Extended Essay Topics Economics

The extended essay is an integral part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. It is an in-depth research project that allows students to explore a topic of their choice, within any subject area, in great detail. In the context of economics, it provides students with a unique opportunity to apply economic theories and concepts to real-world issues and develop essential skills for higher education and future careers.

The extended essay is not just another essay assignment; rather, it is a chance for students to engage in independent research and demonstrate their understanding of economic principles and their ability to think critically. By undertaking this research project, students can delve deeper into the complexities and nuances of economics, as well as enhance their analytical and evaluative skills.

There are several reasons why the extended essay is particularly important in an economics context:

  • Research skills development: Through the extended essay process, students learn how to conduct robust research, gather relevant data, and analyze it effectively. These skills are invaluable in the field of economics, where data-driven decision-making is crucial.
  • Application of economic theory: The extended essay allows students to apply their knowledge of economic theories to practical scenarios or phenomena, enabling them to gain a deeper understanding of how economic principles shape the world around us.
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving: Economics often involves complex problems and challenges. The extended essay provides students with an opportunity to tackle real-world economic issues, hone their critical thinking skills, and propose innovative solutions.
  • Preparation for university studies: The extended essay mirrors many aspects of tertiary-level research, making it a valuable preparation for students intending to pursue further studies in economics or related fields at university.

Overall, the extended essay in economics serves as a platform for students to develop and showcase their research skills, understanding of economic principles, and critical thinking abilities. It fosters a deeper appreciation of the dynamic nature of economics and equips students with essential tools for future academic and professional endeavors.

In the following sections of this guide, we will explore key considerations for selecting an economics topic, examine various areas of economics for exploration, provide guidance on structuring and writing the extended essay, and offer tips for data analysis and interpretation.

Some basic topics to check:

  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Businesses: A Case Study of [Insert City]
  • The Effect of Renewable Energy Policies on Local Economies
  • Impact of Digital Currencies on Traditional Banking Systems
  • Behavioral Economics: How Pandemics Influence Consumer Spending
  • Effects of Remote Work Trends on Urban Housing Markets
  • The Economic Impact of Veganism in the Food Industry
  • The Role of Social Media in Consumer Behaviour and Market Trends
  • Gender Wage Gap: A Comparative Study between [Country 1] and [Country 2]
  • How is Artificial Intelligence Transforming the Job Market?
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Universal Basic Income in [Insert Country]
  • Price Discrimination in the Digital Age: Case Study of E-commerce Platforms
  • Role of Sustainable Agriculture in Developing Economies
  • Economic Consequences of Climate Change Policies
  • Fiscal Policies and Income Inequality: Analysis of [Insert Country]
  • Economic Implications of Mental Health Issues in the Workplace
  • The Economics of Space Exploration: Investment vs Return
  • Impact of Cybersecurity Breaches on National Economies
  • Effect of Free Trade Agreements on Emerging Economies
  • Economic Analysis of Single-use Plastic Bans
  • Sharing Economy: How Ride-sharing Services Affect Traditional Taxi Industries

In the next sections we are going to explore more deeper, what are the good topics for economics extended essay and how to use them correctly.

Extended Essay Topics Economics

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Table of Contents

Choosing the Right Topic

Choosing an appropriate and engaging topic for your extended essay in economics is of utmost importance. It will be the foundation upon which your entire essay will be built, shaping the direction and depth of your research.

Firstly, it is crucial to choose a topic that you are interested in. Economics can be a complex subject, but if you choose a topic that captivates your curiosity or relates to current events, it will help motivate you throughout the research process. This personal interest ensures that you remain engaged and enthusiastic about your chosen topic, making the writing and analysis more enjoyable.

In addition to personal interest, relevance is another crucial factor to consider. Your topic should be directly applicable to the field of economics and have practical implications. By choosing a relevant topic, you can explore areas with real-world significance and propose potential solutions or strategies that can contribute to economic discussions and analysis.

Feasibility is yet another important consideration when selecting an economics topic for your extended essay. You must choose a topic that is researchable and has access to sufficient data sources. While it can be tempting to choose a highly abstract or theoretical topic, keep in mind the availability of data and resources needed for successful research. Balance your enthusiasm for an engaging topic with the realistic expectations of its feasibility.

By choosing an engaging, relevant, and feasible topic, you will create a solid foundation for your extended essay in economics. An appropriate topic will not only capture your interest but also resonate with your readers, inviting them to delve deeper into your research and analysis. Remember, though your topic sets the stage, the content and analysis you present will ultimately determine the success of your extended essay.

Key Considerations for Selecting an Economics Topic

When choosing a topic for your extended essay in economics, there are several important factors to consider. These considerations will ensure that you select a topic that is not only interesting and relevant but also feasible for your research.

  • Relevance: The first consideration when choosing an economics topic is its relevance. Your topic should be related to current economic issues or theories, allowing you to contribute something meaningful to the field. It should address a problem, challenge, or concept that economists are actively exploring.
  • Feasibility: Another essential factor is the feasibility of your chosen topic. Consider the availability of data, resources, and time required to conduct your research. Ensure that you have access to suitable information sources and that your research can be realistically completed within the given timeframe of the extended essay.
  • Personal interest: Selecting a topic that genuinely interests you is crucial. Explore subjects within economics that you have a passion for, as this will make the research process more enjoyable and rewarding. Personal interest will also motivate you to investigate the topic further and produce a high-quality extended essay.

By taking these key considerations into account, you can narrow down your options and choose an economics topic that aligns with your interests, is relevant to the field, and is feasible for research.

For example, suppose you are fascinated by the impact of environmental policies on economic growth. In that case, you could explore the effectiveness of different environmental regulations in promoting sustainable development within a specific country or analyze the economic implications of transitioning to renewable energy sources. By selecting a topic that excites you and is current in the field of economics, you will feel motivated to investigate deeper and produce a well-researched extended essay.

Remember, the process of selecting an economics topic is iterative. You may need to revisit and refine your chosen topic as you conduct preliminary research and gain a clearer understanding of the available data and resources. Be open to adjustments and modifications along the way to ensure that your extended essay is focused, feasible, and impactful.

Exploring Different Areas of Economics

When choosing a topic for your extended essay in economics, it is important to consider the specific subfield or area within economics that you want to explore. Economics is a vast discipline with numerous branches that focus on different aspects of the economy. By exploring these various areas, you can delve deeper into a specific subject matter that aligns with your personal interests and engages you intellectually.

Here are some of the main subfields within economics that you can consider for your extended essay:

  • Microeconomics: This branch of economics studies how individual households, firms, and industries make decisions and interact with each other in markets. Microeconomics topics often examine issues such as supply and demand, market competition, pricing strategies, and consumer behavior.
  • Macroeconomics: Macroeconomics looks at the overall behavior and performance of the economy as a whole. This field focuses on concepts like national income, unemployment, inflation, fiscal policy, monetary policy, and economic growth. Macroeconomics extended essays may analyze macroeconomic indicators or evaluate the effectiveness of government interventions.
  • Development Economics: Development economics analyzes the economic conditions and factors affecting countries with lower levels of living standards. This area investigates topics related to poverty, inequality, economic development, foreign aid, education, health, and the impact of globalization on developing nations.
  • International Trade and Finance: In this field, economists study the flow of goods and services across borders and the financial interactions between countries. Topics may include trade policies, exchange rates, international capital flows, free trade agreements, multinational corporations, or the economic impacts of globalization.
  • Environmental Economics: Environmental economics examines how economic activities affect the environment and natural resources. Issues such as pollution, climate change, resource depletion, sustainability, and environmental policies are commonly explored in this subfield.

These are just a few examples of the different areas within economics. However, it is essential to remember that there are many more subfields and specializations that you can delve into based on your specific interests and academic goals. By selecting a subfield that captivates your attention, you will have a more enriching and enjoyable experience while conducting research for your extended essay.

Regardless of the subfield you choose, it’s important to ensure that your topic is relevant, feasible, and aligned with your personal interests. Discuss your ideas with your supervisor or peers, conduct preliminary research, and refine your research question or thesis statement before embarking on your extended essay journey. So, take your time, explore the different areas of economics, and find a topic that truly grabs your attention!

Narrowing Down Your Topic

When it comes to writing an extended essay in economics, choosing the right topic is crucial. Economics is a vast and complex subject with various subfields, so it’s important to narrow down your topic to one specific area of interest. This will not only help you stay focused but also allow you to dive deeper into the subject matter.

  • Start with a broad idea: Begin by brainstorming and noting down broad areas of economics that interest you. For example, you might be intrigued by macroeconomics, international trade, or labor markets.
  • Identify your research question: Once you have a broad idea, start asking yourself questions to develop your research question. Think about specific issues or problems within that area that you’re curious about. For instance, you could explore the relationship between government spending and economic growth or analyze the impact of technological advancements on employment rates.
  • Consider feasibility: It’s important to assess the feasibility of your chosen research question. Think about the availability of data and sources related to your topic. It’s also crucial to consider the time constraints of your extended essay and ensure that your research question can be effectively answered within the given timeframe.
  • Evaluate the relevance: Your extended essay should contribute to the existing body of knowledge in economics. Consider the relevance of your research question and its potential implications. Ask yourself, why is this question important? How will it address gaps in current research or provide new insights?
  • Personal interest matters: A key factor to consider when narrowing down your topic is your personal interest. Choose a topic that genuinely intrigues and motivates you. Writing an extended essay on a topic you’re passionate about will make the whole process much more enjoyable and rewarding.

Ultimately, the goal is to finalize a research question or thesis statement that is specific, manageable, and focused. It should address a significant issue within economics and have the necessary resources available to support your research.

Narrowing down your topic may require some trial and error. Be prepared to make adjustments and refine your research question as you delve deeper into your chosen area of study. Don’t be afraid to seek guidance from your supervisor or teacher, as they can offer valuable feedback and help you narrow down your topic effectively.

Conducting Preliminary Research

Before delving into a full-scale research project, it is crucial to conduct preliminary research in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of your chosen topic and refine your research question. This stage plays a significant role in setting the groundwork for your extended essay in economics.

Here are some steps to guide you through the process of conducting effective preliminary research:

  • Start with general resources: Begin by exploring introductory textbooks, online articles, and reputable websites that provide an overview of the basic concepts and theories related to your chosen economic topic. This will help you develop a solid foundation of knowledge on the subject.
  • Read academic journals and scholarly articles: Expand your research by consulting academic journals or scholarly articles that delve deeper into your chosen topic. These sources provide in-depth analysis, evaluation, and discussions about specific aspects of economics. Take notes and highlight important insights or arguments that are relevant to your research question.
  • Discuss with experts: Engage in insightful conversations with experts or professionals in the field of economics. Seek out professors, economists, or professionals who have expertise in the specific subfield you are studying. Their diverse perspectives and in-depth knowledge can provide you with valuable insights and steer your research in the right direction.
  • Explore statistical data and reports: Access relevant databases or government sources that offer statistical data and reports related to your research topic. Analyzing this data will allow you to identify trends, patterns, and correlations that can strengthen your arguments and enrich your findings.
  • Create an annotated bibliography: Keep track of all the sources you explore during your preliminary research by creating an annotated bibliography. Include a concise summary or evaluation of each source to refer back to later when synthesizing information for your extended essay.
  • Refine your research question: As you immerse yourself in the preliminary research, carefully consider if your initial research question adequately captures the scope and objectives of your extended essay. Refine and clarify your research question based on your newfound knowledge and insights from the preliminary research stage.

The goal of conducting preliminary research is to gather a wide range of information, familiarize yourself with current debates, and refine your research question or thesis statement. It provides a solid foundation for your extended essay in economics, enabling you to approach your research with confidence and clarity.

Structuring Your Extended Essay

When it comes to writing your economics extended essay, a clear structure is essential to ensure that your ideas are presented in a logical and coherent manner. This section will outline the recommended structure and components that your extended essay should include.

Introduction: Start your extended essay with a compelling introduction that provides an overview of your research topic and its significance in the field of economics. Clearly state your research question or thesis statement to guide the reader throughout your essay.

Methodology: In this section, explain the methods and techniques you used to gather data for your analysis. Include details about any interviews, surveys, or experiments that you conducted. This will help readers understand how you approached your research and ensure the validity of your findings.

Analysis: Now it’s time to delve into the heart of your extended essay – the analysis. Present your findings and arguments systematically, making reference to the data you collected. Use charts, graphs, and tables to visually present your data and support your interpretations. Remember to provide clear explanations and highlighting trends or patterns that emerge.

Conclusion: Conclude your extended essay by summarizing your key findings, restating your research question, and providing a final analysis of your results. Consider the limitations of your study and suggest areas for further research that can build upon your work. Reinforce the importance of your research and reflect on the broader implications of your findings within the field of economics.

References: A crucial component of any extended essay is acknowledging all the sources you referenced in your research. Include a comprehensive list of primary and secondary sources in a consistent citation format (such as APA or MLA) at the end of your essay. This ensures that your work is credible and allows readers to verify your claims.

Appendices: If you have additional supporting materials that are too lengthy or detailed to include in the main body of your essay, consider adding these as appendices. This can include raw data, survey results, or supplementary graphs/charts. Ensure that any relevant appendices are clearly labeled and referenced within the main body of your essay.

By following this recommended structure for your economics extended essay, you’ll be able to clearly convey your research question, methodological approach, analysis, and conclusions. Remember that an organized and coherent essay not only strengthens your arguments but also helps readers understand the importance and implications of your research in the field.

Collecting Relevant Data and Sources

When it comes to writing an economics extended essay, gathering relevant data and reliable sources is crucial for producing a well-rounded and authoritative piece of research. Here are some practical tips to help guide you through the process of collecting data and sourcing information.

  • Identify your research needs: Before diving into data collection, it’s important to clearly articulate what specific information you need for your extended essay. This will help you narrow down your search and focus on finding the most relevant sources.
  • Primary sources: Primary sources refer to firsthand accounts or original data collected by the researcher. In economics, primary sources can include surveys, interviews, experiments, and observations. Depending on your chosen topic, consider utilizing primary sources to add depth and uniqueness to your research.
  • Secondary sources: Secondary sources are existing publications and data sets that have been compiled and analyzed by other researchers. Consulting academic journals, books, reputable websites, and reports from reputable organizations can provide you with valuable secondary sources for your extended essay in economics.
  • Reputable sources: When selecting sources, always prioritize credibility and reliability. Look for authors who are renowned experts in the field or publications that have peer-reviewed content. This ensures that the information you gather for your extended essay is robust and trustworthy.
  • Balance quantity and quality: While it’s important to have a sufficient amount of data and sources to support your arguments, it’s equally crucial to prioritize quality over quantity. Carefully evaluate each source for its relevance, accuracy, and suitability to your research question.
  • Diversify your sources: To present a well-rounded argument, seek out a variety of sources that offer different perspectives. Strive for a mix of scholarly articles, industry reports, statistical data, and expert opinions to give your extended essay depth and credibility.
  • Organize your sources: As you collect data and sources, it’s essential to maintain an organized system for easy referencing and citation. Create a bibliography or reference list early on to avoid confusion and ensure proper acknowledgment of all sources used in your extended essay.

Gathering relevant data and reliable sources for your economics extended essay may seem daunting, but taking a systematic and thoughtful approach can lead to a strong foundation for your research. By identifying your research needs, exploring primary and secondary sources, prioritizing credibility, balancing quantity and quality, seeking diverse perspectives, and organizing your sources, you’ll be well on your way to conducting a comprehensive and compelling extended essay in economics.

Data Analysis Techniques

Once you have collected all the data for your economics extended essay, the next step is to analyze it using different methodologies and statistical tools. This process will help you extract meaningful insights and draw accurate conclusions from your findings. Here are some commonly used data analysis techniques in economics research:

  • Descriptive Statistics: Descriptive statistics involve summarizing and presenting data using measures such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and range. These statistics provide a basic understanding of the distribution and central tendencies of your data.
  • Hypothesis Testing: Hypothesis testing allows you to assess the validity of a statement or assumption about your data. It involves setting up a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis, collecting sample data, and performing statistical tests to either accept or reject the null hypothesis.
  • Regression Analysis: Regression analysis investigates the relationship between dependent and independent variables. By utilizing equations and statistical models, you can determine how changes in one variable affect the others. This technique helps analyze cause-and-effect relationships in economics research.
  • Econometric Models: Econometric modeling combines economic theory, statistics, and mathematical equations to develop models that capture real-world economic phenomena. These models can be used to make predictions, estimate relationships, and test economic theories.
  • Time Series Analysis: Time series analysis studies the behavior of data over time. It involves identifying trends, seasonality, cyclic variations, and other patterns in economic data. Techniques like moving average, autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), and exponential smoothing assist in analyzing and forecasting time series data.

When performing data analysis, it is crucial to select the appropriate techniques based on the nature of your data and research questions. Consider the levels of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio) of your variables and decide whether qualitative or quantitative techniques are more suitable.

Remember that data analysis is not just about running statistical tests; it involves understanding the underlying economic concepts, reasoning about the results, and drawing meaningful conclusions. Ensure you interpret the findings in the context of your research question and relate them to existing economic theories and literature.

Lastly, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your supervisor or consult reliable resources for assistance with specific data analysis techniques. Mastering these techniques will enhance the credibility and rigor of your economics extended essay, ultimately leading to a comprehensive and insightful piece of work.

Evaluating and Interpreting Findings

Once you have conducted your research and gathered all relevant data for your economics extended essay, the next crucial step is to evaluate and interpret your findings. This involves analyzing the collected data and drawing meaningful conclusions that contribute to your overall research question. Here, we will discuss some techniques to help you effectively evaluate and interpret your findings.

Identifying Patterns: One of the first things you should do when evaluating your findings is to look for patterns or trends in the data. Are there any recurring factors or variables that seem to be influencing the outcome? By identifying these patterns, you can start to understand the relationships between different variables and assess their significance in the context of your research question.

Discovering Correlations: Exploring correlations can also provide valuable insights into your data. Look for statistical relationships between variables by running regression or correlation analyses. When you identify correlations, you can then determine whether they are positive, negative, or negligible, and discuss their implications on your research topic.

Considering Potential Limitations: It is crucial to acknowledge the limitations of your study when interpreting your findings. No research is perfect, so it is important to discuss any potential flaws in your methodology, data collection, or analysis. By addressing these limitations, you demonstrate awareness of the possible impact they may have had on your results and ultimately strengthen the credibility of your findings.

Comparing with Theoretical Frameworks: Evaluate how your findings align or deviate from existing economic theories or models. Does your research provide new insights or raise questions about established economic principles? By comparing your findings with existing theories, you can contribute to the ongoing discourse in economics and offer further understanding of your topic.

Considering Alternative Explanations: Alongside evaluating your own findings, it is essential to consider alternative explanations for your data. This analytical approach ensures that you have thoroughly analyzed all possible factors and interpretations, providing a more comprehensive understanding of your research question.

In conclusion, evaluating and interpreting the findings of your economics extended essay requires careful consideration of patterns, correlations, limitations, theoretical frameworks, and alternative explanations. By employing these techniques, you will be able to draw meaningful conclusions that contribute to existing knowledge in the field of economics. Remember to be critical and reflective throughout this process, as it helps refine your analysis and strengthen the overall quality of your extended essay.

Writing a Well-Structured Essay

When it comes to writing your extended essay in economics, one of the most important aspects is to ensure that your ideas are organized in a clear and coherent manner. A well-structured essay not only showcases your understanding of the subject but also enhances the overall readability and impact of your work. Here are some tips to help you achieve a strong essay structure:

  • Organize your ideas: Begin by identifying the main points or arguments that you want to make in your essay. This will help you establish a logical flow of ideas throughout your paper. Consider using headings or subheadings to guide your readers through the different sections of your essay.
  • Write clear paragraphs: Each paragraph should have a clear focus or topic sentence that introduces the main idea. Ensure that your paragraphs are well-developed and include relevant supporting evidence to strengthen your arguments.
  • Link your arguments: To maintain a smooth essay flow, it is essential to link your arguments together. Use transitional words and phrases like “however,” “in addition,” or “on the other hand” to connect ideas and show the relationship between different points.

Here’s an example of how effective paragraph linking can strengthen your essay:

Original paragraph:

“One of the reasons why poverty rates have increased is inadequate access to education. Additionally, unemployment rates have seen a significant rise due to a sluggish economy. Both these factors negatively impact the overall well-being of individuals.”

Improved paragraph:

“One of the reasons why poverty rates have increased is inadequate access to education. For instance, when individuals lack basic literacy and numeracy skills, it becomes challenging for them to find stable employment opportunities. Furthermore, the growing unemployment rates, primarily driven by a sluggish economy, exacerbate the poverty problem. The connection between limited educational opportunities and unemployment highlights the cycle of poverty that many individuals face, impacting their overall well-being.”

By expanding on the main ideas and clearly linking them together, the improved paragraph above provides a stronger argument and flow in the essay.

Remember that a well-structured essay not only helps the reader navigate through your work but also showcases your ability to present and support your ideas effectively. Take the time to carefully organize your thoughts, write clear paragraphs with topic sentences, and link your arguments coherently. This will ultimately contribute to a more coherent and engaging extended essay in economics.

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Critically Reviewing and Editing

Once you have completed your extended essay in economics, it is essential to dedicate sufficient time to thoroughly review, edit, and proofread your work. This stage is crucial to ensure that your essay is clear, consistent, and effectively communicates your ideas to the reader.

1. Review for Clarity: Begin by reviewing your essay for clarity of expression. Are your ideas well-organized and easy to follow? make sure your sentences are clear and concise, avoiding unnecessary jargon or complex language. Using plain and simple language is important for ensuring that your readers can easily understand your arguments and analysis.

2. Check for Consistency: Consistent writing is important for maintaining a coherent flow throughout your essay. Review your essay for consistency in terms of information, formatting, citation style, and language usage. Ensure that your terminology, abbreviations, and symbols are used consistently throughout the essay.

3. Proofread for Errors: Carefully proofread your essay for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. These seemingly minor mistakes can distract your reader and undermine the overall professionalism of your work.

4. Seek Feedback: Consider asking a peer, teacher, or supervisor to review your essay and provide feedback. Another perspective can help you identify areas for improvement and ensure that your ideas are effectively conveyed to the reader.

5. Revise and Edit: After receiving feedback, carefully consider the suggestions provided and revise your essay accordingly. Pay close attention to content, organization, clarity, and structure. Remove any redundant or irrelevant information, while ensuring that all necessary parts are included.

6. Correct Citations and References: Verify that all citations and references are accurately formatted and properly cited. Make sure to follow the appropriate citation style required by your educational institution or academic publication guidelines.

7. Enhance Proofreading: When revising your essay, it is beneficial to take a fresh approach. Read your essay out loud or have someone read it to you, as this can help identify any mistakes that may have been missed during the initial review and editing stages.

Remember, reviewing, editing, and revising your extended essay is an ongoing process. Continuously check your work for clarity, consistency, and effectiveness of communication, even after completing the final draft. Paying attention to these critical aspects will help ensure that your economic essay excels and effectively communicates your ideas to the reader.

Guide to Selecting Extended Essay Topics in Economics

When it comes to writing an extended essay in economics, selecting the right topic is crucial. A well-chosen topic can make your essay engaging and enjoyable to research, while an unsuitable topic may leave you struggling to find relevant information and staying motivated throughout the process. To ensure you choose a great economics topic for your extended essay, consider the following key considerations:

  • Relevance: Your chosen topic should align with key economic concepts or theories. Look for issues or themes that have practical implications and relevance in today’s economic landscape.
  • Feasibility: Consider the feasibility of researching and completing the extended essay within your available resources and time frame. Ensure that you can access sufficient data and sources to analyze your topic effectively.
  • Personal Interest: Select a topic that genuinely interests you. An interesting topic not only makes the research process more enjoyable but also allows for greater motivation and creativity in exploring different angles and perspectives.

Once you have identified these key factors, it is time to explore the different areas of economics that you can focus on. Economics encompasses various subfields, each offering unique opportunities for investigation. Some common areas you can consider for your extended essay include:

  • Macroeconomics: Study the economy as a whole, examining topics such as economic growth, unemployment, inflation, and fiscal policies.
  • Microeconomics: Analyze individual markets, consumer behavior, supply and demand dynamics, and the impact of government regulations on businesses.
  • International Economics: Investigate topics related to trade agreements, currency exchange, globalization, and economic development across countries.
  • Development Economics: Explore issues concerning poverty, inequality, social welfare, and strategies for sustainable economic development in low-income regions.

Once you have a broad understanding of the different areas within economics, it is important to narrow down your topic. Start by brainstorming broad themes or ideas that interest you and then gradually refine your focus into a research question or thesis statement. This process will allow you to maintain a clearer and more manageable scope for your extended essay.

Now that you have a specific research question or thesis statement, conducting preliminary research becomes essential. This research phase will help you gather background information, identify existing studies on the topic, and refine your research question further for a more targeted investigation.

Remember, selecting the right topic is only the beginning. The journey towards writing an exceptional extended essay in economics involves thorough data collection, rigorous analysis, critical evaluation, and effective communication of findings. Stay organized, plan your time wisely, and consult with your mentor or teacher throughout the process to ensure you produce a well-structured and compelling essay.

Valerie Green

Valerie Green

Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.

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