Law Extended Essay Topics and Tips

Law Extended Essay Topics

Extended essays are an important part of the educational journey. A well-structured extended essay can help to expand knowledge and demonstrate technical writing skills, allowing students to stand out from the competition. An extended essay combines two or more topics and requires a comprehensive research process. It is particularly useful for exploring interdisciplinary topics, such as combining law and other subjects.

Law extended essays aim to explore a specific legal topic in greater depth. This allows students to better understand the legal concepts involved, as well as the applicable laws and regulations. Furthermore, it can provide an understanding of how the law interacts with other subjects, such as economics, philosophy, and politics.

The research process for a law extended essay is both challenging and rewarding. It involves deep thinking and critical analysis, but if done correctly, can yield a fantastic product that could potentially be used in policy-making decisions or published in academia. With the right guidance and effort, a law extended essay can be the building block for a future career in law.

Law Extended Essay Topics and Tips

Overview of Law Extended Essay Topics Available

An extended essay is an in-depth academic paper, usually written for university. They typically range from 4,000 to 10,000 words and are a great opportunity for students to demonstrate their writing and research skills. Law extended essays are no different and there is an abundance of topics available for exploration.

Law extended essays come in many categories, such as criminal law, international law, tort law, human rights law, and constitutional law. Once you decide on a general category, you can then narrow down to subtopics. Some examples of subtopics include: the legal implications of genetically modified foods, the internet’s impact on copyright laws, the development and implementation of marriage equality laws, or the effects of domestic violence legislation.

It is important to remember that your choice of topic must be interesting and relevant to the subject, while still being achievable within the confines of the essay. Additionally, you must consider the scope of the topic, conducting research and ensuring there is enough material available to write an in-depth essay.

When deciding on a topic, it can also be helpful to look at successful examples of past students’ extended essays on similar topics. This can provide insight into how to structure the essay and organise the research, as well as provide inspiration for terms of content. Asking past students, teachers, or mentors for advice and feedback is another great way to get started.

Comparing Different Types of Law Extended Essays

When researching law extended essay topics, it is essential to understand the various types of essays you may encounter. There are four main types of essays: argumentative, expository, persuasive and analytical. Knowing the differences between these essay types can help you decide which type of essay will best suit your topic.

An argumentative essay is an essay in which you present your own opinion on the issue. You must provide evidence to support your argument, as well as refute opposing opinions.

An expository essay has the purpose of informing readers about a topic. It requires you to explain the topic in detail and present facts and evidence to convince the reader of your point of view.

A persuasive essay is similar to an argumentative essay, but is more focused on delivering an emotional appeal to convince your reader. You should write this essay in a passionate and engaging way, using language that will engage the reader.

Finally, an analytical essay focuses on examining, evaluating, and analyzing a particular topic. You should use facts and evidence to support your claims, and give an objective evaluation of the topic.

To best approach a law extended essay, it is important to consider what type of essay best suits your topic. Consider the type of essay and the evidence you can provide to back up your points. Doing so will help you create an effective and comprehensive essay.

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Pros and Cons of Writing an Extended Essay in Law

Writing an extended essay in law can be a challenge, but it can also be a rewarding experience. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this type of academic work, so it is important to consider both before beginning the process. Here, we will discuss some of the pros and cons of writing an extended essay in law.

The Pros

  • Exploring law-related topics in depth – Writing an extended essay in law allows students to explore a law-related topic in greater depth than they might in the classroom. It is an opportunity to learn more about legal principles, practice, and research in a way that can’t be achieved through textbooks alone.
  • Developing research and writing skills – Writing an extended essay in law can help students develop their research and writing skills. This includes learning how to conduct legal research, understanding how to craft persuasive arguments, and communicating complex ideas effectively.
  • Enhancing legal knowledge – Writing an extended essay in law provides an opportunity to enhance one’s legal knowledge. Students can familiarize themselves with different aspects of the law, such as constitutional law, criminal law, or international law.

The Cons

  • Time commitment – Writing an extended essay in law requires a significant amount of time. It is often necessary to spend hours researching and writing, as well as meeting with advisors and attending classes. All of this takes up valuable time that could be spent studying for exams or working on other tasks.
  • Potential for frustration – Writing an extended essay in law can be a frustrating experience. It is often necessary to spend a lot of time trying to identify a suitable topic, researching relevant information, and formatting the essay accurately.
  • Difficulty with language – Although English is the most widely spoken language in the world, not all laws are written in easily understandable language. This can make it difficult for students to comprehend legal documents or correctly cite sources used in their essay.

In conclusion, while there are pros and cons to writing an extended essay in law, it can ultimately be a rewarding experience. Those who decide to pursue this form of academic work should consider all aspects before beginning, including the potential time commitment and potential difficulty with language.

Effective Research Methods for Exploring Law Extended Essay Topics

Exploring law extended essay topics can be a challenging and rewarding endeavour. Before you start writing, you need to research the topic deeply and thoroughly. This will help you gain an in-depth understanding of the topic and ensure that your essay is backed up by evidence. Here are some effective research methods you can use:

  • Secondary Sources: These include books, journals, newspapers, and other written documents which provide insight into the topic. They can help you get a better understanding of the topic and provide useful facts, opinions, and arguments. Make sure to use reliable sources and cite them correctly.
  • Online Resources: The internet has a wealth of information on any topic you could think of. Use online resources to find statistical data, relevant news articles, and academic papers related to your topic.
  • Interviews and Surveys: Interviews and surveys can give you interesting insights into the topic and help you create an engaging essay. Make sure to conduct your interviews/surveys in a professional manner and cite appropriately.
  • Case Studies: These can be helpful when it comes to exploring law extended essay topics. You can use case studies to analyze real-life legal cases and draw conclusions from them. This can help you gain a better understanding of the topic and write a detailed essay.

Research is a crucial step in writing a successful law extended essay. The more thorough your research, the more effective your essay will be. Make sure to utilize these research methods to explore your law extended essay topic in depth.

How to Construct an Outline for a Law Extended Essay

Creating an outline for a law extended essay is one of the most important steps in putting together a winning paper. An effective outline will provide a roadmap for you to follow as you write, ensuring that your essay stays on track and includes all the necessary information. Here are some tips on how to create an outline for a law extended essay:

Step 1: Select Your Topic

Before you can begin to create your outline, you must first decide what topic your essay will cover. Think about a specific problem or issue in the law that interests you, then narrow it down into a single topic that you can address with your essay.

Step 2: Do Some Research

Once you have a topic chosen, start doing some research to learn more about it. Look at different sources, such as books, articles, and online sources, to get a better understanding of the issue. As you read, make a list of the relevant points or facts that you come across. This will help you determine the main points and arguments you want to make in your essay.

Step 3: Create an Outline

Now that you have conducted some research and know the main topics you want to discuss, you can begin to construct your outline. Start by listing out the main points you want to cover in your essay. Then, create sub-points that support each argument or main point. Include any relevant quotations or statistics that you come across in your research. Finally, add a conclusion section that summarizes the main points of your essay.

Step 4: Review and Revise

Once your outline is complete, take some time to review it and make sure it is organized and logically structured. Make sure that the points you have included are relevant to your topic and that the flow of ideas makes sense. If necessary, go back and revise sections to make sure that your essay is clear and concise.


Creating an outline for a law extended essay is essential for ensuring that your essay is well structured and on track. By following these steps, you can easily create an outline that covers all the necessary points and arguments in your essay. Taking the time to do this upfront will save you a lot of time and stress when it comes to writing the essay itself.

Useful Writing Strategies for Law Extended Essays

Writing an extended essay in law can be a daunting task, but if you have the right approach, it can be done. It’s important to stay organized and plan your writing. Here are some useful strategies to keep in mind while writing your law extended essay:

  • Plan Your Research Process: Before you start researching and writing, take some time to plan. Develop an outline for each section of the essay and make sure your research is focused on the topics that you want to discuss. Don’t forget to set a timeline for yourself that includes research, writing, editing, and proofreading.
  • Break Up Your Writing: Don’t be overwhelmed by the thought of writing an entire extended essay. Instead, break up your essay into smaller parts and focus on completing one section at a time. By breaking up the essay into manageable pieces, you can better track your progress and make changes more easily.
  • Be Critical: As you write, don’t be afraid to challenge and question the materials you are reading. When working on a law extended essay, you should always be looking for ways to make your argument stronger or to provide additional evidence for your points. This will help you develop a strong, well-rounded essay.
  • Keep Your Writing Clear: When writing a law extended essay, make sure to use clear and concise language. This will help ensure that your ideas are understood by the reader. Avoid using overly complicated words and long sentences and focus on using language that is straightforward and easy to understand.
  • Work With an Editor: Once you’ve finished your essay, it’s important to have a second pair of eyes look at your work. An editor can help you catch any mistakes that you may have missed and suggest improvements that can strengthen your writing. This can be especially helpful if you are having trouble completing your essay on time.

Taking the time to plan and use effective writing strategies can help you complete your law extended essay with confidence. Remember to stay organized, be critical of your research, and keep your writing clear. By following these tips, you can be sure that your essay is the best it can be.

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Examples of Good VS Bad Law Extended Essays

Writing an extended essay on law is a challenging task. It requires extensive research, and you must be able to structure your essay in a convincing and logical way. To help you understand what makes a good or bad law extended essay, we’ve prepared some examples for you!

Good Law Extended Essay Examples:

  • A comparison of different aspects of civil and criminal law.
  • How the knowledge of law contributes to the development of society.
  • The impact of controversial court cases on law today.
  • A breakdown of common legal procedures and why they are necessary.

These are just a few examples of law extended essays that could potentially work out well. The main thing to keep in mind here is that the content should be relevant, researched thoroughly and presented in a logical, easy-to-follow format.

Bad Law Extended Essay Examples:

  • An opinion piece about why one type of law is better than another.
  • An essay about the legal details surrounding a current hot-topic.
  • A list of possible future laws that should be implemented.
  • A paper about the moral implications of a certain law case.

The topics mentioned above are all interesting and can lead to great discussions, but law essays should remain factual and not stray too far into opinion territory. Additionally, you should avoid discussing laws that have not been passed yet since they may have already changed by the time your essay is due.

Citing and Referencing for Law Extended Essays

When writing a law extended essay, it’s important to make sure all your quotes, references and citations are correct. This will show that you have done your research and back up your arguments in the essay. Correctly citing sources adds credibility to your essay and helps to support your claims.

When citing a source in your essay, use an in-text citation or footnote to directly reference the source of the information. In most cases, this should include the name of the author, year of publication, and the page number. For example:

  • According to Smith (2019, p. 5), “The law is a powerful tool to promote justice and equity.”
  • It has been noted that “the law can be used to protect vulnerable and marginalized people” (Smith, 2019, p. 8).

When you have quoted or referenced an entire source, it should be listed on the reference list at the end of the document. Most universities require you to use a specific format such as APA, Harvard or MLA when referencing your sources. Every source should be listed alphabetically and include the author’s name, year of publication, title of the work, and the exact URL or other publication details. For example:

  • Smith, J. (2019). The Power of Law. ABC Publishers.

Using proper referencing and citation is important when writing your law extended essay. Not only does it make your essay look more professional, but it shows that you have done your research correctly and can back up any claims with evidence. Make sure to double-check your references before submitting your essay to avoid any mistakes.

Getting Help With Law Extended Essays

Writing an extended essay can be a daunting task, but it can also be rewarding and even fun! One way to ensure that you successfully complete your extended essay is to get help from experienced individuals who can provide guidance and support.

When writing an extended essay on the topic of law, the best place to begin is with your school. Most schools have academic advisors who can provide assistance in selecting a topic and creating an outline for your essay. These advisors can also suggest resources, such as books or online resources, that provide more in-depth information on the topics that interest you. Additionally, they can provide advice on writing a good quality essay.

You may also consider seeking out an experienced tutor who specializes in law extended essays. A tutor can give you one-on-one assistance in understanding the legal concepts relevant to your essay topic and how to effectively apply them to your essay. They can also help you review and refine your thesis, organize your ideas and structure your essay, and offer helpful tips to improve the quality of your writing.

Alternatively, there are online sources to turn to for assistance in completing law extended essays. For example, the website Law Coursework Help provides professional writing services, including editing and proofreading, to help students write successful law extended essays. Additionally, there are numerous forums and websites dedicated to law extended essay topics, providing resources and peer support to help writers overcome any difficulties they may encounter when writing their law extended essay.

Finally, there are professional writers who specialise in extended essay writing. While it may be costly, hiring a professional writer can be an invaluable resource for students struggling to get started or complete their essay.

Finding help for writing a law extended essay doesn’t have to be difficult. With the right resources, guidance, and support, you can successfully write an informative and well-written essay that meets all of your goals.

By the way, if you’re looking for a clear guide on how to approach your Philosophy Extended Essay, this article outlines the essential steps to success.

Conclusion: Summary of Main Points

Writing a law extended essay can be quite a challenge, but it can also be incredibly rewarding if done correctly. By now, you have a great understanding of the topics available and how to choose one, the different types of extended essays, their pros and cons, effective research methods, how to construct an outline, useful writing strategies, examples of good and bad extended essays, tips on citing and referencing, and sources of help.

These core elements guide you through the entire process of writing a law extended essay from start to finish. They provide you with comprehensive knowledge and skills so that you can set yourself up for success. Remember, there is no single answer to questions about law extended essay topics; your essay should represent your own thoughts and opinions.

In conclusion, a law extended essay is a great opportunity to demonstrate your problem-solving skills and show your mastery of the legal field. With this guide, you can confidently write a successful and impactful extended essay that will make a lasting impression on your readers.

References and Additional Resources

When writing a law extended essay, it is important to use reliable sources of information and accurately cite your sources to avoid plagiarism. After you have written your law extended essay, the references and additional resources section should list all the sources that you have used in the essay. You should also include any websites, books, articles, or other materials that may be useful for further research on the topic.

If you are citing a book, you should provide the name of the author, title of the book, year of publication, publisher, and page numbers. If you are citing an article, you should provide the title, author, journal name, volume, issue, page numbers, publication date, and URL (if available). For websites, you should include the name of the website, author, publication date (if available), and URL.

You can find many online citation generators that can help you create correct citations for your sources. It is important to double-check the accuracy of the citations to avoid mistakes. In addition to listing your sources, you should also include a few helpful websites, books, articles, or other materials related to your topic.

Finally, if you need more help with your law extended essay, there are many online resources available. You can find online tutorials, webinars, and forums related to extended essays in Law. There are also numerous online tutors and consultants that offer services to students who are writing law extended essays.

Picture of Valerie Green

Valerie Green

Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.

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