English B Extended Essay Topics

English B Extended Essay Topics

Are you wondering how to come up with the perfect topic for your English B Extended Essay? You’ve come to the right place! We’re here to help you develop a topic that’s both interesting and appropriate for your Extended Essay. This guide will explain the purpose of the guide, what you can expect to learn, the benefits of choosing a good topic, and provide an overview of the main body sections.

Throughout this guide, you will learn techniques on how to choose the right topic, conduct research, write an outline, create a well-structured essay, revise and edit, and finally have an essay worth showing off. We will also discuss some of the common mistakes to avoid, and provide helpful resources to support your learning.

You will benefit from this guide by having an easier time picking and studying your extended essay topic. With the help of this guide, you will be more knowledgeable and equipped to start writing a great and successful essay.

So let’s get started! In this guide, we will cover the following topics:

  • Top 10 Ideas for English B Extended Essay Topics
  • Advice for Choosing an Extended Essay Topic
  • Analyzing Sources
  • Doing Research
  • Writing the Outline
  • Writing the Essay
  • Revising the Essay
  • Dealing With Stress
  • Common Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
  • Further Resources
  • Conclusion
English B Extended Essay Topics

Top 10 Ideas for English B Extended Essay Topics

Are you looking for some great ideas for your English B Extended Essay Topics? You’re in luck! We’ve compiled a list of 10 potential topics to help get you started. Here they are:

  • How has literature evolved over the last century?
  • The impact of language on the development of a culture.
  • The influence of books on modern society.
  • The influence of Shakespearean plays on our current culture.
  • The impact of technology on our current language use.
  • The differences between spoken and written English.
  • Exploring the power of figurative language in literature.
  • A comparison between the way people use language in different cultures.
  • The development of new literary forms.
  • A study of past and present narrative styles.

These topics will give you a good starting point for your research and writing. But, don’t limit yourself to this list. There is a wide range of possibilities when it comes to English B Extended Essays. Think outside the box and explore more obscure topics!

Remember that choosing the perfect topic for your extended essay is a very important step. Make sure to take the time to carefully consider all of your options. Good luck!

Advice for Choosing an Extended Essay Topic

Choosing the right topic for your English B Extended Essay can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some key considerations and advice you should take into account when trying to pick a topic.

  • Pick Something You’re Interested In: Picking a topic that you are passionate about will help you write a better essay and make the process much more enjoyable.
  • Be Realistic: Make sure the topic is not too broad. It should be something that you can research and answer in 4,000 words.
  • Start Early: Begin researching and brainstorming ideas as soon as possible so you have enough time to decide on a topic and complete the essay.
  • Get Feedback: Ask your teacher, fellow students or family members for feedback to ensure your essay is up to the required standard.
  • Do Your Research: Ensure you look into both online and offline sources, such as books and magazines, to get accurate and reliable information.
  • Be Unique: Choose a topic that has not been explored extensively in order to make your essay more interesting and original.

By following the above advice, you will be able to choose an Extended Essay topic that will be perfect for you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek out help if you need it.

Analyzing Sources

When researching for your English B Extended Essay, it’s important to make sure that you understand how to analyze sources. After all, not everything that you read or watch is going to be a good source of information for your project.

To help you pick out the best sources for your essay, let’s look at the key factors to consider when analyzing a potential source.

1. Is the Source from a Reputable Source?

You should always start by checking who the author or producer of the source is. Are they an expert in the subject? Do they come with any credentials? Are they a reliable source of information? These are all questions you should ask yourself to make sure the source is trustworthy.

2. Is the Information Up-to-Date?

When reading a book or article, check the date it was published or revised. This can tell you a lot about the accuracy of the information. The same applies for watching videos – make sure to check when the video was released. If it’s very old, the information may no longer be applicable.

3. Is the Source Relevant to Your Essay?

Make sure to read through the source thoroughly to determine if it’s relevant. Even if the information checks out and is accurate, it may not be useful to your essay. Read through the material and evaluate whether or not it will actually benefit your project.

4. Is the Source Clear?

If the source contains too much jargon or difficult vocabulary, then it might not be useful to your essay. Although you might learn something, it may not be easy enough to understand to include in your project. Try to find clear, succinct sources that deliver their point without too much complexity.


Analyzing sources for your Extended Essay is a critical step in the research process. As long as you take the time to double-check the information and ensure it is from a reputable, up-to-date, clear, and relevant source, then you can confidently use that source in your essay. Take your time and do your research!

Doing Research

When you’re writing a longer essay, like an English B extended essay, it’s important to make sure your facts are backed up by reliable sources. To do this, you need to conduct research both online and offline.

Researching online is an easy way to get started. Use search engines like Google or Bing to find sources that are relevant to your topic. Once you have found some sources, evaluate them: look for authors who are experts on the subject, sources that are from reliable websites, and cross-reference information to make sure it is valid.

Offline research is also important. Your school library is a great place to start. Scan through books, newspapers, and magazines that relate to your topic. If you’re having trouble finding sources, ask your librarian for help. You can also visit local archives, museums, and other places of historical significance to gain more insight into your topic.

It’s important that you use a variety of sources for your research. Combining online and offline research will give you a more comprehensive understanding of your topic, plus more facts and information to draw from for your essay. While doing research might seem tedious, it’s essential to ensure your essay is well-supported with accurate, up-to-date facts.

Writing the Outline

Creating an outline for your Extended Essay is a crucial step in the writing process. It will help you organize your thoughts and ideas, so you can create a clear, concise and well-crafted essay. Here’s how to get started.

Step 1: Brainstorm Key Ideas

Start by brainstorming the key ideas and topics related to your essay. Take some time here to jot down any ideas that come to mind. Don’t worry about perfect spelling or grammar – this is just for your own reference and can change later.

Step 2: Identify Your Argument

Think through the main argument of your essay. What is the point you are trying to make? Once you have identified your argument, write this at the top of your page. This will give you an idea of what to focus on when crafting your outline.

Step 3: Organize Your Ideas Into Sections

Now, take the ideas you brainstormed earlier and organize them into sections. If a particular idea doesn’t fit within the major argument of your essay, discard it. You may even find yourself combining two or more of your ideas to form a cohesive section. Make sure each section logically flows from the one before it.

Step 4: Create Your Outline

With your ideas organized into sections, it’s time to turn them into a formal outline. Start with the section that contains your thesis statement and label each section with a number, letter, or symbol. Then, list out the subsections and any relevant subpoints within each section. Finally, look at the connections between the sections and add transitions if necessary.

Step 5: Review & Adjust

Take a few minutes to review your outline and make any necessary adjustments. Ask yourself: Does each section connect logically? Are there ways I can make this outline more detailed or easier to understand? You may also want to consult your professor or adviser for feedback.


Crafting an outline for your Extended Essay is the best way to ensure you have a strong essay that meets all the criteria set by the IB. Follow these five steps and you’ll be on your way to creating a comprehensive outline that will help you start your essay off with confidence. You can also boost your IB score with expert tips found in our article on writing a Literature EE.

Writing the Essay

Once you have chosen an Extended Essay topic and researched it thoroughly, you can begin writing your essay. Writing a great Extended Essay can be a daunting task, so it’s important to follow a few steps that will help you stay on the right track.

The first step is to create an outline. This outline should include all the main points you want to make in your essay, and help you keep your arguments organized and easy to find. This outline can then be used as the basis for writing your essay.

Before you start writing, be sure to reread your research. This will help ensure you don’t miss any important information or facts you should include in your essay. Additionally, taking notes on each source can help remind you where the facts are located, and how to use them in your paper.

Once you have a good grasp on your research and outline, you can begin writing. Start by introducing the topic, and then move on to stating your thesis or main argument. From there, use the outline as a guide to build and support your arguments, while providing evidence from your research. Be sure to use strong and clear language, and back up every point you make with evidence and facts.

Finally, once you have written your essay, it’s time to go back and revise. Look for any areas that need to be further clarified or supported with additional evidence. Additionally, make sure the paper follows the IB criteria and guidelines. If you feel like you need additional help at any point, don’t be afraid to reach out to a friend, colleague, or teacher for assistance.

By following these simple steps, you can write an effective Extended Essay that covers all the important points and meets the IB criteria. Good luck!

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Revising the Essay

Once you’ve finished writing the essay, it’s important to go back and make sure that it meets all the criteria set by the IB and looks professional. As you revise, focus on any areas where you need to add more detail or information, as well as any areas that need clarification. Make sure every sentence has a purpose and supports your main argument. Check for spelling and grammar mistakes, and make sure the essay flows logically.

It’s also important to make sure that your essay is formatted correctly. Check that all titles and headings are in the correct font and size, and that all paragraphs are indented properly. You should also check the language and tone of the essay – make sure it is consistent throughout and does not contain any slang or colloquialisms.

If you have any quotes, be sure to check that you’ve cited them correctly according to the required style. It’s also a good idea to thoroughly proofread the essay before submitting it, to ensure that there are no typos or other minor errors. Finally, make sure you’ve included an up-to-date bibliography at the end of the essay.

If possible, it’s always a good idea to get someone else to read over the essay once you’ve completed the revision process. They may spot something that you missed, and can provide valuable feedback on any areas where you can improve the essay. With some careful revision and attention to detail, you can make sure that your Extended Essay meets the criteria set by the IB and looks professional.

Dealing with Stress

Dealing with stress is a normal part of life, especially when tackling a big project like your Extended Essay. It’s important to remember to take care of yourself and manage the stress that comes along with it. Here are some techniques you can use to help you reduce stress during the extended essay process:

  • Take Regular Breaks: Make sure to take regular breaks to give yourself a break from thinking about your essay. Go for a walk, read a book, or simply just relax. Taking breaks will make the process more enjoyable and manageable.
  • Practice Self-Care: Engage in activities that bring you joy, such as playing sports, writing in a journal, or listening to music. Doing something you enjoy can help take your mind off the essay and make you feel more relaxed.
  • Talk to Someone: It can be helpful to talk to someone else about what you’re going through. Whether it’s a family member, friend, or teacher, talking to someone can help relieve some of the stress you are feeling.
  • Set Short Term Goals: Break down your essay into shorter, achievable goals. This helps make the process more manageable and reduces stress.
  • Stay Positive: Having a positive attitude can go a long way in helping you manage your stress levels. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of your essay, try to focus on the positive ones.

It’s normal to feel stressed when working on your Extended Essay, but with the right techniques, you can reduce the amount of stress you are feeling. Remember to take breaks, practice self-care, talk to someone, set short-term goals, and stay positive so that you can better manage the stress of completing your essay.

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Common Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Writing an Extended Essay can be a daunting task. It requires a lot of hard work and effort, so it’s important to be aware of the common mistakes students make when writing these essays.

One of the most common mistakes students make is not doing enough research. It is essential to thoroughly research any topic you choose in order to ensure the essay is accurate and well-rounded. Be sure to look at multiple sources of information as well, not just one.

Another common mistake is not having an organized structure for the essay. Without a clear plan and layout, the essay can easily become disjointed and difficult to read. Make sure to craft an outline that clearly states the main points and ideas.

Another big mistake is using incorrect or outdated sources. It’s important to make sure all the sources you use are of a high quality, and have come from reliable sources.

Another common mistake is not allowing enough time to write and revise the essay. Although it can seem like there’s plenty of time to write, it’s easy to underestimate how long the entire process can take. Make sure to leave yourself enough time to adequately prepare, write, and revise your essay.

Finally, overusing quotes is a mistake some students make. While quotes can be useful, they should not be relied on too heavily. Remember to use your own words whenever possible and to always analyze the quotes you do use.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can make sure your Extended Essay is as strong as it can be. Take the time to research and review your essay, and it will be sure to impress!

Further Resources for English B Extended Essay Topics

As you start to plan out your English B Extended Essay, it is important to know the resources available to help you. Below is a list of great resources you can use to find the best topic and write an amazing essay.

  • IB Extended Essay Guide: This is the official guide from the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) that outlines the criteria for the extended essay and provides guidance as you work through the project.
  • Academic Databases: Many online databases offer access to scholarly journals and other resources. You can search these to look for topics and find scientific or research-based information for your essay.
  • Tutors: Asking a tutor or mentor to review drafts of your essay can be especially helpful. They can provide insight and feedback on ways to improve your essay and make sure it meets the standards set by the IBO.
  • English Books: Looking at classic books written in the English language can give you great ideas for an extended essay. Analyzing works from long-time authors can help you uncover trends and find unique topics that you may not have thought of initially.
  • Study Groups: Connecting with other people who are writing their own extended essays can be beneficial. You can exchange ideas and even read each other’s papers to get feedback and constructive criticism.
  • Teachers and Librarians: These professionals can be a great source of knowledge and guidance. Check with your teacher or librarian for assistance when trying to brainstorm topics or find resources.

By exploring these different resources, you can gain a better understanding of the extended essay process and how to choose the right topic. With the right resources, your essay will be off to a great start.


Congratulations! You have come to the end of your guide to explore English B Extended Essay topics. Throughout this guide, we have looked at topics you can choose from, ways to evaluate sources, the importance of research, advice for writing your essay, and more.

Now that you have a better understanding, it’s time to start planning and writing your Extended Essay. Remember, the most important part is to choose a topic you are passionate about. This meaningfully contributes to the overall quality of the essay and allows you to express yourself in a way that doesn’t feel like a chore.

Additionally, take the time to do your research and double-check that you are following the guidelines provided by the IB. Finally, don’t forget to ask for help when you need it and use the resources provided to help you stay organized and on top of revising the essay.

We hope this guide has inspired you to find the perfect topic for your Extended Essay and to start exploring potential ideas. Good luck with your essay and have fun along the way!

Picture of Valerie Green

Valerie Green

Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.

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