How Can You Craft a Compelling Conclusion for Your IB Extended Essay?

How Can You Craft a Compelling Conclusion for Your IB Extended Essay?

As an IB teacher with much experience, I’ve seen many students struggle to write the perfect conclusion for their Extended Essays. From what I’ve seen, this part is a strong way to show how vital your study was and make an impact on the reader that will last. Here, I’ll show you what you need to know to write an effective IB Extended Essay conclusion, ensuring that all your hard work pays off in the last line.

What Is the Purpose of Your Extended Essay Conclusion?

I believe that the conclusion of your Extended Essay is fundamental because it brings together all of your results and shows how well you understand the subject. It shouldn’t just restate what has been said but add something new by incorporating the study findings and showing how the theory has changed over time. From what I know, a strong conclusion also leaves room for more thought, showing how the question could grow beyond the present study.

As an experienced IB writer, I’ve seen that a well-written conclusion can make the whole essay better by meeting several goals:

  • Rethink the thesis again. It supports the main idea by asking you to consider how the facts and analysis have changed your thinking from the EE introduction part.
  • Put together the main points. In the conclusion, the main points from each chapter or part of the essay are brought together and connected to the main argument. It gives the reader a sense of the overall picture.
  • Encourage more research. A reasonable conclusion will often point out areas that need more research, such as open questions or new paths that came up during the writing process.
  • Thoughts on the research. It gives you a chance to think back on your studies and talk about the problems you ran into, how you solved them, or how they still bother you.
  • Leave a lasting impression. Lastly, the conclusion will make the reader remember the study topic by stressing its importance and relevance.

The conclusion serves as a finish that gives your Extended Essay its final, polished shape. IB guidelines say that the main difference between a good and a great Extended Essay is usually the conclusion, which interacts with the research methods and process while offering lessons for the future. Writing a well-thought-out conclusion that handles these points affects how well your reader understands and enjoys your work.

ee conclusion

How to Structure Your Extended Essay Conclusion?

When you write your IB Extended Essay conclusion, remember that it’s the last thing your reader will hear. It should sum up your research and why it’s important so the reader has a good idea of the worth and importance of your study. I think you should see it as a chance to leave an educational mark that will last.

Start Strong

It’s important to start with a strong sentence — your last chance to grab their attention. You could begin by summarizing the essay’s goals and results to ensure a smooth flow from the body to the conclusion. A perfect beginning is crucial because it sets the reader up for a conclusion that does more than just summarize the essay; it improves it. This strategy makes it possible to understand and value your research more deeply.

Write Down the Main Points

Next, make sure you quickly go over your essay’s main points. IB rules say that this summary should support, not just restate, the critical analyses you made in your essay. Draw attention to how each point helps us understand your thesis in a bigger picture. As an EE supervisor in the past, I suggest you use this part of the conclusion to “tie together” your points and show how they work together to support your main point. It’s about showing the reader how your work fits together and how each part makes the whole.

Repeat the Thesis

As I’ve seen, rephrasing your thesis in light of the evidence strengthens the idea that your original position has changed. This repetition should show how deep and wide your study is and how your view has grown. It’s a chance to show what you set out to prove and how your results of data analysis have helped you understand things better or more broadly. This part of the conclusion shows the reviewer that you completely understand the subject you looked into.

Implications and Thoughts

Finally, talking about what your results mean for other people opens up new lines of study and shows that your work is essential in the field. From what I’ve seen, this completes your essay and makes you think critically about what you could study. You must explain how your study adds to what is already known and what new questions it raises. This thought-provoking piece gives your conclusion more substance and places your work in a more extensive intellectual conversation.

And What About Extended Essay Conclusion Word Count?

Finding the right length is crucial when writing the conclusion of your Extended Essay. The conclusion should usually make up about 10% of the whole text. If your essay is 4,000 words long, your conclusion should be no more than 400 words long. It will help you stay brief but still get your point across. This rule allows the essay to remain proportional by giving you enough room to briefly recap and think about the points without giving the reader too much information.

As an IB teacher with a lot of experience, I’ve learned that sticking to this ratio keeps your conclusion on track and shows care for the reader’s time and attention. It’s about finding the right mix between giving a complete outline and leaving room for comments that make you think. If your essay is short, like 3,000 words, then a conclusion of about 300 words should be enough to cover the main points.

Also, the word count isn’t just about getting the number of words in — it’s about making those words matter. Each line in your conclusion should help people understand it better or have a more considerable effect on them. Work on improving your words to be full of meaning, clear, and easy to understand. This method will help you make the most of the words you have, making sure that each one emphasizes how important your study is.

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Practical Tips for Writing a Powerful EE Conclusion

To make your conclusion more powerful, follow these valuable tips. They help your conclusion do its best part but will also make your whole Extended Essay more remembered and important.

Using Phrases That Link Ideas

Using transitional words like “therefore,” “thus,” and “consequently” is a great way to make sure that your ideas move smoothly from one to the next. You can use these sentences to keep the flow in the conclusion and give your last words a polished look. By using these connections well, you can connect the different parts of your essay and lead the reader through your thought process to the conclusion. Also, transitions like “in conclusion,” “to summarize,” or “ultimately” let the reader know that the talk is over and get ready for a final judgment.

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What to Include and What to Avoid

Include a clear overview of your data collection results and their meaning in your conclusion. This review should clarify the main points and stress their importance, reiterating to the reader what the essay is about and why it’s crucial. Don’t add new information or claims at odds with each other because it could confuse the reader. Be clear and consistent, and ensure that your conclusion fits with the topic and tone of your essay. Also, try not to use too many clichés or generalizations. Instead, aim for a thoughtful, complex, and unique conclusion to your subject.

Making your Conclusion Better

You could improve your conclusion by returning to the beginning or using a quote that fits your main idea. This method can give you a satisfying ending by making you feel like you’ve come full circle. Think about what your study means in a bigger-picture way. For example, think about how it will affect the field, future research, or real-life use. It gives your conclusion more meaning and shows that you understand the subject well enough to be an adult.

What Are the Common Mistakes in Writing Conclusion for EE?

As an experienced IB writer who has helped many students, I’ve seen a few mistakes students make when writing the conclusion to their Extended Essays. I believe that knowing these mistakes is just as important as knowing what to write in your essay because the end significantly impacts how people see your whole work. Here are some common mistakes you should not make:

  • Information that is repeated. Merely echoing the text of your essay without adding new ideas or value.
  • Bringing you new ideas. Adding new details or points that weren’t talked about in the body part of the writing.
  • Lack of a thesis restatement. Not rephrasing your theory clearly in light of the evidence you’ve given is a big mistake.
  • Too broadly stating. Not backing up your broad comments with the details of your analysis.
  • Ignoring the implications. Either not talking about your results or not suggesting areas for more study.

IB guidelines say that a reasonable conclusion should successfully capture the core of your research while demonstrating the depth of your analysis. From what I’ve seen, students often struggle to balance summarizing and reflecting on their writing. This problem can result in a conclusion that feels unnecessary or unrelated to the essay.

Final Words

Remember that the conclusion is your last chance to impress and convince your reader. Whether you’re writing an essay on history, science, literature, or something else, this is the final part of your paper. Make it unique and thought-provoking, and most importantly, mention your research. If you choose the right words and use them correctly, your conclusion will make sense and have a clear purpose.

Our team of skilled IB writers is dedicated to helping students like you deal with these problems. Feel free to contact us if you need help writing your Extended Essay or just want some extra tips to ensure your conclusion stands out.

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