How to Pick an Interesting Topic for Your Extended Essay

Are you struggling with coming up with an interesting topic for your extended essay? Don’t worry – we’ve all been there. Choosing a great topic for your extended essay can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! It is within reach; you just have to know where to start looking and what characteristics make a good topic. Whether you are passionate about the environment, cultural studies, science, or any other subject – together, we will explore how to choose a great extended essay topic that not only interests you but also has the potential for research and inquiry. Ready to get started? Let’s do this!

Interesting topic for your EE

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Do your extended essay topic research

The best way to find a good extended essay topic is to do your research. Look for topics that are interesting to you and that you know something about. This can help narrow down the list of possibilities so that you don’t get stuck trying to come up with topics from scratch. 

Also, when researching potential topics, make sure to pay attention to any special instructions or guidelines given by your instructor. These may provide some useful direction on what kinds of topics are acceptable or appropriate for an extended essay.

Gather Relevant Sources

Start gathering relevant sources that will provide insight into your chosen subject matter. Be sure to use reliable sources such as books, scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines, and websites from respected organizations or institutions. 

You should also use primary sources such as interviews or surveys whenever possible, as these types of sources provide more accurate information than secondary sources like textbooks or encyclopedia entries. 

Analyze Your Sources

Now that you have gathered all of your sources, it’s time to analyze them carefully by asking yourself questions about the source material, such as: What is the author’s background? Is the source credible? How does this source relate to my thesis statement? By answering these questions about each source material you read, you can determine which information is valid and which is not applicable to your paper. 

Take Notes 

As you read through each source material and analyze it accordingly, be sure to take notes of any relevant information that could be useful for supporting your arguments in the body of your paper later on. Taking notes will help keep all of your information organized and easily accessible when writing up your rough draft later on down the line.

Be Specific when choosing your extended essay topic

When choosing an extended essay topic, it’s important to be as specific as possible. The more narrowly focused your topic is, the easier it will be for you to conduct research and write about it in detail. 

For example, rather than writing about “the history of art,” try narrowing down the focus even further by writing about “the rise of abstract art in the early 20th century”. This will make it easier for you to cover all aspects of your chosen topic without having too much material to sift through during your research process. 

Brainstorm Ideas for your extended essay

Once you have done some initial research and narrowed down potential topics, it’s time for brainstorming! Make a list of all the possible ideas that come to mind; no matter how far-fetched they may seem at first glance, jot them down! 

You never know which idea might spark an even better one later on or become the inspiration for an amazing extended essay topic. It also helps if you talk through your ideas with someone else—like friends or family—to get their input on what could make a great extended essay topic.  

Think About What You’re Passionate About 

Writing an extended essay is no small feat, so why not choose a topic that excites and energizes you? Whether it’s music theory or particle physics, pick something that truly interests you and use that passion as fuel for creating an engaging and well-researched paper. 

Not only will this make the process much more enjoyable for you as a writer, but it’ll also shine through in your final product—and who knows? Maybe even inspire someone else along the way!  

Create an Outline of your extended essay 

Once you have done your research, create an outline for your essay so that all of your ideas are organized in a logical way. This will help ensure that when it comes time to write your essay, everything flows together nicely without any gaps or inconsistencies between sections or paragraphs. 

Additionally, having an outline can help prevent writer’s block and make the actual writing process much easier and more efficient than if you were simply writing without one.  

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Start Writing your Extended Essay

Now that all of the groundwork has been laid out (choosing a topic, researching thoroughly, creating an outline), start actually writing your paper! 

Make sure that each paragraph flows into the next logically; try not to jump around too much or include too many disconnected points. 

Additionally, make sure all of the evidence included in each paragraph supports its main point; if there is any evidence or information that does not directly support the point being made in a particular section, then remove it or save it for another section where it would be more relevant. 

Last but most importantly—proofread! Typos are one of the quickest ways for someone reading your extended essay to lose interest, so make sure everything is spelled correctly and formatted properly before submitting it for review or sending it off with college applications! 

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Tips for submitting your Extended Essay

Double-Check Everything

Before submitting your extended essay, make sure to double-check everything! This includes the formatting, grammar, spelling, citations, and any other details included in the template. 

Be sure that all the appropriate sections are included in your paper and that they are arranged properly. It is also important to ensure that all of the sources used have been properly cited in accordance with the particular referencing style used by your institution (e.g., APA, MLA).  

Proofread Thoroughly

Another crucial step is proofreading your paper thoroughly before submitting it. Being meticulous is essential here as you want to make sure that there aren’t any errors or typos left in the final version of your paper. 

Additionally, proofreading can help you identify any potential areas for improvement so that you can edit them accordingly prior to submission.  

Submit your EE on time 

Finally, make sure that you submit your essay on time! Late submissions will not be accepted by most institutions, so make sure to keep track of all deadlines and adhere to them accordingly. 

Additionally, if there is an option for submitting an earlier draft or a revised version of your paper for feedback from professors or peers before the final submission date, this could be beneficial as it may give you some extra time to identify potential areas for improvement before the final deadline arrives! 


Brainstorming with a friend, family member, or teacher can help you solidify your ideas and pick an interesting topic for your extended essay. Remember to be specific and focus on what you’re passionate about—this will make the writing process much easier. 

If you’re having trouble getting started, try creating an outline of your main points. And finally, don’t forget to proofread everything before submitting it! By following these simple steps, you’ll be well on your way to picking an amazing topic for your extended essay.

Valerie Green

Valerie Green

Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.

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