutions. Evaluate the authority and expertise of the author to determine their qualifications on the subject. Look for sources that include proper citations and references to other scholarly works, as this indicates a thorough and rigorous approach to research.

Utilizing library resources can also be advantageous, as libraries often have subscriptions to numerous online databases and access to digital copies of academic publications. Librarians can assist you in navigating these resources and provide guidance in locating relevant materials.

When evaluating sources, pay attention to the currency of the information. Philosophy is an evolving discipline, so it is important to select recent sources that reflect contemporary philosophical debates and developments. However, it can also be valuable to engage with classical texts and analyze their enduring significance within the field.

As you gather sources, take notes and organize them systematically. Utilize tools like citation management software to help you keep track of your sources and generate accurate bibliographies. This will not only make the writing process smoother but also ensure that you give proper credit to the original authors and avoid any plagiarism concerns.

Throughout your research, critically analyze and evaluate the arguments presented in the sources you find. Look for reputable counterarguments as well, and consider different perspectives and theories related to your chosen topic.

Remember, conducting thorough research shows your commitment to understanding the subject matter and strengthens the overall credibility and persuasiveness of your essay. By finding reliable sources, you can support your assertions with well-founded evidence and enhance the quality of your extended essay.

Outlining the Structure and Organization of Your Philosophy Extended Essay

Organizing your philosophy extended essay is essential in ensuring that your ideas are presented clearly and coherently. By creating a logical structure, you will guide your reader through your argument and make it easier for them to understand and engage with your work.

To outline the structure of your essay, it is helpful to divide it into sections, each focusing on a specific aspect of your topic. This will allow you to explore different angles and provide comprehensive analysis.

Introduction: Start your essay with an engaging introduction that presents your topic and provides background information. Here, you should articulate your research question and explain its significance. Hook your reader and set the stage for your argument.

Literature Review: In this section, provide a thorough analysis of existing scholarly works and relevant literature relating to your chosen topic. Summarize key arguments and theories while critically evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. This will demonstrate your understanding of the field and set the foundation for your own ideas.

Methodology: If applicable, outline the research methods you utilized to gather data and support your arguments. Explain why these methods were appropriate for your study and discuss any ethical considerations or limitations.

Body Paragraphs: Within the body of your essay, develop your arguments in a clear and organized manner. Each paragraph should contain a single main idea supported by evidence or examples. Use transitional phrases to ensure a smooth flow between paragraphs and effectively communicate your line of reasoning.

Counterarguments: Anticipate and address counterarguments relevant to your thesis. Present alternative perspectives and objectively evaluate them. This shows that you have considered opposing viewpoints and strengthens your overall argument.

Conclusion: Summarize your main points and present a concise, thought-provoking conclusion that reinforces your thesis. Ensure that your conclusion answers your research question and offers insights into future research possibilities.

References: Compile a comprehensive list of the sources you cited throughout your essay. Follow a recognized citation style, such as MLA or APA, to ensure accuracy and consistency.

Remember, the specific structure of your philosophy extended essay may vary depending on the requirements of your school or examiner. Be sure to consult the guidelines provided by your institution and seek feedback from your supervisor or teacher.

  • Break down your essay into clear sections
  • Create an engaging introduction
  • Provide a Literature Review
  • Explain your Methodology if applicable
  • Develop your arguments in the Body Paragraphs
  • Address Counterarguments
  • Summarize your main points in the Conclusion
  • Compile your References

By following a well-structured outline, you will create a compelling and organized philosophy extended essay that effectively communicates your ideas and leaves a lasting impression on your readers.

Crafting a Compelling Thesis Statement and Research Question to Guide Your Essay Writing Process

When embarking on your philosophy extended essay, one of the crucial steps is crafting a compelling thesis statement and research question. These two elements will serve as the guiding force for your essay writing process, helping you stay focused and provide a clear purpose for your work.

A thesis statement is essentially a concise and well-defined sentence that expresses the main argument or point you intend to make in your essay. It should convey a specific opinion or claim about the chosen philosophy topic. When crafting your thesis statement, ensure that it is clear, debatable, and supported by evidence and reasoning.

Similarly, a research question helps to define the direction and scope of your essay. It goes beyond a simple yes-or-no answer and encourages critical analysis and investigation. A well-formulated research question will not only guide your essay but also demonstrate your curiosity and intellectual engagement with the topic.

To craft a compelling thesis statement and research question:

  • 1. Identify the main topic: Start by clearly defining the key theme or idea you want to explore in your essay.
  • 2. Analyze different perspectives: Consider different viewpoints and theories related to your topic. This step will help you identify gaps or areas for further exploration.
  • 3. Narrow down your focus: Refine your topic and choose a specific aspect or problem within the larger theme. This will make your thesis statement more manageable and focused.
  • 4. Make a claim: Formulate a concise statement that presents your opinion or argument about the chosen aspect of your topic. Be sure to consider its feasibility and relevance.
  • 5. Ensure debatability: Your thesis statement should open up room for discussion and counterarguments. Avoid choosing statements that simply state a fact or cannot be reasonably challenged.
  • 6. Craft a research question: Use your thesis statement as a basis for formulating a research question. This question should prompt you to gather evidence, analyze different perspectives, and develop a well-rounded argument.

Remember, both the thesis statement and research question will evolve as you delve deeper into your essay writing process. Stay open to adjusting and refining them as you conduct research and uncover new insights.

Crafting a compelling thesis statement and research question is the cornerstone of your philosophy extended essay. They provide a roadmap for your analysis and help you communicate your central ideas effectively. With a strong foundation in place, you can embark on the next steps, ready to explore and present your philosophical arguments with clarity and confidence.

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Developing a Coherent Argument and Using Logical Reasoning in Presenting Your Ideas

Once you have chosen a meaningful philosophy topic for your extended essay, it’s crucial to develop a coherent argument and use logical reasoning to present your ideas effectively. This will not only showcase your critical thinking skills but also add credibility to your essay.

Firstly, start by clearly defining your thesis statement and research question. These will serve as the foundation of your argument and guide your entire essay. Your thesis statement should succinctly summarize your main argument or claim, while your research question should specify what you aim to investigate or explore in your essay.

Next, gather relevant evidence and examples to support your argument. Philosophy often deals with abstract concepts and theories, so it’s essential to ground your ideas in concrete evidence. This could be in the form of quotations from philosophical texts or real-world examples that illustrate or challenge the theories you discuss.

When presenting your ideas, employ logical reasoning to build a strong case. Logical reasoning involves constructing sound arguments based on premises and drawing valid conclusions. Ensure that each step in your argument follows logically from the previous one. Avoid fallacies such as making unsupported assumptions or resorting to personal opinions without providing sufficient evidence.

Using logical transitions, such as “therefore,” “because,” or “thus,” can help your readers follow the flow of your argument and understand the connections between different ideas. Make sure you clearly state the logical relationships between your claims, whether they are causal, comparative, or conceptual.

In addition, consider addressing counterarguments to strengthen your argument. Acknowledging opposing viewpoints and preemptively refuting them will demonstrate a well-rounded understanding of your topic and show the depth of your analysis. Addressing counterarguments also lends credibility to your overall argument by demonstrating that you have considered alternative perspectives.

Lastly, strive for clarity and simplicity in your writing. Philosophy can be complex, but that doesn’t mean your essay should be difficult to understand. Use clear and concise language, define any specialized terminology or jargon you use, and provide explanations to ensure your ideas are accessible to a wider audience.

Overall, developing a coherent argument and applying logical reasoning in your philosophy extended essay will strengthen the persuasiveness of your ideas and contribute to a more impactful and engaging essay. Remember to support your arguments with evidence, address counterarguments, and strive for clarity in your writing.

Finalizing your philosophy extended essay: revising, editing, and ensuring academic integrity

Once you have written the initial draft of your philosophy extended essay, it is crucial to spend time on revising, editing, and ensuring academic integrity before submitting your final piece. This section will guide you through the necessary steps to refine and improve your essay.

1. Revising:

  • Begin by reading through your essay carefully to identify any grammatical or spelling errors.
  • Check for clarity and coherence of ideas, making sure each paragraph flows logically into the next.
  • Incorporate feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers to enhance the overall quality of your essay.
  • Consider the structure and organization of your essay—do your sections and arguments progress in a logical manner?

2. Editing:

  • Focus on refining your language and style by eliminating unnecessary repetitions and improving sentence structure.
  • Ensure that your writing reflects a scholarly tone and avoids personal opinions or subjective language.
  • Check that all quotations are accurately referenced and cited according to the appropriate citation style, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago.

3. Academic Integrity:

  • Thoroughly review your entire essay to verify that all sources are properly cited, giving credit to the original authors.
  • Check for plagiarism by using reliable plagiarism-checking software like Grammarly or Turnitin.
  • Avoid any form of academic misconduct, such as copying or paraphrasing without attribution, as it undermines the integrity of your work.
  • If you have used external sources, including books, articles, or online material, make sure to create a comprehensive bibliography that includes all the necessary information.

Remember, upholding academic integrity is essential, both ethically and professionally. It demonstrates your commitment to honesty and respect for intellectual property.

In summary, before finalizing your philosophy extended essay, dedicate time to revising and polishing your writing. Eliminate errors, clarify your ideas, and enhance the overall coherence of your essay. Additionally, adhere strictly to academic integrity guidelines by citing and referencing all sources appropriately, checking for plagiarism, and submitting your own original work.

Picture of Valerie Green

Valerie Green

Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.

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