How to Write an English B Extended Essay?

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Writing an English B Extended Essay involves lots of fun and challenging things. In my view, it’s one of the best ways to show how well you know English while learning about world and cultural problems.

Being someone who has written several IB English B essays, I know how important it is to plan how to do this. So, what can you do to make your English B Extended Essay stand out?

What Is an English B Extended Essay?

To begin, we’ll look at the basics. The IB English B Extended Essay is a research-based paper that lets you look into an English-related subject: language, society, or social problems. This essay isn’t just a chance to show off your language skills, in my opinion. It’s also a chance to look into how language shapes our world and how we connect with it.

Working with other IB students has taught me that one of the hardest things is choosing a topic that fits well with the IB English B curriculum. You can write about anything from learning a language to analyzing media.

The key is to find a theme that interests you and meets IB standards and Extended Essay rubric criteria. You must pick a topic that lets you think critically about the English language, like literature, global problems, or even ads and media.

You might want to write about one of these popular topics:

  • Language and identity. How does language affect who we are as people or as a culture?
  • Representation in the media. How does the media use words to show different groups or cultures?
  • English as a global language. How does English affect people who don’t speak it as their first language in a specific place or community?
  • Effects of culture on English. In what ways has English changed because of or been changed by other cultures?

Making a list of possible topics can help you come up with ideas and choose something that interests you. When you write about something you care about, it’s always easy.

Also, it’s important to remember that the IB English B Extended Essay isn’t just a school assignment; it’s a chance to show how well you can think critically. IB rules say that your essay should show that you have done much research and understand how to use the language.

How to Find Suitable English B Extended Essay Topics?

The most important thing you can do before writing your essay is to choose a good topic. According to IB rules, your idea must fit with the language and culture parts of the English B course. In other words, it should show how language is used and linked to cultural, political, or social problems.

english b extended essay

Understand the Language and Cultural Focus

English B isn’t just about learning rules and words; it’s also about getting to know the society that accompanies the language.

A good topic will show how language and its surroundings affect each other. You could, for instance, look into how the media presents different racial or national groups or how language affects who we are.

Brainstorm Ideas for Your Topic

There are many great ways to generate ideas when you don’t know where to begin. Think about what interests you about countries that speak English.

You could look at a specific movie or book and discuss how it relates to English in a non-English speaking place. It will be easy to write the essay if you are interested in the subject.

Narrow Down Your Research Question

It’s time to turn your broad thought into a specific research question. In my experience, a good essay starts with a clear and to-the-point question. What about a more specific question?

Instead of asking, “How has English affected global business?” you could ask, “How has the use of English in advertising affected the way people in non-English speaking countries behave?” Being this detailed will help you handle your essay better.

What Is the Structure of English B Extended Essay?

Now that you’ve selected your topic, the next step is structuring your essay. A well-organized essay will improve readability and help you stay focused on your argument within the strict word count.

Introduction Section

A good introduction should include your research question, the length of your study, and a summary of the sources you will be using. For instance, if you talk about the part of English in pop culture, you should list the movies, books, or media sites you’ll be looking at.

Develop the Body of the Essay

You’ll research in the body of your English B Extended Essay. From what I’ve seen, it’s better to split your EE body section into parts based on your main points. You could begin by giving some background information, then look at specific examples, and finally talk about how your results fit into a bigger picture.

To keep the flow of your essay going, make sure that the transitions between parts are smooth.

Conclusion Section

Summarize your main points in the EE conclusion, and link everything to your research question. I also think this is an excellent spot to think about the things your research doesn’t cover and suggest places where more research should be done. However, make sure that your conclusion also solves the question you started with.

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Writing Tips for a High-Scoring English B Extended Essay

IB examiners look for well-written papers that make sense and don’t have any grammar mistakes. Even if you have a great case, your grade will suffer if your writing is confusing or your thinking isn’t sound. So, when you write, ensure clarity and order are at the top of your mind.

Primary and Secondary Sources

I’ve seen that a good essay uses primary and secondary sources. Interviews, surveys, or original records are examples of primary sources. Books, research papers, and online pieces are examples of secondary sources. If you’re writing about language and identity, for instance, you might talk to people from different cultures and read pieces about language theory.

Not every source is the same, so check each one’s trustworthiness. Some things you can trust more than others are scholarly studies and blog posts. I believe that the best way to make a case with much support is to use peer-reviewed magazines and trustworthy books.

Language and Tone

I think it’s essential for an English B Extended Essay to have the right tone. This isn’t a creative writing prompt, but it shouldn’t sound like a dry academic paper. Your tone should be serious but friendly.

In general, IB rules say that writing should show that you have a good grasp of English while still being easy to read. If you want to write in an academic style, you should stay away from slang and language that sounds too casual. That being said, your essay should still be simple and easy to understand.

Words that help you connect ideas are beneficial for this. Use words and phrases like “therefore,” “however,” “in addition,” and “on the other hand” to help your reader follow the flow of your essay. From what I’ve seen, essays that use these changes will tend to feel more planned and put together, which keeps the reader interested throughout the paper.

Avoid Plagiarism

You should be careful not to plagiarize in IB because it is a severe offense. I know from experience how easy it is to forget to cite something when writing quickly, but this can lead to big problems. The best way to avoid copying is to be careful when taking notes and citing sources from the start. If you quote or paraphrase someone, properly credit the source.

To help you keep on track, here’s a quick list:

  • Always give credit. You must cite as soon as you use someone else’s thought, word, or number.
  • Use quotation marks. When you quote straight from a source, you should use quotation marks.
  • Correct paraphrasing. If you’re not precisely quoting, put the idea into your own words but still give credit to the source.
  • Recheck your work. Before submitting your essay, read it to ensure all sources are correctly mentioned.

I believe that an essay with proper citations keeps you from plagiarizing and shows how much research you’ve done. It also shows the reviewer that you can think critically about different sources and what they want to see.

Use Evidence to Support Your Argument

You should back up every point you make with solid proof. From my observation, your essay will be better if you base your argument on well-researched proof. Evidence could be quotes from a book, poll data, or research piece analysis. It depends on what you are writing about. Every point you make should be backed up by solid proof, no matter where it comes from.

I think an English B Extended Essay with much research will always stand out to IB examiners. That means you understand the subject and have gone beyond the surface level of knowledge. Don’t just add quotes for the sake of it; make sure each proof has something to do with your main point.

To sum up, if you want to write a good English B Extended Essay, you need to plan it well, be very good at using words, and know how to use proof well.

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Valerie Green

Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.

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