How to choose a research question for your IB extended essay

How to choose a research question for your IB extended essay

Choosing the right research question for your IB extended essay can be a challenging process. However, with the right approach, it can also be an opportunity to explore your academic interests and develop your research skills. In this article, we will outline practical steps to help you select a research question that is focused, manageable, and aligned with your interests and goals.

Research Question

Identify Your Research Interests

Identifying your research interests is the first step towards selecting a research question that you are passionate about. When you are passionate about your research question, you will be motivated to conduct in-depth research, which can lead to a successful extended essay. Here are some practical steps that you can take to identify your research interests:

  • Start with what you know: Think about the subjects or topics you have studied in school or read about in your free time. You may have developed a good understanding of some areas, which can help you narrow down your research interests. Consider the subjects that you have a natural inclination towards and the ones that you enjoy learning about the most. Reflect on the topics you have excelled in or enjoyed learning in the past, as they could be potential areas for research.
  • Brainstorm potential research areas: Take some time to brainstorm different areas of study that interest you. This can be a great way to generate new ideas and explore areas that you may not have considered before. Start by making a list of broad topics that interest you and try to break them down into smaller sub-topics. This can help you identify more specific areas of research that you may want to explore further.
  • Seek inspiration from personal experiences: Your personal experiences can be a valuable source of inspiration for your research question. Think about experiences that have shaped your perspective or sparked your curiosity. For example, if you have traveled to a different country, you may have developed an interest in its culture, history, or economy. You can use this interest as a starting point for your research question.
  • Keep up with current events: Reading current news articles or following trends in your field of interest can help you identify potential research topics. Pay attention to issues that are currently being debated or explored in your field. For example, if you are interested in environmental science, you can keep up with news about climate change or the impact of pollution on ecosystems. This can help you identify potential research questions that are relevant and timely.

Once you have identified potential research areas, it is essential to reflect on them and decide which areas you want to pursue further. Keep in mind that you will be spending a significant amount of time researching and writing about your research question. Therefore, it is important to choose a topic that you are passionate about and have a genuine interest in.

Don’t worry if you are unsure about your research interests at first. You can always refine your research question as you conduct further research and gain a deeper understanding of your field of study. Don’t be afraid to explore new areas and take risks. You may discover a new area of interest that you did not know existed before.

Narrow Down Your Focus

Narrowing down your focus is an essential step in selecting a research question for your IB extended essay. Once you have identified your research interests, it’s time to focus on a specific area of study. Here are some strategies to help you refine your topic:

  • Conduct preliminary research: Conducting preliminary research can help you refine your topic and identify gaps in the literature. This can be a valuable way to narrow your focus and identify a research question that is both interesting and manageable. Start by conducting a literature review on your broad topic to identify gaps in the literature. This can help you identify potential areas of research and refine your topic further.
  • Identify the scope of your research: Think about the scope of your research question. Is it too broad or too narrow? You want to make sure that your research question is focused enough to be manageable, but also broad enough to be interesting and meaningful. A research question that is too broad can make it challenging to conduct in-depth research, while a research question that is too narrow may not provide enough information to write a comprehensive extended essay. Aim to find a balance between a topic that is both focused and broad enough to write a quality essay.
  • Consider the resources available: Consider the resources available to you, such as your school library or online databases. This can help you identify a research question that is both interesting and feasible to research. Take some time to explore the available resources to see what topics have the most literature and data available. This can help you narrow down your focus and identify potential research questions that are supported by existing literature.

It’s important to note that the process of narrowing down your focus may involve multiple iterations. You may need to refine your research question several times before you arrive at a question that is both interesting and feasible to research. Be prepared to spend time conducting preliminary research and reflecting on your research interests.

In addition to the strategies mentioned above, you may also want to consider consulting with your teacher or supervisor. They can provide valuable feedback on your research question and suggest areas of improvement. Don’t hesitate to seek their advice and guidance throughout the process.

Formulate Your Research Question

Formulating your research question is the final step in selecting a research question for your IB extended essay. A good research question is the foundation of a successful extended essay, so it’s essential to get it right. Here are some components to consider when formulating your research question:

Clarity: Your research question should be clear and concise. This will help you stay focused and ensure that your research is on topic. A research question that is too broad or too narrow can lead to confusion and make it challenging to conduct in-depth research. A clear and concise research question will guide your research and ensure that you stay on track throughout the process.

Relevance: Your research question should be relevant to your field of study and aligned with your research interests. Choose a research question that is relevant to the course you are taking and aligned with your academic interests. Your research question should be meaningful and contribute to the knowledge of your field.

Manageability: Your research question should be manageable in terms of the scope of research required, the resources available, and the time frame. You want to make sure that you can complete your research and write a comprehensive extended essay within the given timeframe. Be realistic about the scope of your research question and the resources available to you.

Researchability: Your research question should be researchable, meaning that there is existing literature and data available to support your research. Make sure that you have access to relevant literature and data to support your research question. A research question that is not supported by existing literature and data may be challenging to research and may not be feasible to answer.

Here are some examples of research questions that meet the above criteria:

  • What are the impacts of social media on mental health in teenagers in the United States?
  • To what extent does the use of renewable energy reduce carbon emissions in developing countries?
  • How has the portrayal of the LGBTQ+ community in media evolved over the past decade?

When formulating your research question, it’s important to take your time and think carefully about your research interests, the scope of your research, and the resources available. Your research question will guide your research and ensure that you stay focused and on track throughout the process.

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Examples of research questions that are too broad, too narrow, and just right

Examples are a great way to understand the characteristics of a good research question. Here are some examples of research questions that are too broad, too narrow, and just right:

Too broad: What is the impact of globalization on the economy?

This research question is too broad and lacks focus. It covers a broad range of topics, including the impact of globalization on trade, investment, and economic growth. It’s challenging to answer such a broad research question within the scope of an extended essay. A broad research question can lead to confusion and make it difficult to stay focused.

Too narrow: What is the impact of globalization on the economy of China?

This research question is too narrow and limits the scope of research. It only covers the impact of globalization on the economy of China, which is only one country. Such a research question may limit the amount of data available and can make it challenging to draw meaningful conclusions.

Just right: What is the impact of globalization on the manufacturing sector in developing countries?

This research question is focused, manageable, and aligned with the research interests of the student. It covers a specific topic within a specific group of countries. The focus on the manufacturing sector narrows the scope of research and makes it more manageable. This research question is also relevant to the student’s interests and aligns with the course they are taking.

When selecting a research question, it’s important to strike a balance between a question that is too broad and a question that is too narrow. A research question that is too broad can make it challenging to conduct in-depth research, while a research question that is too narrow can limit the scope of research. A just-right research question is focused, manageable, and aligned with the research interests of the student.

As you can see, selecting the right research question can be a challenging but rewarding process. By identifying your research interests, narrowing down your focus, and formulating a clear and concise research question, you can create a meaningful and manageable research project that aligns with your academic interests and goals. Remember, choosing a research question for your IB extended essay is an opportunity to explore your academic interests, develop your research skills, and create a meaningful and manageable research project. With the right approach, you can choose a research question that will guide your writing and investigation and ultimately lead to a successful extended essay.


In conclusion, selecting a research question for your IB extended essay can be a challenging but rewarding process. By identifying your research interests, narrowing down your focus, and formulating a clear and concise research question, you can create a meaningful and manageable research project that aligns with your academic interests and goals.

When selecting a research question, it is important to approach the process with an open mind and a willingness to explore new ideas. Don’t be afraid to seek inspiration from personal experiences, current events, or academic sources. Conducting preliminary research can help you refine your topic and identify gaps in the literature, while considering the resources available can ensure that your research question is feasible to research.

A good research question should be clear, concise, relevant, manageable, and researchable. Examples of research questions that are too broad, too narrow, and just right can help guide you in formulating a research question that is both interesting and feasible to research.

Remember, selecting a research question for your IB extended essay is an opportunity to explore your academic interests, develop your research skills, and create a meaningful and manageable research project. With the right approach, you can choose a research question that will guide your writing and investigation and ultimately lead to a successful extended essay.

Picture of Valerie Green

Valerie Green

Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.

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