What is Extended Essay RPPF and How to Write It?

Are you a high school student in the International Baccalaureate program? Then chances are you have probably heard of the Extended Essay Reflections on Planning and Progress Form, RPPF. But what exactly is it?

The RPPF is a document that students write during the process of researching and writing their Extended Essay, which is a substantial piece of work of about 4000 words. The RPPF is an essential part of the Extended Essay because it allows students to reflect on their planning and progress throughout the research and writing process. It also helps supervisors to provide feedback and assess the work done by students.

In other words, the RPPF is a record-keeping tool that students use to chronicle their progress and difficulties along the way as they research and write their extended essay. This information can be used to highlight achievements and also identify areas for improvement.

So why is it important? Firstly, writing an Extended Essay requires a significant commitment of time and energy, and the RPPF is an essential tool in understanding and guiding your progress. With such a comprehensive study, writing an essay can sometimes be overwhelming, making it easy to lose your way if there isn’t proper guidance. The RPPF acts as a guard-rail, helping you stay on-track as you explore new topics and narrow your insights.

Additionally, because the essay tends to be quite lengthy, there may be a worry-of-moving-along effect while writing it—this is where you spend too much of your time critical analysis and lose momentum on the written output. Formulas, ideas and drafting writing habits offered in the RPPF help handle this effect and completing the essay successfully.

In sum, think of the RPPF as your personal “GPS” navigating the unfamiliar terrain of a long and complex piece of work, so you stay on course from start to finish!

Now that we’ve introduced the concept of the Extended Essay RPPF let’s talk about its structure in more detail in the following sections.

What is Extended Essay RPPF

What are the Different Sections of an Extended Essay RPPF?

The Extended Essay RPPF consists of four main sections which are: introduction, supervisors’ comments, reflections on planning and progress, and conclusion. Each of these sections play a critical role in the overall formulation of the RPPF.


The introduction serves as a statement of purpose. It tackles the research question, presents hypotheses, explains the scope of the study, and offers an overview of the methodology. From the onset, the introduction sets the pace for the rest of the RPPF.

Supervisors’ Comments

This section entails feedback from your supervisor from each stage of their supervision. They scrutinize and provide constructive appraisal covering all sections of the essay including the one-off meeting at the end to finalize everything. Their input will play a critical role as you reflect on your work.

Reflections on Planning and Progress

This involves expressing what and how this situation has stretched someone. You will write dozens of reflections in this part of the RPPF. Reflections will include things such as identifying gaps in knowledge, brainstorming ideas they had thought of around methodology, suggestions received during one-on-one meetings with their teacher etc. Every detail counts when writing your reflections, because quality reflections will differentiate their RPPFs.


The conclusion summarizes the findings in short and what each Finding meant or contributes to understanding something. It should cut across key research objectives, outcomes, and suggestions with reference to future research.

Understanding each of the four sections of the RPPF gives a framework for the author to understand that their reflection and self-analysis can be rigorous and self-evaluating over this period of time.

How to structure the RPPF and what to include in each section.

To write an effective Extended Essay RPPF, it’s essential first to understand its structure. In this section, we’ll discuss the different sections of the RPPF and what to include in each.

The RPPF consists of four sections, i.e., the introduction, supervisor’s comments, reflections on planning and progress, and conclusion.

  1. Introduction: The Introduction lays out your topic, research question, and main hypotheses. You should include a clear and concise overview of the essay, its objectives, and its significance.
  2. Supervisory Comments: This section consists of supervisory comments that cover your written essay. It is imperative to pay close attention to this feedback as it prepares you for improvement in areas of potential trouble.
  3. Reflections on planning and progress: The critical thinking about the planning and work-in-progress towards the completion of the essay writing goes into this area. Make sure to document anything significant about the essay during this period of progress. It’s also vital to explain how these experiences shaped your position and affected your data or arguments.
  4. Conclusion: Remember to start this argument by coming back to your hypotheses and offering a summary context around your thesis. Before remembering your methodology, results, and discussion, emphasize their relevance

As for the length of each section, it should be 500 words, at most 3000 words, affecting the complexity of your treatment approach.

Ensure building several points in all four parts of the RPPF to hook the reader properly. This will translate into keeping on target and deliver insights fond within your field of knowledge being written formed. Whenever you’re writing your Extended Essay RPPF, make sure – to the online resources available to know the latest tips approved by international education institutions.

When writing your Extended Essay Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF), the introduction is the first thing the reader sees. It’s crucial to make a good first impression that grabs the reader’s attention and sets the tone for the rest of the essay.

To write a strong introduction, you should focus on humanizing your writing. Use simple language and an easy-to-follow structure, targeted toward a reading level of grade eight. This ensures that the reader can easily understand your points and follow along with your arguments.

Be sure to include relevant background information about the topic of your essay in your introduction. This will help contextualize your work and provide the reader with a sense of what to expect from your writing.

To further engage the reader, consider including an intriguing quote, anecdote, or provocative question in the introduction. This can spark curiosity and set the stage for further discussion.

It’s also important to highlight the significance of your topic and explain why it’s worthy of discussion. Don’t assume that the reader will automatically see this — instead, take the time to explain why your work matters and how it fits into the broader academic discourse.

Use subheadings and bullet points where appropriate to break up long paragraphs and make your content more visually appealing. A well-structured introduction can go a long way in keeping the reader engaged and invested in your work.

Lastly, to maximize the impact of your introduction, be sure to proofread for clarity and check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. These minute mistakes can detract from the professionalism and credibility of your work.

In summary, crafting a strong and effective introduction for your RPPF requires a clear understanding of your core message and target audience. Stay focused on humanizing your writing, allowing the reader to seamlessly join the conversation and understand the importance of your ideas. By following these tips, you can ensure that your RPPF introduction will capture the reader’s attention, set the stage for an engaging discussion, and uphold the professional standards required to achieve academic success.

Guidelines for summarizing the supervisors’ feedback and how it can be used to improve the essay.

Your supervisor is one of your most important resources when it comes to writing your extended essay. They can help you structure argumentation and provide ideas to leap forward creatively. In addition, they fill out a form called the Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF) to give individual feedback and guide suggestions for how you can improve your essay even further.

When you receive your RPPF from your supervisor, review it carefully. Pay attention to their comments and suggestions, as these can be very valuable in helping you make critical adjustments to your work . Consider composing a summary of the Feedback of upcoming priorities to assess and writing a response via email of your growth and learning. Here are some tips on how to summarize the feedback:

Start by grouping the feedback. Read through the whole RPPF document and identify comments pointing towards one particular point that reference a specific problem or weaknesses within your essay. By standardizing and categorizing these sections properly, it will be less demanding to address its resolution.

  • Maintain an open mindset; constructive feedback can be incorporated only potential areas of possible improvement or information that otherwise creative benefit the essay. Commendations are equally essential so take care not to overlook them unwittingly, because encouragement does wonder for morale.

  • Take advantage of positive input; supervisors will highlight things that are going quite well through multiple channels such as content correctness or efficient evidence selection and usage. As long as it is relevant to the thesis concisely formalize the recognition like a note high-quality related aspects trustworthiness that gives excellent value and will propone coherence from square one.

  • Situate phrases positively; To make it less demanding to accentuate your areas for personal and cooperative accomplishment, differentiate experience in minutes. Create shifts so that you concentrate on situation triumphs accompanied by consultation and remarks supporting further growth direction. Stage-related breakups have roughly linear improvisational value in congruing improved learning across your odyssey.

  • Put revisions plan in motion; Check the recommendations carefully after fully comprehending the evaluations made to determine if actual changes are needed, be practical and discourse intricate patterns that emerge more significantly. Present your thoughts to others who can add suggestions and confirm the edited version’s precision.

This is how you effectively summarize and utilize the feedback provided by your supervisor to help you enhance your extended essay.

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Writing Reflections on Planning and Progress

When it comes to writing thoughtful and insightful reflections on planning and progress, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, be specific. Don’t just say “I did some research” or “I made some progress.” Instead, give examples of the sources you consulted or the steps you took to move forward.

Secondly, be honest. If you encountered any roadblocks or challenges along the way, don’t be afraid to discuss them. This will show that you understand the complexity of the task and have thought critically about your approach.

Thirdly, think critically. Analyze what you learned from each stage – both successes and failures – and how they can play into the bigger picture of your essay. You would also want to note down how covered certain sub-topics going by your initial outline.

Fourthly, look back and have a clear trajectory. When you come to the conclusion stages, reflect on the decisions you made earlier, identify if they turned out well, and detail why you decided in that direction rather than another. The conclusion builds upon the rest of the work and especially so the reflections on progress, ensure to assess if you managed to write something which is synchronised with your research process so far.

Lastly, use reflective prompts, these are set-out instruments where students can choose the options which represent their somewhat equal experiences and activities and analyse them according to given pattern. Quite simply put, make notes under headings like: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities surmounted, staying on course, deadline adherence, process improvement, goal realignment, the strategic result, evaluation (how can you improve).

Overall, when composing the reflections of your RPPF, do not forget that you as the writer are one of the principal audience members; take time extracting benefits out of the self-proof of developing a thinking mind with competence moments analyzed big or small, failures or successes alike. This exploration tool is an opportunity to prepare you for university and when applied will accord quality progress reviews that you and your body of work fully deserve – the personal as equals to academic growth.

The Importance of Including Evidence in Your RPPF

When writing the Reflections on Planning and Progress Form for your Extended Essay, it is crucial to include evidence that supports any claims or arguments you make. This not only shows the credibility of your work but also helps strengthen your essay overall.

Including supporting evidence can come in various forms, such as academic research, statistics, graphs, quotations, or even personal experience. No matter the form, it is essential to ensure that your evidence is reliable, relevant and fits appropriately within the context of your reflection.

Reliability is key when using evidence in your RPPF. It is important to use credible sources and valid data to support your points. Inaccurate information can damage your credibility and undermine the effectiveness of your argument.

Likewise, relevance must be considered when selecting evidence to strengthen your claims. Careful consideration should be taken to ensure that your evidence is directly connected to your argument and not pulled from unrelated topics.

Another way to make your evidence stronger is by avoiding generalizations. Including specific examples can enhance your arguments, providing a more concrete, tangible and convincing aspect. These insights can speak volumes for how diligent and determined you are in your research and greatly impress those reading your RPPF.

Proving your points with adequate evidence can tremendously amplify your overall RPPF score, or grade, thereby bringing about marks. By backing up your reflections with precise and clear proof, you demonstrate critical thinking and showcase in-depth research skills.

It’s worth noting that going overboard with too many quotes, phrases, and stats are counter-intuitive. Around two evincing appreciations throughout any parts/chunks suffice and strengthens refutes better.

To sum it up, when including evidence in your RPPF, ensuring the credibility and relevance of extracted data. It’s important to use this approach proficiently without going out of bounds herein, detailing each of your claims and arguments to back every bit up compelling.

Language and communication in the RPPF

When writing the Reflections on Planning and Progress Form, it’s important to consider the language that you use – after all, this is how you communicate your thoughts and ideas with your supervisor!

But how do you ensure that you’re communicating effectively? Here are a few tips:

  • Be clear and concise in your writing. Avoid using unnecessarily complex language or obscure words. You want your writing to be easy to understand for anyone who reads it, so aim for a reading grade level of around eight.
  • Use active voice rather than passive voice. Active voice is more direct and engaging, while passive voice can be clunky and less clear. For example, “I performed the experiment and recorded the results” is more engaging and straightforward than “The experiment was performed and the results were recorded.”
  • Use transitional phrases to guide your reader through your thoughts. This includes phrases such as “therefore,” “however,” or “in conclusion.” These help to create flow and coherence in your writing.
  • Avoid colloquial language or slang. While it’s important to write in an approachable and conversational manner, you don’t want to sound unprofessional. Stick to standard English when writing your RPPF.

In addition to these tips, it’s also important to be mindful of your tone when writing your RPPF. While you want to present yourself as confident and knowledgeable, you also want to show humility and a willingness to learn.

Moreover, you should always provide clear evidence to support any claims made in the RPPF. This includes taking a critical approach to your reflections on planning and progress and breaking down the evidence collected in your essay. If possible, include quotes or examples from sources to support your points.

Remember to proofread and edit your RPPF thoroughly before submission. Keep an eye out for grammar and spelling mistakes to ensure that your writing is clear and easy to understand. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from your supervisor or peers to improve your writing further.

Overall, the language and communication in the RPPF are critical and should not be overlooked. A clear and concise writing practice will not only help you communicate your thoughts more effectively but also show that you hold yourself to the highest standards of professionalism.

Importance of keeping the word limitations and page formatting

While it may seem tedious, following the word limitations and page formatting guidelines is essential to effectively communicating your ideas in the Extended Essay RPPF. Teachers have a lot of work to do and when you follow the page formatting rules, such as double-spacing and use of legible fonts, your work becomes much easier for them to read. This puts you at an advantage as it helps your teacher focus on the content rather than becoming frustrated by elements that take away from the readability of the document.

Moreover, each section of the Reflections on Planning and Progress Form has strict word limits for a reason. Keeping within these words limits ensures that you are communicating your thoughts and ideas as concisely yet thoroughly as possible. Wordiness not only devalues what is easy to understand, but taking extensive amounts of time looking for the appropriate word or phrase affects productivity time. Use these guidelines to help you stay on point in your RPPF and will likely comply with set time-shortage demands as well.

The introduction must paint a clear picture of your topic. Remaining limited in your opening can keep your writing devoid of fluff while still conveying enough to keep your reader interested. Going over your wordcount, further will face difficulty to address the differing requirements impacting essay’s befit. In contrast, being concise in expressing yourself will save teacher’s effort in drilling down to understand intent. During supervisor feedback, students must digest important points to understand viewpoints towards improving the extended essay. Constraining yourself in the limits of the text helps you web ideas into planned sentences; staying on point makes points better understood ending up with more sensible adjustments during the whole feedback cycle of initiation, reflection and conclusion headings. It is crucial to also maintain an organized reference page which concisely provides complete information related to all sources used within the RPPF.

In conclusion, page formatting and word limitations make the extended essay document consistent, enhance its readability while communicating clear thoughts and ideas without wordiness or wasting temporal clues given on sections available within the designated limit. It may not seem important, but follow these guidelines for an effective RPPF and higher chances of obtaining a decent mark on your extended essay. Now let’s get to work on creating a focused piece on limited words.

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Best Practices for Proofreading and Grammar

One of the most important stages in your Extended Essay RPPF is ensuring that there are no errors. This involves checking your work for spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes. Below are some best practices that should be followed during this stage:

  • Take a break – It’s important to take a short break from your work before proofreading to clear your mind and come back with a fresh perspective. You may rephrase something differently and this allows you to catch missing information or errors.
  • Print it out – Print out a copy of your RPPF and read it out loud. This technique allows you to hear your work in its intended tone and style creating a mood for the entire paper.
  • Read slowly and carefully – Create a mental note which states that you’re the readers. In doing so you engage better than before.
  • Check for homophones – These are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Be sure that you don’t validate wrong or impede grammar by confusing these words e.g, “there” & “their.”
  • Use online tool for backup – There are many online tools and software available to help with Spell-checking, the use of proper acronyms and rectifying grammatical structure at one-stop-shop. Recheck your work thoroughly after with a manual proofreading session.

By implementing these practices gives an opportunity to focus on decreasing the probability of potential submitting any errors. Focus on making a strong impact on the impressment they leave by the quality of your work. Grammar errors lead to misinterpretations by your reader. A careful rereading that can stimulate your final thoughts of improvement, leading to discovering sepecific sections\passages, rectifying mistakes, upgrading enitences or tweaking content raising it all to whole different credentials added with proudstature., You will demonstrated how dedicated they are to providing essay a powerful paper.

The significance of using credible sources and providing proper citation in the RPPF

When writing an Extended Essay RPPF, it is crucial to use reliable sources of information. These can include academic articles, books, journals, and credible websites. By using credible sources, you ensure that your information is accurate and trustworthy, which enhances the credibility of your RPPF.

Additionally, ensuring proper citation in the RPPF is integral to acknowledging the sources used in creating the essay. If you fail to provide appropriate citations, it can result in accusations of plagiarism — even if you didn’t intentionally plagiarize.

To properly cite resources, there are different referencing styles such as MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago, etc. In the RPPF, you must follow the IB’s citation criteria, this will help your reader to locate the source of the information presented. This includes the author’s name, the title of the source, date and time of publication/the database where you found it, internet archive as well as relevant page numbers where necessary. All these information will depend on specifically with your reference style hence be attentive working with it.

Failing to use references someone’s work for academic use, is obviously not correct but also dishonourable; carefully reading through other people’s works could increase on an upside to knowing more about the related subject area as long as appropriate acknowledgement is structured in the RPPF. When quoting or paraphrasing a specific section or paragraph from a certain source, including the indication of page number or an exact reference point like a chapter in bold could make the statement more meaningful and original.

In conclusion, incorporating proper referencing is major in acquiring higher marks, indicating research skills, acknowledging relevant people that help support the arguments made and lessening accusations of copying another scholarly work.


Congrats! You’ve made it to the end of our guide on the Extended Essay RPPF. We covered a lot of ground in this post, so let’s quickly summarize the main points:

Firstly, we explained what the RPPF is and its purpose – it’s an important document that allows you to reflect on your essay planning and progress.

Secondly, we explored the various sections of the RPPF in detail, including the introduction, supervisor’s comments, reflections on planning and progress, and conclusion.

Next, we provided some helpful tips on structuring your RPPF, writing a great introduction, summarizing your supervisor’s feedback, writing thoughtful reflections, and using evidence to support your claims.

We also emphasized the importance of sticking to any word limits and formatting requirements, and paying attention to grammar and spelling.

Lastly, we highlighted the significance of using reliable sources and providing proper citations for any information used in your RPPF.

Writing your RPPF can be overwhelming, but don’t rush it. This document is critical to your overall Extended Essay assessment, don’t underestimate the work involved in creating it. In future, we will also cover the main points of EE and TOK with the matrix and how it works. So make sure to bookmark or save our website elsewere.

Take your time, follow the guidelines in this post, and use the tips provided. By the end of it all, you should have a thoughtful and well-written RPPF ready to submit.

Good luck with writing your Extended Essay RPPF!

Valerie Green

Valerie Green

Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.

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