Global Politics Extended Essay Topics

Global Politics Extended Essay Topics

If you’re an IB student of global politics and you’re looking to write an extended essay, then you may be struggling with finding the right topic to explore. The topic you choose can make a huge difference to your research and your final grade, so it’s important to choose one that you’re interested in and that you have the skills to research thoroughly. In this article, we’ll provide you with a list of potential topics and outlines to help you get started.

Global Politics Extended Essay Topics

How to Choose a Global Politics Extended Essay Topic?

When it comes to selecting a topic for your extended essay, the possibilities can seem overwhelming. However, there are a few key factors to keep in mind that can help you narrow down your options and choose a topic that is both manageable and interesting.

One of the most important considerations when selecting a topic is the availability of relevant sources. Your topic needs to be researchable, and you need to have access to enough resources to support your arguments and conclusions. Be sure to conduct some preliminary research on your topic to ensure that there is enough information available to support a well-rounded extended essay.

Another factor to consider is the scope of your topic. It’s important to choose a topic that is not too broad or too narrow. A topic that is too broad can be overwhelming, making it difficult to cover all the necessary material in your essay, while a topic that is too narrow may not have enough substance to provide a comprehensive analysis. To find the right balance, consider the specific focus of your topic and how it relates to the larger field of global politics.

In addition to ensuring that your topic is researchable and appropriately scoped, it’s also essential to choose a topic that interests you. Writing an extended essay is a time-consuming and challenging process, so selecting a topic that you’re passionate about can help keep you motivated throughout the process. If you’re unsure of what interests you, try brainstorming a list of potential topics and conducting preliminary research to determine which topics spark your curiosity.

Finally, it’s important to consider the potential for originality in your topic. Your extended essay should add something new and insightful to the existing research on your topic, rather than simply repeating what has already been said. To achieve this, consider exploring an under-researched aspect of a well-established topic or taking a unique perspective on a current issue in global politics.

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List of Potential Global Politics Extended Essay Topics

If you’re still feeling unsure about which topic to choose for your Global Politics extended essay, we’ve compiled a list of potential topics to help get you started. Each of these topics has the potential to be both interesting and informative, but it’s up to you to conduct further research and refine the scope of your essay.

  1. The role of international organizations in global governance: International organizations such as the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund play a crucial role in promoting global governance. You could explore the effectiveness of these organizations in facilitating cooperation and coordination between states and analyze the limitations and challenges that they face in promoting global governance.
  2. The impact of the United Nations Security Council on global conflict resolution: The United Nations Security Council has the primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security. You could investigate the extent to which the Security Council has been effective in resolving conflicts and preventing the escalation of violence in various regions of the world.
  3. The relationship between globalization and nationalism: The rise of globalization has often been seen as a threat to national sovereignty and has given rise to nationalist movements in many countries. You could examine the tensions between globalization and nationalism and the potential implications for the future of global politics.
  4. The impact of economic sanctions on state behavior: Economic sanctions are a common tool used by states to influence the behavior of other states. You could explore the effectiveness of economic sanctions in promoting desirable state behavior and the potential unintended consequences of such measures.
  5. The impact of climate change on global politics: Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing the global community, and it has significant implications for global politics. You could analyze the ways in which climate change is reshaping the global political landscape and explore potential policy solutions to address this issue.
  6. The role of international law in regulating the use of force: International law plays a critical role in regulating the use of force in global politics. You could investigate the effectiveness of international law in preventing conflicts and analyze the challenges associated with enforcing international legal norms.
  7. The rise of China and its impact on the global order: China’s rapid economic growth and increasing global influence have significant implications for the global political landscape. You could explore the rise of China and its impact on the global order, including potential changes to the balance of power and the potential for conflict between China and other major powers.
  8. The role of gender in global politics: Gender is an important factor in global politics, influencing the way that states interact with one another and the policies that they adopt. You could investigate the role of gender in global politics, including the representation of women in politics and the impact of gender on issues such as conflict resolution and human rights.
  9. The impact of social media on political activism: Social media has revolutionized the way that people engage with politics, allowing for greater participation and activism. You could explore the impact of social media on political activism in the 21st century and analyze the potential benefits and challenges associated with the use of social media in political contexts.
  10. The impact of globalization on human rights: Globalization has brought about significant economic and social changes that have implications for human rights. You could investigate the impact of globalization on human rights, including the potential for globalization to either promote or undermine human rights around the world.
  11. The influence of regional trade agreements on global politics: Analyze how regional trade agreements such as NAFTA, the EU, and ASEAN impact global political dynamics and state sovereignty.
  12. The effectiveness of international human rights organizations: Explore the role of organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch in promoting human rights and holding states accountable for violations.
  13. The politics of international migration: Examine how international migration affects relations between states, including issues related to refugees, economic migrants, and national security.
  14. The role of diplomacy in conflict resolution: Investigate the effectiveness of diplomatic efforts in resolving international conflicts, with case studies of successful and failed diplomatic interventions.
  15. The impact of cyber warfare on global security: Analyze the rise of cyber warfare and its implications for international security and state sovereignty.
  16. The influence of multinational corporations on global politics: Explore how multinational corporations shape global political agendas and their impact on state policies and international relations.
  17. The role of non-state actors in global governance: Investigate the influence of non-state actors, such as NGOs and transnational advocacy networks, in shaping global governance and policy-making.
  18. The politics of international development aid: Examine the effectiveness of international development aid in promoting economic growth and reducing poverty, and analyze the political motivations behind aid distribution.
  19. The impact of nuclear proliferation on global security: Analyze the challenges associated with nuclear proliferation and the effectiveness of international efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.
  20. The role of international criminal courts in promoting justice: Explore the effectiveness of institutions like the International Criminal Court in holding individuals accountable for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
  21. The impact of populism on international relations: Investigate how the rise of populist movements in various countries affects international relations and global cooperation.
  22. The influence of cultural diplomacy in global politics: Examine the role of cultural diplomacy in fostering international understanding and cooperation, with case studies of successful cultural diplomacy initiatives.
  23. The politics of climate justice: Explore the concept of climate justice and the role of international policies in addressing the unequal impacts of climate change on different countries and communities.
  24. The impact of regional conflicts on global stability: Analyze how regional conflicts, such as those in the Middle East and Africa, affect global stability and international relations.
  25. The role of international organizations in promoting global health: Investigate the effectiveness of organizations like the World Health Organization in addressing global health challenges and promoting international cooperation in health policy.
  26. The influence of media on global politics: Explore how global media shapes public opinion and political agendas, and analyze the role of media in international conflicts and diplomacy.
  27. The politics of international trade disputes: Examine the mechanisms for resolving international trade disputes and their effectiveness in promoting fair and equitable trade practices.
  28. The impact of economic inequality on global politics: Analyze the implications of global economic inequality for international relations and the stability of the global political order.
  29. The role of international environmental agreements: Investigate the effectiveness of international environmental agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, in addressing global environmental challenges.
  30. The influence of religious movements on global politics: Explore the impact of religious movements on international relations and state policies, with case studies of influential religious groups.
  31. The politics of humanitarian intervention: Examine the justifications for and consequences of humanitarian interventions in various conflicts and crises around the world.
  32. The impact of international sanctions on human rights: Analyze how international sanctions affect human rights in targeted countries and the ethical considerations involved in imposing sanctions.
  33. The role of regional organizations in conflict prevention: Investigate the effectiveness of regional organizations, such as the African Union and the Organization of American States, in preventing and resolving conflicts.
  34. The influence of global financial institutions on state sovereignty: Explore how institutions like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank impact state sovereignty and domestic policies.
  35. The politics of cybersecurity governance: Analyze the challenges and opportunities associated with developing international norms and regulations for cybersecurity.
  36. The impact of international education programs on global politics: Examine how international education programs, such as Erasmus and Fulbright, influence international relations and cultural exchange.
  37. The role of international law in protecting the rights of indigenous peoples: Investigate the effectiveness of international legal frameworks in protecting the rights of indigenous peoples and promoting their participation in global governance.
  38. The influence of diasporas on global politics: Explore how diasporas shape international relations and domestic policies in both their home and host countries.
  39. The politics of global food security: Analyze the challenges associated with ensuring global food security and the role of international organizations in addressing food crises.
  40. The impact of global health crises on international relations: Examine how global health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, affect international relations and global cooperation.

Remember, these are just a few examples of the many potential topics that you could explore in your Global Politics extended essay. Choose a topic that you find interesting and that you’re passionate about, and don’t be afraid to explore a unique perspective or under-researched aspect of a well-established topic. Good luck with your research!

If you’re looking for expert guidance, this comprehensive guide on how to write a global politics extended essay will help you.


In conclusion, choosing a strong topic is essential to the success of your Global Politics extended essay. A well-chosen topic will help you to stay engaged and motivated throughout the research and writing process and will also provide you with the opportunity to make a unique and insightful contribution to the existing research in the field.

When selecting a topic, remember to consider the availability of relevant sources, the scope of your topic, your personal interests, and the potential for originality. By taking these factors into account, you can select a topic that will provide you with a fulfilling and rewarding research experience.

Once you have chosen your topic, it’s important to stay organized and focused throughout the research and writing process. Be sure to set a realistic timeline for your work and break your essay down into smaller, manageable tasks. Don’t forget to keep careful notes of your sources and to always properly cite your work to avoid plagiarism.

Remember that writing an extended essay is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s important to pace yourself, take breaks when you need them, and stay in close communication with your advisor throughout the process. If you’re struggling with a particular aspect of your essay, don’t be afraid to reach out for help or to seek out additional resources to guide you.

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Finally, remember that your extended essay is an opportunity for you to explore a topic that you’re passionate about and to make a unique contribution to the field of Global Politics. While the process can be challenging, it can also be incredibly rewarding and can set you up for future success in academic and professional contexts.

Picture of Valerie Green

Valerie Green

Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.

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