How to Write an Economics Extended Essay?

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It might seem complicated to write an Economics Extended Essay at first, but if you do it the right way, it can be fun and a great way to learn. I think you need to know the rules and what is expected of you to do well.

What is an IB Economics Extended Essay?

For this in-depth Extended Essay, students can research any area of Economics they are interested in. This 4,000-word paper is your only chance to show how well you understand and can think things through. It’s about getting interested in and learning a lot about a subject.

There are several essential perks to writing an Extended Essay on Economics:

  • Improve your research skills. You will learn how to conduct thorough research, assess sources, and organize useful information.
  • Gain more real-life knowledge. You can understand how economic ideas work in real life by studying theories and their uses.
  • Get better at analytical thinking. Developing and testing theories improves one’s ability to analyze data and reach smart conclusions.

One of the best things about the Economics EE is applying what I’ve learned in the classroom to real-life situations. This writing helps you connect what you’ve grasped in school about Economics to the real world, making the subject more accurate and valuable. Also, the skills you learn while working on your Economics EE will help you a lot in school and the workplace in the future.

Planning and writing the Economics Extended Essay will take around 40 hours. During this time, you will also get help from your school-based teacher. The result should be a clear and well-organized critical paper.

What Are the Components of an Economics Extended Essay?

To write a good Economics EE, you need to know its main components and IB grading criteria. As an experienced IB writer, I can tell you that breaking the essay into these essential parts makes writing easier and ensures that you cover everything that needs to be covered.

Your essay is built on the research question. It must be clear, concise, and easy to study. Your investigation and writing will stay on track if you have a straightforward research question. I think that spending a lot of time coming up with a clear and interesting research question is very important for the success of your whole essay.

You can get the reader’s attention in the introduction. You should give some background information, explain your topic, and clarify your research question. This part sets the tone for the rest of your essay, so make sure it’s interesting and useful.

In the body section of your Economics EE, you share your reasons, analysis, and proof. Every paragraph should discuss only one idea and back it up with facts and examples. From my experience, organizing the body correctly is essential for keeping your essay clear and logical.

Include the following things in your body to make sure it’s complete:

  • Theoretical framework. Talk about the economic ideas important to your research question.
  • Empirical evidence. Back up your claims with facts and real-life examples.
  • Analysis. Look at the facts critically and talk about what it means.

Your conclusion must summarize your results and their ramifications. Here, you should connect your essay’s key ideas and consider the research question. A great conclusion not only sums up your work but also makes a lasting impact on the reader.

In the references and appendices, you must include a list of all the sources you used and any extra information supporting your essay. Proper citation of sources is critical to avoid copying and give credit to the original writers. The IB says that your references and appendices should be complete and well-organized.

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Tips on Choosing a Topic for IB Economics Extended Essay

By choosing your topic carefully and breaking it down, you build a strong base for your Economics EE. From my own experience, the time you spend picking the right topic pays off in a big way in the quality of your final paper.

How to Find Your Area of Interest?

Choosing a topic you are interested in makes studying and writing more easy. When you’re interested in a subject, it comes through in the work you write and analyze. Economic strategies, market systems, and foreign trade are popular subjects.

You shouldn’t just stay in these places, though. Think about the parts of economics that interest you. You might be interested in what part technology plays in economic growth, the economy of healthcare, or the environment.

Getting your Topic More Specific

Limit your general area of interest to a particular research question that you can handle. This step is important because a clear topic ensures that your study stays on track and is doable.

You could, for example, discuss “the effect of tariffs on the automotive industry in a specific country” instead of the more general “international trade.” This level of detail allows you to research your topic and give a thorough analysis.

Here are some things to think about as you cut down your topic:

  • Don’t make your research question too broad or too narrow. It should be possible with the amount of time and words you have.
  • Check for enough sources and facts to back up your study. I’ve seen that getting useful info is very important for doing well in Economics EE.
  • Pick a subject related to current problems that give you a new perspective. Being unique can help your essay stand out.

A good topic keeps you interested and allows you to showcase your study and analysis skills.

Collecting Relevant Data for Economics Extended Essay

From my experience, primary data you gather through tests, interviews, polls, or notes is helpful because it is unique to your research question. However, getting it can take a long time and require careful planning and execution.

Secondary data, like articles from academic magazines, government papers, statistical databases, and market research studies, is often easier to find and can help you understand more about your topic. I’ve seen that using both primary and secondary data together usually leads to a more complete study.

You won’t need every information you find to answer your research question. From what I’ve seen, it’s essential to think carefully about how relevant each piece of info is:

  • See if it has direct relevance. Ensure the data directly answers your research question or supports your ideas.
  • Think about the situation. The data you use should help you see the bigger picture of your topic. Consider how each piece of information fits into your research as a whole.
  • Check how timely it is. The economy can change quickly. Check if your information is up-to-date enough to answer your research question.

Logically sort your information. Use spreadsheets when you collect data points and make notes on sources. Also, consider the correct statistics tools and economic models to look for patterns and trends in your data for the Economics Extended Essay. To conclude, you should always connect your results to your research question. From what I’ve seen, collecting facts in a well-organized way makes your essay better overall and more credible.

How to Plan and Structure Your Economics Extended Essay?

For the Economics Extended Essay, a detailed plan ensures that you cover all the main points and that your reasons make sense. I know that making a good plan at the beginning can save you a lot of time and work later on. It helps you see how your essay will be put together and finds any holes in your study or points early on.

When making your plan, don’t forget to include the introduction, body, and conclusion, which are the three main parts of your paper. Separate each part into subheadings and bullet points. For example, in the body of your essay, list your key points and the proof you will use to support them.

Managing your Time

Make a schedule for each part of the writing process, from studying to making the last changes. I’ve found that breaking the work into smaller, more doable jobs makes it easier to get through. IB guidelines say you should give yourself enough time for all parts of your essay, such as planning, researching, writing, and editing.

You might find this helpful schedule as you write your Economics Extended Essay:

  • Research phase. Set aside a certain number of days to do in-depth research and gather data. Follow this schedule to the letter.
  • Writing phase. Break up the writing into pieces that you can handle. Say you work on the opening for one day, the body for two days, and the conclusion for one day.
  • Revision phase. Give yourself a few days to review your essay again and improve it. It includes ensuring the writing flows, makes sense, uses correct language, and follows IB rules.

By following this schedule and time management strategies, you can ensure that each part of your essay receives the attention it needs. Staying on track will prevent stress at the last minute and guarantee a good Economics Extended Essay.

Besides that, remember to plan for breaks and time to think. An extended essay is not a race; it’s a run. I’ve seen that taking breaks helps you stay focused and prevent burnout. It also gives you time to think about your work and make necessary changes.

The Bottom Line

By following these tips and organizing your writing, you can compose a well-researched and thoughtful Extended Essay. Good luck, and have fun learning about the field of Economics! If you want a perfect paper done for you, all you have to do is contact our pros at

Valerie Green

Valerie Green

Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.

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