Film Extended Essay Ideas

Film Extended Essay Topic Ideas

Film Extended Essay Ideas

What is an Extending Essay in Film Studies?

An extended essay is a research paper that allows students to dive into a subject of their choice with greater depth then they might be able to during a normal school year. It requires critical thinking, research and analysis, as well as thorough writing and critical feedback. While it can technically be written on any subject, when it comes to film studies a student has the freedom to analyze a particular director, actor, studio, or movie genre in great detail.

Film studies Extended Essays should look at different types of films and how they were made, while also examining the socio-political and historical contexts of the films and their makers. They should also consider the implications of those films and how they impact people’s understanding of culture, gender, race, and other aspects of society. Additionally, by studying films under a microscope, a student can gain valuable insight into the creative process.

A film studies Extended Essay is a great way for students to engage in proper academic research and writing skills, while also allowing their creativity to shine through. It is an opportunity for a student to showcase their knowledge and passion for film, while developing important analytical and writing skills.

Common Topics for an Extended Essay in Film Studies

When writing an extended essay, it is important to choose a topic that is relevant to the film studies field. Depending on the student’s focus, there are various topics that can be chosen, ranging from specific aspects of filmmaking to analyzing the impact of films on culture and society.

One potential topic area is understanding and analyzing the techniques used in filmmaking, such as camera angles and lighting effects. Another potential area to explore is the development of a specific genre, such as horror films or comedy films. Additionally, a student could compare and contrast different filmmakers, their styles and techniques. Lastly, one could explain how particular films have influenced popular culture.

Other topics might include the analysis of specific techniques used in film editing, such as cross-cutting and montage, or a study of sound design and its role in film. One could also explore the role of visual effects in modern films, examine how a particular setting is used in a film, or investigate how a particular actor has shaped the film industry.

List of Potential IB Film EE Topic Ideas

  1. The evolution of special effects in science fiction films: A study of “Star Wars” from 1977 to the present
  2. The representation of gender roles in the films of Studio Ghibli: A comparative analysis of “Spirited Away” and “My Neighbor Totoro”
  3. The impact of music on narrative and emotion in the films of Quentin Tarantino
  4. Analyzing the use of color in the films of Wes Anderson: A case study of “The Grand Budapest Hotel”
  5. The portrayal of historical events in film: An analysis of accuracy and artistic license in “Schindler’s List”
  6. The role of cinematography in creating suspense: A study of Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psycho”
  7. Exploring the themes of identity and self-discovery in coming-of-age films: A comparative analysis of “Lady Bird” and “Call Me by Your Name”
  8. The influence of German Expressionism on film noir: An analysis of visual style and thematic elements
  9. The depiction of mental illness in film: A study of “A Beautiful Mind” and “Black Swan”
  10. The role of sound design in building atmosphere: A case study of “Blade Runner 2049”
  11. The evolution of the superhero genre: A comparative analysis of “Superman” (1978) and “The Dark Knight” (2008)
  12. The impact of digital technology on independent filmmaking: A study of the works of the Duplass Brothers
  13. The representation of cultural identity in the films of Pedro Almodóvar
  14. Analyzing the use of satire in political films: A case study of “Dr. Strangelove”
  15. The role of editing in shaping narrative structure: A study of Christopher Nolan’s “Inception”
  16. The influence of Italian Neorealism on contemporary cinema: A comparative analysis of “Bicycle Thieves” and “The Florida Project”
  17. The portrayal of dystopian societies in film: A study of “1984” and “The Hunger Games”
  18. The impact of animation techniques on storytelling: A case study of Pixar’s “Toy Story” series
  19. The exploration of existential themes in the films of Ingmar Bergman
  20. The representation of LGBTQ+ characters in mainstream cinema: A comparative analysis of “Brokeback Mountain” and “Moonlight”
  21. The role of costume design in character development: A study of the films of Tim Burton
  22. The influence of French New Wave on modern independent cinema: A case study of the works of Jean-Luc Godard and Richard Linklater
  23. The portrayal of war in film: An analysis of “Saving Private Ryan” and “Dunkirk”
  24. The use of non-linear narrative in film: A study of “Pulp Fiction” and “Memento”
  25. The representation of the American Dream in film: A comparative analysis of “The Great Gatsby” and “American Beauty”
  26. The impact of film festivals on the success of independent films: A case study of “Whiplash”
  27. The role of visual effects in creating immersive worlds: A study of James Cameron’s “Avatar”
  28. The exploration of family dynamics in the films of Ang Lee
  29. The portrayal of social issues in documentary film: A study of “An Inconvenient Truth” and “13th”
  30. The influence of Japanese cinema on Western filmmakers: A case study of Akira Kurosawa’s influence on George Lucas

Additionally, extended essays in film studies could focus on the study of a particular director or actor, analyze what makes a successful film, or discuss the social effects of films. Lastly, one could examine the production process of a particular film and evaluate the decisions made throughout the process.

Overview of Extended Essay Requirements

An extended essay is a scholarly paper, which is typically required for students studying Film Studies. The purpose of an extended essay is to discuss a specific topic in depth, and present a well-researched argument.

When writing an extended essay, there are certain requirements that must be met in order to properly execute the task. Students should be aware of these requirements when starting to write their essay.

The most important requirement when writing an extended essay is that it must be completed within the word count range. The suggested word count for an extended essay in Film Studies is between 3000-4000 words. It is important for students to stay within the suggested range as going over or under can lead to point deductions.

In addition to the word count, extended essays must also adhere to the formatting criteria outlined by their school or institution. This usually involves using a specific font size, line spacing and margins. All citations, quotes and references used in the paper must also be included in correct format.

Finally, students are expected to provide clear and accurate evidence for their arguments. This includes doing proper research and referencing reliable sources. Any facts or figures used in the paper should be cited properly, and all quotes must be attributed to the original author.

Research and Evidence Collection

Writing a successful extended essay in Film Studies requires research and evidence collection. In order to properly assess a topic, you should gather as much information as possible about the subject, including both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources could include first-hand accounts from people involved in the Film Studies field, such as filmmakers, producers, photographers, or actors. Secondary sources may include reviews, magazines and newspapers articles, biographies, documentaries, videos, and websites.

Once you have collected and read through your research, you will need to develop a clear understanding of how this evidence relates to the question being asked. The evidence should be analyzed and used to support the main argument that you are making. Make sure to identify important points and use them to back up the main points of your essay. This can be done by connecting facts with evidence or using quotes from your sources.

In order to effectively complete an Extended Essay in Film Studies, it is important to not only collect the necessary evidence but to also organize it. Creating an organized outline of points and evidence can help to ensure that you are fully prepared to write an excellent essay. Additionally, make sure to reference any outside sources that you have used in the essay and clearly give credit to the original authors.

Ultimately, the research and evidence collection process for an Extended Essay in Film Studies is essential to the success of the essay. It is important to be thorough and diligent in the research process in order to ensure that all evidence and points are accurately presented in the final essay.

Understanding the Criteria to Grade an Extended Essay in Film Studies

To produce an effective Extended Essay (EE) in Film Studies, it is important to understand the criteria used to grade the essay. In general, the EE is assessed according to four criteria: focus and method, knowledge and understanding, critical thinking, and presentation.

The focus and method criterion assesses the coherence of the research question, the range and depth of sources used, and how effectively the student analyzes and interprets the evidence. The knowledge and understanding criterion evaluates the student’s ability to accurately and effectively use the sources and to place them in context.

The critical thinking criterion measures the student’s ability to interpret and evaluate the evidence collected, think creatively and logically, and synthesize the material into an original thesis or argument. Finally, the presentation criterion evaluates the quality of the essay, including grammar, clarity, organization, and referencing.

  • Focus and Method: Coherence of research question, range and depth of sources used, analysis/interpretation of evidence
  • Knowledge and Understanding: Student’s use of sources and context
  • Critical Thinking: Interpretation and evaluation of evidence, creative and logical thinking, synthesis into original argument
  • Presentation: Quality of essay, grammar, clarity, organization, referencing.

It is essential to understand the criteria in order to write an effective EE in Film Studies. It is also important to recognize that these criteria are holistic and should be applied together when assessing the EE. A student may have a well-structured essay with clear arguments, but lack critical thinking. Alternatively, the student may write a very imaginative and intriguing narrative, but fail to include sufficient evidence from a range of sources.

By understanding the criteria for grading an Extended Essay in Film Studies, a student can ensure that their essay meets all expectations for the highest possible grade.

Real-World Examples of Successful Extended Essays in Film Studies

Most students are intimidated at the thought of completing an extended essay in film studies. It can seem daunting to try and come up with an original topic and research it for hundreds of words. Fortunately, the internet provides a wealth of inspiration for potential topics. Real-world examples of successful extended essays can provide students with insights into successful techniques and approaches to writing an extended essay.

These real-world examples also provide insight into topics that have been researched before. Students can understand different angles and approaches that were taken when completing extended essays in film studies. Here are some specific examples of successful extended essays in film studies that can provide inspiration and guidance when writing an extended essay:

  • “An examination of the concept of ‘home’ in horror films”
  • “Analysis of the representation of women in classic Hollywood musicals”
  • “Exploring techniques used in avant-garde cinema in the 1960s”
  • “A comparison between classic and modern film noir”
  • “How did the French New Wave influence modern film-making”
  • “Investigation into genre theory as applied to science fiction films”

These examples demonstrate how an extended essay in film studies can cover a range of topics and can be written from various starting points. From these examples, students should be able to understand how to approach their own extended essay and how to break down their topic into manageable sections. This can help students create an effective structure for their extended essay in film studies.

In-depth Look at Three Potential Extended Essay Topics Related to Film Studies (450 Words)

Writing an extended essay on a topic related to film studies can be quite an undertaking. It requires finding an interesting topic, researching and analyzing it in depth, and presenting the findings in a clear and concise manner. To help get you started, here are three potential topics for an extended essay in film studies.

The Impact of Technology on Cinematography

Technology has had a tremendous impact on the art of filmmaking in recent years. From the rise of digital cameras to the advent of CGI, filmmakers have far more options than ever before. For this extended essay, you could explore the various ways technology has changed the way we create films, and discuss the implications of these changes on the art of cinematography.

Film as a Reflection of Society

Films often provide valuable insight into the times they were created in, reflecting the values and attitudes of the culture they come from. This extended essay could focus on how certain films have portrayed society at the time of their release, and how these portrayals have shaped our understanding of history and culture today.

Gender Representation in Film

Gender roles and stereotypes continue to be present in much of popular culture, including film. This extended essay could explore how gender is represented in films and what impact these representations have on our understanding of gender roles. You could also discuss how the representation of gender roles has evolved over time, and any potential implications of current trends.

By looking at these three potential extended essay topics related to film studies, you can start to get an idea of how to approach your own essay. With the right amount of research and analysis of the issue, you can create a strong essay that discusses an important aspect of film studies.

When it comes to writing your Extended Essay in Film Studies, the approach and writing process can seem like an intimidating task. But with some careful preparation and planning, you can make the whole process manageable.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when tackling an Extended Essay. It’s important to start by selecting a topic that you’re genuinely interested in. This will make the research and writing process much more enjoyable. Also, make sure your topic is manageable within the prescribed word limit and timeframe.

Before you start writing, it’s essential to break down the essay into manageable tasks. Create a timeline and allocate tasks into it, such as doing research, writing the main body, creating a bibliography, and proofreading. This will help you stay on track and make the overall process far simpler.

It’s also essential to create a research plan. Make sure you note down any sources you use and use effective search terms to find relevant material. Aim to include a variety of sources – such as books, journals, websites, and interviews – to present an effective and unbiased arguement. Once you’re ready to start writing, it’s best to create an outline of the essay structure. Start by writing short notes for each point you want to make, then put them in order to create an overall framework for the essay. This will make it easier to write fluently and maintain the correct flow when you construct the essay.

When it comes to the main body paragraphs, think about the purpose of each one and make sure to aim for clarity in your explanations and arguments. Always double check that you’re using the correct format and referencing style throughout the essay. And don’t forget to proofread your work before submission. Doing so will save you time and stress, and help ensure that you get the mark you’re aiming for! Following these steps will ensure that you approach your Extended Essay on Film Studies in the right way. Good luck!

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Formatting and Citing an Extended Essay in Film Studies

Writing an extended essay can be an overwhelming task, especially when it comes to formatting and citing sources accurately. In order to help make sure your work is as high-quality and polished as possible, here are a few guidelines for formatting and citing an extended essay in Film Studies.


When it comes to formatting an extended essay in Film Studies, clarity and readability are key. Most essays should follow the same basic structure—an introduction, followed by several body paragraphs that build on each other, and a conclusion. Make sure all of your sentences are structured properly, using correct grammar and spelling. Additionally, keep your essay organized by adding headings and subheadings, creating visual breaks within your text.

Citing Sources

In any academic writing project, it’s important to ensure that you are properly attributing your sources, both in-text and at the end of your essay. When citing sources, use the author-date system to provide parenthetical citations within the text of your essay (e.g., (Smith, 2020)). These citations should include the author’s last name and the year the source was published. At the end of your essay, include a list of sources in alphabetical order, providing full bibliographical information for each source. Additionally, be sure to verify the accuracy and formatting of all citations prior to submitting your essay.

Following these guidelines for formatting and citing an extended essay in Film Studies will help you create a professional, polished paper that you can be proud of. Keeping these tips in mind while writing your essay will help ensure that your work meets academic standards, and it will make it easier for readers to understand and appreciate your ideas.

Evaluation Methods For Film Studies Extended Essays

Evaluating an Extended Essay in Film Studies requires a set of criteria to grade the essay. Every school, college or university has a different set of evaluation criteria – either specified by the institution or based on previous practice. Therefore, it is important to understand the evaluation criteria before you start writing your essay.

Most institutions use a combination of the following evaluation methods:

  • Content: This refers to the accuracy, clarity, and soundness of arguments in the essay. It also considers the evidence used and how this is used to support the argument.
  • Structure: This evaluates the logical organisation of the essay, which should have an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Originality: This refers to the contribution that the student has made to their chosen field of study.
  • Language: This looks at the quality of language used in the essay. This includes fluency, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other aspects of language use.

Evaluators may also consider other factors such as adherence to deadlines, style and formatting, as well as the student’s ability to think critically and go beyond the textbook.

Understanding these criteria will help ensure that you are able to create an effective essay that meets the required standard.

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Finding Resources for an Extended Essay in Film Studies

Research is a crucial part of writing any Extended Essay, and this is true for essays on Film Studies too. During your research process, you’ll need to find resources that will help you to explain and support your points. In this section, we will look at the types of resources you can use and provide some tips on where to find them.

Types of Resources

When writing an Extended Essay on Film Studies, it’s important to have a variety of resources to draw information from. This includes primary sources such as films, documentaries, interviews, and reviews. Secondary sources such as books, scholarly articles, and websites will also be useful in providing evidence and background information to support your essay.

Where to Find Resources

When researching for your Extended Essay, it’s important to think about where you are going to get your information from. You could visit your local or university library and find books related to the topic you are exploring. Many libraries offer online services, allowing you access to a large selection of books, magazines, and journals. Additionally, there are many websites that offer academic resources and databases to search for specific topics. Additionally, seeking out interviews with experts and watching related films or documentaries can help you to get the knowledge you need to write your essay.

Tips for Finding Resources

  • Take advantage of library resources such as interlibrary loans.
  • Look for reviews and criticisms of films related to your topic.
  • Start your search as early as possible. Don’t wait until the last minute.
  • Find a good balance between primary and secondary sources.
  • Be sure to note the sources you’ve used and cite them correctly.

Finding the right resources is essential for completing a successful Extended Essay in Film Studies. Whether you are going the library or using online resources, it’s important to keep track of your sources and make sure to use only reliable and accurate information. This will ensure that your essay is well researched and supports your points and arguments.


Writing an Extended Essay in Film Studies can be quite challenging. The goal of this guide is to help you understand what is required of you as you embark on this difficult task. After reading this guide, you should have a better understanding of how to research and write an Extended Essay, how to format and cite your essay, and how to evaluate the success of your essay. You should also have a few ideas for potential topics you can use for your own essay.

In this guide we discussed what an Extended Essay is, the common topics for an essay in Film Studies, and the requirements for writing an Extended Essay. We explored what research and evidence collection is needed for a successful Extended Essay and looked at real-world examples of successful Extended Essays. We looked at three potential topics related to Film Studies, and discussed tips for tackling an Extended Essay topic and writing process. We also covered guidelines for formatting and citing your essay, different evaluation methods, and resources for finding additional information.

Having a clear outline written down ahead of time will ensure that your research and writing process becomes much easier. Taking the time to do proper research and verifying all evidence used in your essay is key to writing a successful Extended Essay in Film Studies. Good luck!

Picture of Valerie Green

Valerie Green

Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.

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